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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 台灣中油股份有限公司僱用人員甄試_各類別(全) :(共同科目)英文#105849
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21. After John gets married to my elder sister, he will become one of our family ________.
(A) guests
(B) customers
(C) members
(D) servants


22. My brother’s business project had made a big profit for his company, so he got a ________.
(A) promotion
(B) resume
(C) creation
(D) discussion


23. Things that one cannot buy with money are usually of great ________, such as health and love.
(A) mystery
(B) challenge
(C) temperature
(D) value


24. Social distancing works because it ________ healthy people from coming in close contact with sick people.
(A) pretends
(B) prevents
(C) explains
(D) produces


25. The rich man ________ to the charity every year.
(A) composes
(B) donates
(C) involves
(D) defends


26. Heart ________ is one of the top ten causes of death in Taiwan every year.
(A) applaud
(B) temples
(C) disease
(D) crown


27. I didn’t eat anything for dinner last night, and ________ did my husband.
(A) so
(B) too
(C) either
(D) neither


28. Time flies! My daughter is ________ 18 years old next week.
(A) going to be
(B) will be
(C) will to be
(D) will going to be


29. Jerry had his house ______ colorful because he felt like doing something eye-catching.
(A) paint
(B) painting
(C) painted
(D) to paint


30. I stayed at home this weekend, ________ my room and ________ my laundry.
(A) cleans; does
(B) cleaned; doing
(C) cleaning; did
(D) cleaning; doing


31. We thought the professor solid and serious when we first met him. ________, he is a humorous and considerate person.
(A) On the contrary
(B) In addition
(C) In spite of
(D) On the other hand


32. I haven’t been to Hualien ________ almost ten years.
(A) in
(B) for
(C) to
(D) until


33. If you’d like to lose weight, you had better ________ regular exercise.
(A) took
(B) to take
(C) taking
(D) take


34. You should study ________ hard ________ you can if you want to enter your ideal university.
(A) more, than
(B) most, to
(C) as, as
(D) such, as


35. A: Your mother doesn’t look her age.
 B: Really?
 A: It’s true. ________
(A) She never tells anybody her age.
(B) She looks more like your sister than your mom.
(C) You don’t look like your mom.
(D) She uses many methods to keep her age a secret.


36. A: Sherry, are you going to the convenience store now?
 B: Yes.
A: ________
 B: No problem. Do you want it black or with cream and sugar?
A: With cream and sugar.
(A) Should I give you some money?
(B) Is there any delicious soup?
(C) Can you buy me a cup of coffee?
(D) Are you going to buy some food?


37. A: Mike is a super worker in our office. 
B: I wonder how he can do so many things at a time. 
A: ________ 
B: Maybe that’s his secret to success.
(A) He often gets exhausted after doing so many things.
(B) He never works hard.
(C) He often feels relaxed after exercising.
(D) He knows how to make good use of his time.


38. Roger: Taking a cold shower in winter is good for our health. 
Mark: I can’t believe it. ________
 Roger: Well...no. It’s just my personal opinion.
(A) Do you have any theories for it?
(B) Are you sure you can make it?
(C) I have ever heard about it.
(D) It takes bravery to take a cold shower in winter.


39. Susan: Why do you look so nervous?
 Jonny: ________
 Susan: Just try your best. I know you are the best and you can get the job!
(A) I can’t find my missing dog.
(B) I will have a job interview this afternoon.
(C) Can you tell me the secret?
(D) I’m preparing the meal for my family.


40. Michael: Do you want to go on a trip to Japan with me?
 Nancy: ________
Michael: I feel so excited. I think we can start planning the trip tonight.
(A) Certainly. I’d like to.
(B) I can’t believe it.
(C) Great. You made right decision.
(D) Well, are you sure about it?

貳、英文 【請依照句子前後文意,寫出最適當且完整的英文字彙】
 11. The boy student has been interested ________ sports since he was a kid.

12. ________ takes two weeks for me to finish the work.

13. Can you lend five thousand dollars ________ me?

14. COVID-19 has had a great impact ________ people's lives.

15. Sharon prefers to stay home rather _____ go out on weekends.

16. Anita is one of the ________ popular singers this year.

17. The flight was canceled because ________ heavy rain.

18. Jason was singing and taking a bath at the ________ time.

19. My elder sister and I are thinking about ________ to celebrate my father’s birthday.

20. This is the store ________ I bought my shoes.


試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 台灣中油股份有限公司僱用人員甄試_各類別(全) :(共同科目)英文#105849-阿摩線上測驗

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