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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試試題_全類組-共同科目_英文#111688
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11. It is _____ to be late for an important meeting.
(A) ideal
(B) rude
(C) harsh
(D) common


12. _____, Christmas Eve dinner is a gathering time for the entire family.
(A) Previously
(B) Continuously
(C) Traditionally
(D) Execrably


13. My father has a _____ tire in the trunk of his car.
(A) spare
(B) popular
(C) common
(D) shared


14. When they face the possibility of chasing the armed criminals, the police usually will wear _____ vests under their uniforms.
(A) water-proof
(B) fire-proof
(C) dust-proof
(D) bullet-proof


15. Without a(n) _____, you are not allowed to park your car on this campus.
(A) incense
(B) permit
(C) hermit
(D) tuition


16. Returning from a long trip, John realized he first needed to go to the supermarket and get some _____, for the kitchen was quite empty.
(A) souvenirs
(B) communities
(C) groceries
(D) appliances


17. The chairman explained, “Sally will be absent for this luncheon because she has an important matter to _____.”
(A) attend to
(B) count on
(C) look upon
(D) roll up


18. With the presence of a good crowd, the bar was very _____.
(A) lively
(B) fiercely
(C) aesthetic
(D) luminous


19. Dad said, “There is _____ milk left for the kids. We have to buy some.”
(A) less
(B) little
(C) fewer
(D) few


20. Elsa never learned to communicate in Spanish _____ she lived in Spain for more than ten years.
(A) in spite of
(B) for
(C) despite
(D) although


21. My brothers are good at remembering and finding directions. They _____ the problem of getting lost.
(A) have rarely to face
(B) have to face rarely
(C) rarely have to face
(D) have to rarely face


22. As a sales representative, Peter has been demonstrating the new product _____ 10 o’clock this morning.
(A) at
(B) since
(C) for
(D) when


23. The little boy would not stop crying _____ his mother agreed to his request for the new toy car.
(A) in case
(B) without
(C) unless
(D) because


24. Last night, due to the delay in flight departure, all the passengers _____ sandwiches.
(A) were given
(B) have been given
(C) are given
(D) had been given


25. When her friends invited Judy to watch the movie, she declined because she _____ it before.
(A) was to see
(B) did see
(C) had seen
(D) were seen

16( ).

       Have you ever visited the beach? Did you recall seeing a man with a headset pointing a long pole at the ground? If the answer is affirmative, you might have seen a person using a metal detector. People use these __26__ to find a variety of metals. Metal detectors emit magnetic waves which go through the ground. The waves change when they hit metal, and the device beeps. This enables the person with the device to know that some sort of metal is __27__ .
       The first metal detectors were meant to help miners. In the old times, the devices were big and cost a lot of money. Moreover, they __28__ a lot of power. Worst of all, they didn’t work well. Later, people kept trying to make such devices better. With much effort, metal detectors got smaller. Today, they are light and cheap, and they can work effectively. That is why people bring them to the beach. Metal detectors help people find lost items, such as rings lost in the water or phones buried in the sand. However, very often, such a search is __29__ and the workers only find junk. In addition, metal detectors protect people. They help to __30__ guns out of some places, like airports, courthouses, or even schools. Guards use special wands, functioning as metal detectors, to find if there is any metal on a person. Evidently, these devices have become very helpful in modern-day lives.

(A) devices
(B) pools
(C) ear sets
(D) movements

17( ).

(A) exposed
(B) gathered
(C) close
(D) free

18( ).

(A) produced
(B) consumed
(C) emitted
(D) subscribed

19( ).

(A) in need
(B) in use
(C) in time
(D) in vain

20( ).

(A) broil
(B) ward
(C) keep
(D) wrinkle

21( ).

        Feeling squeezed by rising prices and a higher cost of living? If you share such a sentiment, you should find plenty company. In fact, we are experiencing a tide of inflations, and the economic challenge is global in scale. Private investors are careful hoping to figure out the best way forward. Professionals and economists are analyzing data trying to predict whether a recession will follow. Going against conventional wisdom, the market dynamics in major countries have made it challenging for professionals to read the economic tea leaves. 
       With the current inflation showing no signs of slowing down, a decline in economic activity seems quite likely. That is, the rising costs of goods and services are negatively affecting consumers’ abilities to buy things. A decrease in consumer spending may shrink the market demand and slow economic growth, which possibly leads to fewer jobs and a decline in employment, signs of recession. However, in reality, a strong labor market, with more jobs created and more workers hired at higher wages, and no decrease in consumer spending have directed economists to make a more positive forecast on recession.
        Indeed, it is hard to interpret the conflicting signals in the ongoing foggy market conditions, a result of several complex factors. The current inflation was driven by a surge in demand of goods as countries gradually emerged from lockdowns. On the other hand, there had been a supply shortage caused by delays and disruptions in supply chain brought by COVID-19 pandemic. An increase in costs was further fueled by rising oil prices resulting from Russians’ invasion of Ukraine. Finally, humankind is confronted with yet another blow, global food insecurity, due to the pandemic, war in Ukraine, and the shocking climate change, which may cause inflation to skyrocket even higher.

【題組】31. Which of the following might NOT explain why “tide” is used in the first paragraph to describe the current inflation?
(A) It’s massive.
(B) It’s powerful.
(C) It’s momentary.
(D) It’s rising in strength.

22( ).

【題組】32. Inferring from the context, what does “read the economic tea leaves” mean?
(A) To predict the future economy.
(B) To defeat an economic recession.
(C) To challenge the economic condition.
(D) To estimate how many people are affected by inflation.

23( ).

【題組】33. Which argument in the essay is best explained by the second paragraph?
(A) Private investors are careful to take further economic measures.
(B) Economists make better decisions because they process and interpret data.
(C) People across the world share the experience of a rising cost of living.
(D) The present market dynamics are going against the conventional wisdom about economic performance.

24( ).

【題組】34. Which of the following summarizes the description in the second paragraph?
(A) a shared economic sentiment
(B) the foggy market conditions
(C) a shrinking market demand
(D) a strong labor market

25( ).

【題組】35. Based on the essay, which of the following is NOT the reason for the current inflation?
(A) the hike in oil prices
(B) the supply chain trouble brought by the COVID-19 pandemic
(C) the lower economic consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic
(D) the war between Russia and Ukraine


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試試題_全類組-共同科目_英文#111688-阿摩線上測驗
