(1 分53 秒)

19. Bone cells are nourished by a fluid called plasma, derived from the blood, but containing neither the red or the white corpuscles.
(A)are nourished


2. The phone _______ constantly since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning.
(A) has been ringing
(B) rang
(C) had been ringing
(D) had rung
(E) is ringing


4. Four miles off the southeastern coast of Massachusetts _____, a popular summer resort.
(A) lies the island of Martha’s Vineyard
(B) the island of Martha’s Vineyard lies there
(C) does lie the island of Martha’s Vineyard
(D) Where the island of Martha’s Vineyard lies
(E) Which Martha’s Vineyard lies is


15. We can finally afford a new car _______ I have gotten the raise I have been waiting for.
(A) so that
(B) consequently
(C) now that
(D) so
(E) so as


3. Research found that people who are stressed or worn out become: more_______ to COVID.
(A) infectious
(B) manipulative
(C) susceptible
(D) sentimental
(E) homogenous


12. Bob says that he has suffered from low back pain which comes at_______ .
(A) intervals
(B) danger
(C) costs
(D) most
(E) least


19. Whenever she's in a bad mood she's_______ to everyone, a major cause for her inability to ascend to a higher position.
(A) obnoxious
(B) ephemeral
(C) empathetic
(D) indolent
(E) listless


21. Medical centers may be sued for disclosing patients' sexual _______ and gender identity.
(A) orientation
(B) illustration
(C) illumination
(D) inhibition
(E) manifestation


22. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus with many similarities to the herpes virus. The_______ person usually complains of aches and pains headache. sore throat. loss of appetite. and general malaise.
(A) adverse
(B) afflicted
(C) impaired
(D) infested
(E) inflected


24. First, weigh the benefits_______the costs, then act.
(A) for
(B) between
(C) of
(D) or
(E) against


28. As long as monkeypox spreads faster than health authorities can contain it, there is a risk that it is going to_______new variants, potentially driving up the death toll.
(A) spawn
(B) scaffold
(C) assess
(D) stalk
(E) array


7.His_______for detail leads him to examine the report multiple times for possible inconsistencies.
(A) penance
(B) penchant
(C) penury
(D) pertinence
(E) prescience


10. To revive the housing sector, a raft of reforms in housing mortgage finance were implemented, _______ in the creation of a secondary mortgage market through the founding in 1938 of the Federal National Mortgage Association. These institutional reforms were later to play a vital role in financing the suburbanization of the United States after World War II.
(A) culminating
(B) coping
(C) relapsing
(D) deteriorating
(E) receding


8. It is crucial for hikers to wear appropriate protective gear, such as insulated clothing and waterproof boots, to prevent frostbite on their________ .
(A) amputations
(B) extremities
(C) extensions
(D) accessories
(E) supplements


15. Hospitals must implement ________measures for patient confidentiality to safeguard sensitive medical information.
(A) restricted
(B) stringent
(C) negligent
(D) diligent
(E) exclusive


