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  A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. “Why?” asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder. “I am a panda,” he says, at the door. “Look it up.” The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation. “Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal. Native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.” So, punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death. 
       In 2003 Lynne Truss published Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. The book became a runaway success in the U.K., hitting number one on the best-seller lists and prompting extraordinary headlines such as “Grammar Book Tops Bestseller List” (BBC News). This is a book for people who love punctuation and get upset when it is mishandled. The above passage is printed on its back cover.

【題組】With the comma deleted between the words “eats” and “shoots” in “Eats, shoots and leaves,” the new phrase “Eats shoots and leaves” means the panda eats .
(A)the gun bullets before he leaves
(B)the badly punctuated wildlife manual
(C)the sandwich made with bamboo shoots fillings
(D)the new growing of bamboo leaves


40 The jury ______________ the prisoner guilty.
(A) found out
(B) uncovered
(C) looked out
(D) found


The workmen requested that they ______ the meeting.
(A) attended  
(B) will attend  
(C) may attend  
(D) attend  


The director is losing his temper. He insists that his secretary _____ the typing tasks in two hours.
(B)to complete
(C)is completing
(D)has completed


Saturday seems a long way off from Monday morning. Saturday itself, _____41_____ , leads into Saturday night, the most exciting night of the _____42_____ as far as I am concerned. But when Monday morning dawns, I _____43_____ believe Saturday will ever come round again. I try to wish the hours and days away. Monday…Tuesday…by Wednesday I’m living on hope. _____44_____ I can believe. Friday, the _____45_____ of Saturday. And then Saturday comes in all its glory.


39 English has become an international language. Computer program instructions, for example, are often ________ only in English.


36 This CD player is more expensive than ___ in the store.
(A) all together
(B) any other
(C) others
(D) all


41 I’m under explicit _______ to keep my mouth shut about his opinions.


42 George’s actions do not______ his words, so most of his friends would not team up with him.
(A) according to
(B) agree with
(C) alike to
(D) avoid from


40 No sooner had the telephone rung______ Ellen rushed to answer it. 

(A) and
(B) then
(C) or
(D) than


8 In May and June, the museum______ a series of one-week exhibitions.
(A) will put up to
(B) will put up with
(C) will be putting on
(D) will be putting out


2 An emphasis on apprenticeships and _____ education means more workers with useful skills, rather than thousands of unemployed people with useless degrees.


49 Mary’s parents demand that she _____ home by 10:00 every night.
(A) get
(B) gets
(C) is getting
(D) will get 


46 By the time the Olympic runners reach the finish line, they __________ run 400 meters.
(A) will have
(B) will
(C) had
(D) would need


43 GM foods are especially popular now in the U.S.,_________ up to seventy percent of food products in supermarkets could contain a crop that has been genetically modified.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: The babies of women living in high air pollution neighborhoods may have lower IQs. A study 41 low-income pregnant women in the South Bronx and upper Manhattan. The women wore monitors during the last months of pregnancy. They lived in areas that had high pollution from cars, buses and trucks. Before starting school, the children took IQ tests. The children most exposed to air pollution scored lower than children with lower exposure 42 . The difference of four or five points may affect schoolwork. Experts say the differences do not mean that children will not learn to read and write. It shows that air pollution may harm children 43 lead does. The research may explain why these children do not do well in school. Earlier research showed that air pollution could increase the 44 of cancer, lower birth weight and asthma. Researchers plan to continue monitoring and testing the children. They want to know 45 school performance is affected over a long time. Experts said this research was important. They said there should be more studies.
(A) informed
(B) followed


36 You should not be too heartbroken when a relationship doesn’t work out because not everything will _____ forever.
(A) last
(B) keep
(C) know
(D) leave



Tien Yuan剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了94分