(2 分4 秒)

12 A: “Last week I was invited to a birthday party.” B: _____________________
(A)“Anything interesting to look at.”
(B)“I can’t think of anything.”
(C)“Let’s try it out.”
(D)“How did it go?”


13 A: “I’d like to see a movie shown at the Theatre Complex. Do you like to join me?” B: _________________
(A)“That’s exactly what it was.”
(B)“Please don’t bother me.”
(C)“I don’t feel like it. But thanks anyway.”
(D)“I’m not ready. Please try to call again.”


15 A: “Excuse me, but I think you made a wrong turn. You were supposed to turn left on Wilson.” B: ______________
(A)“How frustrating! I’ve been caught in a traffic jam.”
(B)“Sorry, I got it wrong. Didn’t you say 200 Winston?”
(C)“Sorry. I had to wait in line for a taxi.”
(D)“Sorry, I am busy.”


20 A: “Hello. Could you put me through to Philip from the Sales Department, please?” B: ___________________
(A)“Sorry. Maybe I said it wrong.”
(B)“Sorry. He’s not available right now. Can I take a message?”
(C)“Okay. I will see you at eight.”
(D)“Well, not exactly.”


21 As a diplomat, Helen always pays special attention to table manners and social ______ in banquets and parties.
(A) ideas
(B) practice
(C) gatherings
(D) etiquette


23 The professor finally issued an _______ to Tim: retake the examination or fail in the course.
(A) ultimatum
(B) antidote
(C) antithesis
(D) anecdote


25 You owe me a/an ____________ for not giving me a helping hand when needed.
(A) debt
(B) apology
(C) editorial
(D) request


28 A kind of natural disaster caused by earthquakes under the ocean and characterized by a sudden surge of giant and massive wave is known as ___________.
(A) blizzard
(B) typhoon
(C) tsunami
(D) thunderstorm


29 The Mayor of California was accused of __________ accounting practices.
(A) lively
(B) dubious
(C) persuasive
(D) flirtatious


30 A dissident strove to seek political ________ upon his arrival at the United States.
(A) surveillance
(B) seclurization
(C) refugee
(D) asylum


34 As a baseball pitcher, Wang Chien-ming gained his international ______ by having nineteen wins within a baseball season.
(A) reputation
(B) scandal
(C) infirmity
(D) repression


37 Schizophrenia is a kind of ________ caused partially by utter isolation from the outside world.
(A) diseased
(B) immunity
(C) restless
(D) syndrome


38 Paul’s ___________ pursuit of knowledge is praised highly by his instructor.
(A) aggressive
(B) retrospective
(C) supportive
(D) irresponsible


46 The food, service, and atmosphere are much better at this restaurant ___________ the one where we usually eat.
(A) in terms of
(B) in regard to
(C) in comparison with
(D) in accordance with


61 The man, __________, is going to give a lecture at our school.
(A) that I saw yesterday
(B) to who I came across yesterday
(C) whoever I saw yesterday
(D) whom I came across yesterday


65 You’ve lived in California for a long time, _________?
(A) aren’t you
(B) have you
(C) haven’t you
(D) didn’t you


66 Let us speculate who ________
(A) our keynote speaker is?
(B) are our keynote speaker.
(C) our keynote speaker is.
(D) is our keynote speaker?


68 A(n) ________ number of volunteers showed up in the press conference.
(A) surprisingly
(B) interested
(C) surprising
(D) unexpectedly


70 We’d ___________ if you could respond to my recent inquiry promptly.
(A) appreciate for
(B) be appreciated
(C) appreciate
(D) appreciate it


     As computer use becomes more common, the need for security is more important than ever. One of the greatest security threats in the online world is computer hacking.
    Computer hacking is the unauthorized access to a computer or network of computers. Hackers, those people who illegally enter systems, may alter or delete information, steal private information, or spread viruses that can damage or destroy files. But how exactly can a hacker get into a system to do these things?
     Most hackers use information called protocols that are built into computer software. These protocols allow computers to interact with one another. Protocols are sort of like computer police officers. When a computer connects to another system, the protocols check to see if the access is valid. The protocols can also determine how much information can be shared between the two systems. Hackers can manipulate the protocols to get unlimited access to a computer system. In fact, just the act of entering a computer network is considered hacking. This is commonly called passive hacking. Passive hackers get a rush from just being able to access a challenging system like a bank or military network. Hackers that do damage to a system by releasing viruses or altering, deleting, or taking information are known as active hackers; they are, by far, the more dangerous of the two.
     The easiest way to protect a system is with a good password. Long and unusual passwords are harder for hackers to guess. For even greater security, some online services now use “password-plus” systems. In this case, users first put in a password and then put in a second code that changes after the user accesses the site. Users either have special cards or devices that show them the new code to use the next time. So if a hacker steals the password, they won’t have the code. Or if the hacker somehow gets the code, they still don’t know the password.

【題組】 76 What is considered hacking?
(A) releasing a virus
(B) illegally accessing a computer
(C) stealing private information
(D) all of the above



Canny Huang剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了55分