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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1991~1995)
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43 Rebecca, a person with strong self-confidence, never worries about _____ other people think of her.
(A) who
(B) what
(C) which
(D) that


30 Jack’s parents are too______ of their son’s bad behavior. They did not even punish him when he cheated in the exam.
(A) efficient
(B) passionate
(C) tolerant
(D) pessimistic


請依下文回答第 13 題至第 17 題 
       Tono, a city of nearly 32,000 in rural northern Japan, lost its last obstetrician five years ago. It has been desperately seeking for a replacement, but up to now there has been no success. In the meantime, the city has adopted a high-tech measure that may portend the future of child delivery in Japan: pregnant women are examined remotely by obstetricians using real-time data transmitted to the doctors’ cellphones. When the doctors judge that a patient is about to go into labor, the woman heads for the nearest city with a maternity ward—usually Kamaishi,which can be reached by a 40-minute drive on a winding, mountainous, one-lane road to the east. 
       Yukie Kikuchi, the city’s sole practicing midwife, said she was pleased and relieved now that obstetricians could remotely examine pregnant women here. Pregnancy examinations are usually done at the patient’s home or at a local clinic. During the examination, a machine hooked to the patient’s stomach records the baby’s heartbeatand sends the information over a cellular network to the cellphone of Dr. Toshihiro Ogasawara at Kamaishi Hospital. 
        Besides Tono, three other cities adopted the system last fall, said Mr. Kikuchi, the city’s health official.

【題組】16 Which of the following statements is a logical prediction on child delivery in Japan?
(A)More babies will be delivered in traditional hospitals in the next decade.
(B)Kamaishi will be more prosperous due to the new trend of high-tech child delivery.
(C)Tono will never be able to find a new obstetrician to practice there.
(D)More pregnant women will benefit from the adoption of the high-tech measure.


      A newly discovered feature of dog body language may surprise pet owners and dog experts. When dogs feel positive about something or someone, their tails wag more to the right side. When they have negative feelings, their tail wagging is more to the left. 
      Research has shown that in most animals, including birds, fish, and frogs, the left brain specializes in behaviors involving what scientists call attachment and energy enhancement. In humans, the left brain is associated with positive feelings like love, a sense of attachment, a feeling of safety and calm. It is also associated with physiological markers like a slow heart rate. In contrast, the right brain specializes in behaviors involving withdrawal and energy expenditure. In humans, these behaviors, like fleeing, are associated with feelings like fear and depression. Physiological signals include a rapid heart rate and the shutdown of the digestive system. 
    Because the left brain controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls the left side of the body, such asymmetries are usually manifested in opposite sides of the body. Thus many birds seek food with their right eyes (nourishment) and watch for predators with their left eyes (danger).

【題組】47 What will happen when a dog sees another threatening dog?
(A) It may watch the other dog with its right eye.
(B) Its heart rate may slow down a little bit.
(C) Its tail may wag to the right.
(D) Its tail may wag to the left.


33 I was____
 surprised when hearing about her sudden decision to give up her career.
(A) someday
(B) somewhere
(C) sometimes
(D) somewhat


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1991~1995)-阿摩線上測驗
