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48 Security and intelligence agencies that generally operate undercover have played an increasingly important role in combating ______, especially since the September 11 attacks in the United States in 2001.


19 The pressure of work has caused Emily to lose her _____. She doesn’t want to eat or drink anything.
(A) vitamin
(B) dynamite
(C) appetite
(D) navigation


34 The girl decided to stay to keep her little brother ____ because he is afraid of being alone.
(A) company
(B) comfort
(C) condition
(D) competition


Qs 16-20: Answer the questions on the basis of the following paragraph.
       Pickpockets operate most effectively when there are prospective victims in either heavily congested areas or in lonely places. In heavily populated areas, the large number of people around them covers the activities of these thieves. In lonely spots, they have the advantage of working unobserved. The main factor in the pickpocket's success is the selection of the right victim. A pickpocket's victim must, at the time of the crime, be inattentive, distracted, or unconscious. If any of these conditions exist, and if the pickpocket is skilled in his operations, the stage is set for a successful larceny. With the coming of big events, such as large concerts or marketing campaigns, the crowds move towards these activities and so do most of the pickpockets. However, some pickpockets will remain in certain areas all year around. They will concentrate on theater districts, bus and railroad terminals, hotels, or large shopping centers. A complete knowledge of the methods of this type of criminal and the ability to recognize them come only from long years of experience in performing patient surveillance and trailing of them. This knowledge is essential for the effective control and apprehension of this type of thief.

【題組】20.The word “prospective”, as used in line 1 of the paragraph, most nearly, means
(A) likely
(B) depressing
(C) neglectful
(D) unimaginable


四、閱讀測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 20分) I. It isn’t always easy for pedestrians to get around in a large city. A bustling city has many dangers that you should be aware of at all times. One of the many hazards people must face in Taipei is that of motorcyclists driving on the sidewalks. Taipei is often crowded during rush hours. Traffic can be horrible. Not only are the streets dangerous, but the sidewalks are unsafe as well. It is almost impossible to walk without having a motorcycle roar up behind you. Some of the motorcyclists are searching for a parking space. Others are trying to avoid traffic on the streets. Either way, they can be a real headache for people who are walking. Since motorcycles have to park on the sidewalks, there is no easy answer to this problem. One choice is to make separate areas for motorcycle parking. Another is to build special bridges above the sidewalks just for people. Right now, perhaps the best solution may be to make to motorcyclists get off their motorcycles when they are on the sidewalks. This way, everyone on the sidewalks will be on the same level. (excerpted from GEPT Reading Comprehension by Jolihi Press, 2004)
【題組】46. Which statement is true?
(A) You should stay alert while walking on the sidewalks.
(B) To avoid traffic, people drive the cars on the sidewalks.
(C) Building a special bridge for motorcycle can be a solution to the problem.
(D) Pedestrians can get in and out of the big city easily.
(E) It’s safe to walk on the streets during rush hour.


