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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2001~2005)
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Every year we have _____ days to raise money for people in poverty.


A power failure ______ darkened the whole city, and it was not until two hours later that electricity was restored.
(A) precisely
(B) roughly
(C) illogically
(D) temporarily


Hilary Cash, a therapist based in Washington, first treated an Internet-obsessed patient six years ago; this makes her a veteran in the new field of cyberpsychology. Now she runs a clinic called Internet Computer Addiction Services for Web over-users. Many of her clients would qualify as genuine compulsives: men and women who spend so much time visiting chat rooms and porn sites that they become moody and secretive, stop sleeping, ignore their jobs and other responsibilities, lie to their loved ones, and lose interest in sex. If research presented to the American Psychological Association last year is correct, 6 percent of Internet users fit in this category. It may look like many of the clinic’s clients are normal people who spend more time than their mates would like researching their family tree. Yet, to Cash and a growing number of experts, this type of computer habit is not without its potential dangers, especially for relationships. Researcher John Gottman of the University of Washington has found that marriages are more likely to be successful if partners spend at least six hours a week talking about day-to-day issues, dining out, and just doing couples of things. “That may only be five minutes at one time, half an hour at another, and a date once a week,” says Cash. “But once that critical time is lost, couples start to disconnect.”
【題組】15 According to the passage, what problem is NOT mentioned regarding people who spend too much time in cyberspace?
(A) Ignoring their responsibilities
(B) Being moody and secretive
(C) Lying to their family
(D) Stopping dining out


1 The network has scheduled to provide _____ coverage of the debate for the presidential candidates at 3pm today.


1 We__________ from our parents many of our physical characteristics.
(A) induced
(B) imported
(C) inherited
(D) incapacitated


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2001~2005)-阿摩線上測驗
