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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1981~1985)
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For many years in the United States, most undergraduate students were 18 to 22 years old. They attended college full-time, lived in a dormitory on campus, and expected many “extras” from their colleges, not just classes. But things began to change in the 1970s and are very different now. Today, these “traditional” students are less than one-quarter of all college students. These days the nontraditional students are the majority; they are different from traditional undergraduates in several ways. They are older. Many attend college part-time because they have families and jobs. Most live off campus, not in dorms. These nontraditional students don’t want the extras that colleges usually offer. They aren’t interested in the sports, entertainment, religious groups, and museums that are part of most US colleges. They want mainly good-quality classes, day or night, at a low cost. They also hope for easy parking, access to information technology, and polite service. Both time and money are important to them. Psychological tests reflect different learning styles in this new student population, too. Each person has a certain learning style, and about 60 percent of the new students these days prefer the sensing style. This means that they are very practical. They prefer a practice-to-theory method of learning, which is experience first and ideas after that. They often have difficulty with reading and writing and are unsure of themselves. Most of these students are attending college because they want to have a good job and make a lot of money.
【題組】40 What is NOT mentioned as the difference between traditional and nontraditional students?
(B)Learning style.
(C)Attitude toward extracurricular activities.
(D)Political ideology.


32 In my school, cheating in exams will not be ___________; students who show this kind of behavior will be severely punished.
(A) tolerated
(B) admitted
(C) consulted
(D) rejected


31 ______ are you allowed to go out alone in the middle of the night.
(A) Without fail
(B) Under no circumstances
(C) To the fullest
(D) Through thick and thin


3 We are seeking advice on how to best _____ our broken-up pool deck, hopefully making it look as before.


13 When donating a huge sum of money to charities, she prefers being an ___________ donor and keeps her identity unknown to the public.
(A) aboriginal
(B) abundant
(C) ambiguous
(D) anonymous


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1981~1985)-阿摩線上測驗
