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35. Most parts of Taiwan have access to sufficient supplies of fresh water for drinking. But fresh water can be in short supply in many arid regions of the world such as Saudi Arabia, where there are limited water resources. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “arid” in the paragraph?
(A) occupied
(B) dry
(C) isolated
(D) remote


41 _____ by the horrifying murder scene, the little boy couldn't even utter a word, let alone cry for help.
(A) Detached
(B) Discharged
(C) Paralyzed
(D) Withdrawn


22.Cooperative structures that ________ the exchange of information between police agencies were first established at the beginning of the 20th century.
(A) gentle
(B) flexible
(C) facilitate
(D) enable
(E) promote


請回答第 35 題至第 38 題: Vincent Van Gogh, one of the three great Post Impressionists, is regarded as the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt. During his short ten-year painting career, he produced more than 800 oil paintings and 700 drawings, but he sold only one of them in his lifetime. At the early age of sixteen, Van Gogh started to learn art dealing and had worked in the Hague, London, and Paris until 1876. Disliking art dealing, Van Gogh began to isolate himself and became a minister. But in 1880, he was dismissed by his superiors and became poor. Then he began to draw. He understood the limitations of learning by himself, so he went to Brussels to study drawing. In 1881, he went to the Hague and produced his first masterpiece, The Potato Eaters, in 1885. He then attended an art school in Belgium. Inspired by the paintings of Peter Paul Rubens at the school, he was soon off to Paris, where he met Gauguin and found Impressionists like Camille Pissarro. Van Gogh established his personal style of painting during his two years’ stay in Paris. Tired of city life, Van Gogh left Paris and rented a house in Arles in the south of France. Gauguin joined him later in October, but in a quarrel on Christmas Eve, Van Gogh cut off part of his own left ear. He was then kept in a psychiatric hospital for one year. Then, he moved to the home of a physician-artist. But two months later, on July 27, 1890, he shot himself and died.
【題組】37 Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Van Gogh’s painting career lasted only for ten years.
(B) Regarding himself as a genius, Van Gogh never went to school to learn painting.
(C) Van Gogh created his personal style of painting when he was very young.
(D) When it comes to art dealing, Van Gogh was a professional.


37 題至第 41 題:
        I recently moved from Canada to South Korea to work as an English teacher. My first few weeks were __37__ . I struggled to deal with many new experiences all at once and I struggled with the loneliness __38__ came from not being able to communicate with the people around me. I knew only one fluent English speaker __39__ myself—my employer. __40__ my family and friends and moved to a city in which I was the only foreign English teacher, I felt a bit shaken.
        At the grocery stores, I could not read the food packages. I thought I had bought salt, only to discover that it was sugar when I opened it. Such little frustrations began to add up. I __41__ some familiarity—familiar food, familiar sounds, familiar anything! I felt homesick.

【題組】 37


