(1 分3 秒)

7. How much ________ does Amy eat?
(A) cake
(B) cookie
(C) egg
(D) orange


15. A: When is the party? B: _______________
(A) It’s June 5.
(B) It’s Monday.
(C) It’s 8:00 p.m.
(D) It’s on March 4.


38. We visited a fruit farm and brought __________home.
(A) two basket of apples
(B) two basket apples
(C) two baskets of apple
(D) two baskets of apples


41. Sam: Has Fred __________Tokyo? Jim: Yes, for two years. He showed me many pictures he took there.
(A)been to
(B)gone to
(C)been in
(D)stay in


4.Generally speaking, Chinese culture values the ________ of the group over the desires of the individual.
(B) confidence
(C) competition
(D) congruence


Truth be told, any time is a good time to be somewhere in Australia. When it’s cold down south, it’s magnificent in the north and the centre; when it’s too hot and sweaty up north, the southern states are at their natural finest. There are also the 16 festivals and other public spectacles that are on show every month, from the summertime food-and-wine banquets and large-scale concerts, through mid-year arts celebrations, 17 end-of-year footy finals, horse races and yachting contests. The seasons in Australia are the antithesis of 18 in Europe and North America. Summer is December to February; the weather and longer daylight hours are tailor-made for swimming and other outdoor activities 19 much of the country. Summer is also school holiday period and consequently high season for most places. Unless you want to compete with hordes of grimly determined local holiday-makers in ‘Are we there yet?’ mode for road space, places on tours, seats on transport, hotel rooms, camp sites, restaurant tables and the best vantage points at major attractions, you should try to 20 Australia’s prime destinations during the peak of school (January) and public holidays. During these times, you’re also likely to encounter spontaneous rises in the price of everything from accommodation to petrol.
(B) infamous
(C) populous
(D) tenacious


12. Facebook makes it _____ for us to keep in contact with friends and relatives.
(A) easy
(B) easily
(C) more easy
(D) more easily


第二篇: Mobile payments are advertised as a quick and convenient way to pay for anything. Just tap your smartphone to the payment terminal and — like magic — your credit card is charged for your purchase. It really couldn’t be 36 . However, for digital payments to work, several pieces need to fall into place. First, you need a phone that can make mobile payments — typically, a higher-end smartphone with near-field communication (NFC) to let it talk to payment terminals. Then you need to set up your existing credit cards in the mobile wallet your phone 37 . Usually, that’s Apple Pay for iPhones, Google Pay for Android phones, and Samsung Pay for Samsung phones. Next, the bank providing your credit card has to accept your mobile payment platform. And 38 , the place you’re shopping at needs to accept mobile payments from your chosen payment app. If any of those things don’t happen, you 39 a mobile payment. When mobile payments work the way they’re designed to, they’re not just convenient; they’re astonishingly convenient. They are fast and secure, and they are widely accepted. Furthermore, everything is on your phone. You don’t have to carry cash or cards around because everything you need to make a 40 is on your phone.
(B) supported
(C) is supported


39 The new software was not______ with the computer and thus resulted in the breakdown of the accounting system.
(A) comprehensible
(B) comparable
(C) combustible
(D) compatible


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       Scientists believe they have found help for older people suffering from poor eyesight. The solution is shining a special red light in the eyes for three minutes. Doctors say a three-minute daily __41__ of the special red light for two weeks could help improve age-related vision problems. The study was __42__ out by a team from University College London. Researchers conducted tests on 24 men and women aged between 28 and 72. They said some cells that help us__43__ light had deteriorated in the older people. Doctors say their red light improved the __44__ of these people to detect different colors, particularly blue. The vision of these older people improved by as much as 22 percent. The research team is now looking for a__45__ partner to produce the special red light with the right wavelength and reliable quality. Doctor Jeffrey, the co-author of the study, said that the populations are aging rapidly and people should get ready for this.

(A) political
(B) numerous
(C) agricultural
(D) commercial


