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【全部】 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2016難度:(376~400)
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四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 Martial art has always been one of the major attractions of Asian culture to Americans. The Chinese martial arts came to the U.S. with Chinese immigrants in the 19th century. Thanks to Bruce Lee, one of the most famous martial artists/movie stars, Kung Fu films gained popularity among movie goers in the 70s. Lee helped put Chinese Kung Fu in not only his movies, but also in America’s cultural awareness. Since then, traditional fighting sports in Asia such as Kung Fu, karate, or judo have become familiar to people in the U.S. Before Bruce Lee, traditional martial arts from Asia were considered nothing more than well-planned stunts. Americans used to think that punching and kicking in the movies were moves that had been designed by martial art directors to make them seem convincing. In other words, they thought martial arts were like a series of difficult actions and moves put together for a show. Bruce Lee, together with his successful movies, totally changed the idea people in America had about martial arts. People at the time described an electric feeling when seeing Lee’s movies in the theaters, where anyone was enthusiastic about being a Kung Fu master themselves! Bruce Lee successfully aroused the Kong Fu Fever in the Americans. Even though Americans have always preferred wrestling and boxing, they grew more and more interested in martial arts and started to realize martial arts were good fighting sports as well. Bruce Lee may not be the first to introduce martial arts to the States, but he surely is one of the biggest reasons why there are still so many people learning martial arts everywhere in the States today.
【題組】78. According to the passage, which of the following fighting sports is NOT associated with Asia?
(A) martial arts
(B) boxing
(C) judo
(D) karate


17. I think she should ___ the presentation.
(A) enjoy
(B) enjoys
(C) enjoying
(D) enjoyed


59. I don’t know ________ I should do now.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) how
(D) whether


45. I ______ a shower when you called, so I couldn’t answer the phone.
(A) took
(B) have taken
(C) was taking
(D) had taken


20. If you want to take any of the language courses, then you need to_____by next Friday.
(A) equip
(B) demonstrate
(C) register
(D) rework 


1. Most parents are very proud of their children’s ______ .
(A) arrogance
(B) bitterness
(C) fulfillment
(D) accomplishment


7. Please do not sit on the grass. Thank you for your _____.
(A) floweriness
(B) kindness
(C) cooperation
(D) nutrition


16. Employers are required to treat male and female workers equally because _____ equality is a government policy in Taiwan.
(A) grinder
(B) gender
(C) agenda
(D) tender


26. The tourist center has a guided walk every Saturday morning. The self-guided tour booklet is also ______ on site.
(A) capable
(B) available
(C) unreliable
(D) dispensable


17. ________ razor-thin profit margins, running a successful restaurant can seem more like a magic than a money-making enterprise.
(A) Because
(B) Because of
(C) Because that
(D) Because with


22. “I was in the basement and there was no ___, so I couldn’t call you back.”
(A) data
(B) signal
(C) ring
(D) line


第36至40題為題組 The international Children’s Peace Prize is given to a single child every year. The prize is given to children that help other children. In 2012, the prize was given to Chris Valdez. He is a 13-year-old boy from the Philippines. Chris had to look in the garbage for things to eat when he was only 2 years old. He had no money, and nobody took care of him. When he was older, Chris started a group to teach kids how to stay clean and healthy. He wanted to show them that they have the power to change their lives.
【題組】 36. Which of the following is true about the peace prize?
(A) It is given to one child every year.
(B) It is given to kids who help animals.
(C) It was given to an American girl in 2012.
(D) It is only given to children from the Philippines.


20. Children like to listen to stories, ________ they?
(A) do
(B) don’t
(C) won’t
(D) aren’t


       To become a productive citizen, you’ll need to find work after you finish school. For that, you will need to obey the conventions of job interviews. Without the right preparation, finding a job can be a stressful and frustrating experience, especially in English-speaking countries.
       In order to find employment opportunities, there are several places you can look. Most newspapers have a “want ads” section that lists job openings in your local area. You may need to buy newspapers from other parts of the country or even the world if you want to work elsewhere. Alternatively, you can go to an employment agency, which can find you jobs in clerical and technical industries. In addition, the Internet is a new and powerful job source. Some websites list jobs by field and location, and many companies show new positions on their web pages.
       No matter how you find a job, you’ll probably have to go on a job interview. Most employers have expectations about how you’ll look and act when they first meet you. They’ll expect that you will bring a resume that describes your prior work experiences and education. You will have to dress in your best clothing: a suit and necktie for men, and a skirt and blouse for women. Finally, your interviewer will expect you to address him or her cordially, using “ma’am” or “sir” when you answer questions. It’s probably also a good idea to find out relevant information about a company beforehand if you want them to hire you.
      There are, of course, exceptions to these rules. Many creative or scholarly fields don’t require the same level of formality. But it is always safest to prepare for every possibility if you want to seem professional.

【題組】43. How should you address your interviewer?
(A) You should call him “pal” or “friend”.
(B) You should never address your interview.
(C) You should ask him what his first name is.
(D) You should either say “ma’am’ or “sir”.


6. We felt a lot of ____ for Sarah when we heard her mother was ill.
(A) protector
(B) threat
(C) sympathy
(D) retirement


10. TPC celebrated its 70th birthday few years ago. It has been serving Taiwan for more than ____.
(A) seven centuries
(B) seven decades
(C) seven millennia
(D) seven years


There are many ways to 36 a new skill. Some people choose to study by 37 . Since these people aren’t worried about finding a teacher, learning a new skill often starts with a trip to a bookstore. Other people prefer to learn with others. For these people, a night class or a short course might be the way 38 . Still other people like to learn using a mixture of the other two 39 . These people might combine online 40 with a tutor or one-on-one instruction.

(A) learn
(B) learns
(C) learning
(D) learned


34. The cell phone market is very ____ and every company tries to put out new models with improved functions each year.
(A) busy
(B) popular
(C) powerful
(D) competitive


8. I _____ your positive attitude and courage.
(A) adopt
(B) admit
(C) advance
(D) admire


11. The fall ________ begins in September for most schools.
(A) custom
(B) semester
(C) celebration
(D) entrance


26. Handing in your report late is not _____. If you miss the deadline, you will fail this course.
(A) adequate
(B) acceptable
(C) patient
(D) imaginative


31. Success is not totally _____ by how hard we work. Luck sometimes plays a part.
(A) surveyed
(B) analyzed
(C) determined
(D) defeated


4. Helen has made much more effort to prepare for this presentation _______ any other student. As a result, she is the best person to get this award.
(A) as
(B) than
(C) for
(D) on


4. Mr. Mason has been working so hard for his company for so many years. I really think he _____ a better retirement plan.
(A) aborts
(B) deserves
(C) undercuts
(D) suppresses


24. Due to the economic crisis, the public no longer had faith in the government's policies.


【全部】 - 國營事業◆英文2024~2016難度:(376~400)-阿摩線上測驗
