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The workmen requested that they ______ the meeting.
(A) attended  
(B) will attend  
(C) may attend  
(D) attend  


None of us objected ______ Tom to my birthday party.
(A) to invite  
(B) to inviting  
(C) invite  
(D) inviting  


37 I couldn’t ____ his face because it was so dark.
(A)look out
(B)put out
(C)take out
(D)make out


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species(CITES) took place in Doha, Qatar, between March 12 and 25, 2010. The representatives of 175 member nations discussed several animal species that are in danger of becoming extinct because of trade, both legal and illegal. CITES secretary-general Willem Wijnstekers said, “If we use tiger numbers as a performance indicator, then we must admit that we have failed miserably.” Human encroaching and illegal trade in tiger parts have contributed to the fall in their numbers from 100,000 at the beginning of the 20th century to around 3,600 today. Bans were proposed on legal trading in certain species. Japan is the largest importer of the Atlantic bluefin tuna. The fish is the key ingredient in sushi, a Japanese delicacy. Stocks of this fish have fallen by 75% due to widespread overfishing. Monaco, a European nation, proposed a ban on fishing. The World Wildlife Fund world call for restaurants, retailers, chefs and consumers around the world to stop selling, serving, buying and eating the endangered fish. The USA proposed a ban on the international sale of polar bear skins. Their population, now between 20,000 and 25,000, could go down by one-third by the year 2050. This is because climate change is destroying their natural habitat. CITES members opposed the ban saying the threat to the habitat was not connected with trade. They also said that polar bear hunting was a regulated activity and that it was a source of livelihood to many people.
【題組】50 Which of the following is NOT a view held by CITES about polar bears?
(A) Hunting of polar bears should be banned.
(B) Many people earn their living by hunting the bears.
(C) Polar bear hunting is under control.
(D) Decrease in their habitat has nothing to do with trade.


22 The combined population of the cities of Hualien, Chiayi, and Pintung is far less than _____.
(A)the city of Tainan
(B)that of the city of Tainan
(C)people in the city of Tainan
(D)those of the city of Tainan


5 The college received more than 6,000 applications for fall, 2011 and accepted about 3,400 _____ freshmen, and 2,000 of them actually enrolled.


40 I have not seen Mr. Brown for a long time. No one knows ____.
(A) when will he come back
(B) what is his life like
(C) how he got the job
(D) where did he go


21 Cultures__________ , so we sometimes need to adjust our behavior when we are in a new country.
(A) vary
(B) varies
(C) various
(D) variety


37 The boy’s mother___________ he would start losing weight as he got a little older.
(A) confused
(B) evidenced
(C) anticipated
(D) persuaded


38 A sudden _________of wind turned my umbrella inside out.
(B) gust
(C) rumble
(D) stroke


5 The U.S. Supreme Court recently _______ the President in a case of national security.
(A) appointed
(B) elected
(C) overruled
(D) undernmined


16 Six years later, Andy has paid off the money he owed. Moreover, he is able to help _______ for his parents’ expenses.
(A) pay
(B) paid
(C) paying
(D) to be paying


16 The writer’s horror story _____ to all of us.
(A) is shocked
(B) shocked
(C) shocking
(D) was a shock


5 When I was downtown yesterday, I saw the police ______ a thief.
(A) chase
(B) was chasing
(C) are chasing
(D) had been chasing


       Hundreds of millions of people read their horoscopes every day. Seekers scan the skies for answers to life's challenges, believing that the planets, and their relative positions, have something direct to say to each of us. Many still confuse astrology with astronomy. Even with all my scientific training, I cannot say that I blame them. The better we know the heavens, the better we know ourselves. Even though modern science has stopped seeing the stars as an oracle, we still search for answers in the skies. As we study the skies scientifically, we are trying to explain our cosmic origins, the beginnings of life on Earth—and to know whether we are alone in the universe.
      In ancient times and for many indigenous cultures, the skies were(and still are)sacred. Countless religious narratives and mythical tales from across the planet can prove this. To know the skies was to have some level of control over the course of events that affected people, communities, and kingdoms. The gods wrote their messages on the dark canvas of the night sky, using the twinkling stars as their ink. The shaman, the priest, the holy man or woman were the interpreters, the decoders. They could translate the will of the gods into a message the people could understand. Fast forward to the 17th century, as Galileo and Kepler were establishing the roots of modern science and astronomy. To them the skies were still sacred, even if in different ways from their predecessors. Theirs was a Christian god, creator of the universe and everything in it.
     The stars may be way out there, distant and unreachable, yet we feel a deep connection to them. Walking through an open field on a clear, moonless night speaks to us on many different levels. In the modern scientific attempt to study the skies, we identify the same desire for meaning that drove our ancestors to look up and worship the gods. Our most advanced telescopes are concrete evidence of our modern urge to understand the heavens. We know the answers are there, waiting.

【題組】50 Which of the following is suggested by the author to be the best way for people today to show respect to stars?
(A)Studying stars in the sky.
(B)Purchasing telescopes.
(C)Painting the night skies on canvas.
(D)Walking under a clear, moonless night.



Tien Yuan剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分