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10. A ___________ is someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime.
(A) supervisor
(B) suspect
(C) subordinate
(D) subject
(E) socialist


21. When someone is arrested on a charge of public intoxication, he or she is booked into the city jail for a minimum of 8 hours to ________ up.
(A) set
(B) sober
(C) shake
(D) snarl


9. Derek Robertson was charged with bank robbery and forcing a bank employee to accompany him without the employee’s________.
(A) consent
(B) consensus
(C) conscience
(D) consequence


請依下文回答第 9 題至第 13 題: 
Most writers find it difficult to find a subject to write on. A method frequently used to gather ideas is brainstorming. The method has been used for many years in business. You get a group of people around a table, and they try to solve a problem. The people simply start talking and 9 to each other, then ideas come out in the process. Brainstorming is particularly valuable to the writer 10 it offers a technique for getting suggestions and leads for a subject. Most of us brainstorm 11 . You start with something—anything—and with a pencil and paper you talk to yourself. At first you write down whatever comes to mind. But after a few phrases appear, you gently apply pressure and shape some of the material as it 12 . Only when the ideas tend to get 13 should you come to a conclusion that may provide a subject. This may not be your final subject, but at least it is a beginning.

(A) abstract
(B) efficient
(C) general
(D) specific


請依下文回答第 14 題至第 17 題: During my high school years my best friend was Susan Miller, a girl who had lived down the street from me all her life. We knew each other well and had many interests in common. One way in which we were different, however, was in our shopping habits. When I shopped, I always knew what I wanted, got it quickly, and left. For Susan, shopping was a game. She spent all day at it: examining, comparing, and finally, if conditions were right, buying. All too often I have spent hours waiting for her to make up her mind. In fact, my longest “shopathon” was on a Christmas Eve when Susan and I went to pick up a few last-minute gifts. She wanted a fit for her father, and I had to get something for my youngest sister, Sara. We started at 9:00 A.M., and by 10:15 I had bought Sara her gift, a toy Dalmatian. Then I just trudged around the mall after Susan. By one o’clock she still had not made a purchase, and the mall was becoming human gridlock. Finally feeling some compassion, Susan bought herself and me each a slice of pizza. We had to eat standing up; the tables were all filled. Then, walking and walking through endless stores, we continued shopping. She examined shirts, scarves, ties, knickknacks. Her response to every possibility was negative: her father had it, he wouldn’t like it, this was too expensive, and that was too cheap. Nothing seemed right for Susan’s father. Finally, fifteen minutes before the mall was scheduled to close, she came out of a store in triumph. “I got it!”she said. I looked up from where I was sitting on a bench, rubbing my swollen feet. “What?” I asked weakly. She held up a piece of paper. “A gift certificate!”she exclaimed. “With this my father can get whatever he wants.”
【題組】14 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The author agrees that slow-paced shopping can be very rewarding.
(B) Though their shopping habits were different, the author enjoyed shopping with Susan.
(C) The author and Susan shared many interests except shopping habits.
(D) Finally Susan bought her father a shirt.


