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11 This novel is not _____ in Taiwan, but you can order it at amazon.com.
(A) commercial
(B) available
(C) flexible
(D) irritable


46The fishing boat slowly sank into the ocean after it accidentally crashed into a hidden________ .
(A) oyster
(B) iceberg
(C) pebble
(D) lobster


  The phoenix was, according to legend, a bird which died in a fire but came out of the flames alive. In ancient Egypt, the phoenix was connected with the worship of the sun. 
  According to some stories, it was like a large eagle, with red and gold feathers. It lived for hundreds, or even thousands of years. But when its death was near, it built a nest of the scented branches of trees and spices. It then sang a beautiful, haunting and sad song, and fanned the nest until it burst into flames. The phoenix died in the fire it had made, but from the flames and ashes came a new phoenix, which would live for many years. 
  In other legends, the phoenix was like an Egyptian heron called the bennu. It was also associated with the worship of the sun and is found carved on ancient Egyptian monuments as a symbol of the rising sun and life after death. Because the phoenix was regarded as immortal, it was adopted by the Christian Church as a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus and of eternal life. It has also been used as a sign over chemists’ shops from its association with alchemy and the search for immortality.

【題組】48 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “immortal” in paragraph 3?
(A) Eternal
(B) Fragile
(C) Agile
(D) Conceited


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       The marketing term “effective frequency” refers to the idea that a consumer has to see or hear an ad a number oftimes before its message hits home. Essentially, the more you say something, the more it sticks in-and possibly on-people’s heads. It doesn’t even have to be true-and that’s the problem. What advertisers call “effective frequency,”psychologists call the “illusory truth effect”: the more you hear something, the easier it is for your brain to process, whichmakes it feel true, regardless of its basis in fact.
       “Each time, it takes fewer resources to understand,” says Lisa Fazio, a psychology professor at VanderbiltUniversity. “That ease of processing gives it the weight of a gut feeling.” That feeling of truth allows misconceptions tosneak into our knowledge base, where they masquerade as facts. One example Fazio and her research team give is thebelief that vitamin C can prevent colds, which many people have taken as a fact but is actually a misconception simplybecause it is long repeated.
        Even in the absence of endless repetition, we’re more likely to believe what we hear than to question it objectively,thanks to another psychological principle: confirmation bias.
        “In general, human beings, after hearing any claim, behave like naive scientists and tend to look for informationthat confirms the initial conjecture,” says Ajay Kalra, a marketing professor at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business.“In an interesting experiment, a group of consumers was told a leather jacket, Brand A, was very good. When they laterexamined several brands, they tended to spend more time looking at Brand A and evaluating it more highly than otherbrands.”
        The same principle applies to a coffee company’s claim that its coffee is the “richest” in the world. “Confirmationbias typically applies to situations where information is ambiguous and hard to refute,” he explains. “The more often youhear a message, the more the confirmatory bias likely comes into play.”
         It’s no wonder that many of us fall for false claims on social media, especially when we see them tweeted andretweeted again and again. How can we fight back? There are ways to lessen the influence of repeated claims. One of thebest: don’t rely on a single source for information. Read stories from multiple news outlets and listen to a variety ofopinions. Commit to staying open-minded, and consult with friends and colleagues whose perspectives differ. Take asecond to consider how you know something is true. In this way, you can stymie the effects of repetition. It’s a greatthing to do on social media: before you share something, take that second and pause. Otherwise, you risk becoming partof the echo chamber that keeps falsehoods circulating.

【題組】47 What is the author’s tone towards false claims on social media?
(A) Cynical.
(B) Fearful.
(C) Playful.
(D) Objective.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
   Police career is a profession that demands higher ethical standards than others. It is often said that police officers are like living in a transparent fish tank, being watched all the time. The majority of police officers are dedicated and hard-working, serving the people and doing the right things. All police officers have ideals: integrity and honesty, justice and courage. Yet, sometimes, we heard stories of bad cops doing bad things—bribery, misuse of force, abuse of authority, etc. These are the black sheep that hurt the entire profession and violate police code of ethics. Police officers should never permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities or friendships to influence their decisions. The following Law Enforcement Oath of Honor is recommended by the International Association of Chiefs of Police(IACP)as a symbolic statement of commitment to ethical behavior:
   On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold my community and the agency I serve.
   The Oath of Honor’s brevity allows it to be constantly referred to and reinforced during conversations and ceremonies. It is strongly recommended by the IACP that all agencies adopt the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor.

【題組】46 Which of the following statements correctly translates the sentence “police officers are like living in a transparent fish tank”?
(A) They are treated as valuable golden fish.
(B) They are being watched all the time.
(C) They are living in a self-enclosed space.
(D) They are highly respected by the public.


