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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1576~1600)
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9. Stephen _____out of the training field with a sprained ankle.
(A) limped
(B) curbed
(C) grazed
(D) preyed


49. John: Congratulations, Jenny, on your promotion. Jenny: Thanks, John. But, __________________ John: Well, you have to live with it as you are famous now.
(A). I really like my old job.
(B). I have to face the music.
(C). I cannot wait to get my work done.
(D). I don’t like all the attention I’m getting.


2. He refused to ____ on what caused the car accident.
(A) command
(B) commend
(C) comment
(D) recommend


18. Light blue can make people feel calm. ___, red is a color of energy.
(A) For another thing
(B) What’s more
(C) On the other hand
(D) Instead of


7. Many restaurants in Taipei have _____ a ban on smoking to protect the health of those who don’t smoke.
(A) imposed
(B) dismissed
(C) garnished
(D) bestowed


2. She experienced great emotional shock in a car accident in which she lost both her parents when she was two, and she has never been able to overcome the _________.
(A) trauma
(B) traipse
(C) syndrome
(D) memory


1. Many larger companies offer tuition _______ programs for employees that take courses related to their work. Often, these companies have strict policies and require that employees stay with the company for at least a year.
(A) juxtaposition
(B) reimbursement
(C) inception
(D) amendment


The award-winning Australian film Rabbit-Proof Fence, released in 2002, deals with a controversial issue of the “Stolen Generations” from late in the nineteenth century to the late 1960s. The film depicts a true story of three mixed descent girls, Molly, Gracie and Daisy, from an aboriginal settlement at Jigalong, in the far north of Western Australia. In 1931, they _____41_____ from their mothers’ arms and transported 2,400 kilometers to the Moore River Native Settlement—an official government camp which was established to train the aborigines to _____42_____ the white society. _____43_____ the assimilation policy, many aboriginal girls were forever separated from their own flesh and blood. _____44_____ bravery and determination Molly led her younger sister and cousin to escape from the camp and went in search of the rabbit-proof fence _____45_____ guided them home. It was a perilous journey over 1,500 miles. Rabbit-Proof Fence portrays the grief and anxiety the assimilation policy imposed on many aboriginal families.
(A) whom
(B) when
(C) who
(D) that


9. The government has decided to impose a luxury tax on imported vehicles purchased for over NT$ 3 million. The heavy _____ may influence consumers’ buying momentum.
(A) tariff
(B) culprit
(C) peril
(D) taunt


5. The recipe and preparation methods of noodles at Lee’s shops adhere ______ the century-old traditions passed down from his great-grandfather.
(A) to
(B) at
(C) in
(D) on


Peter is believed to be one of the only three recipients of this _____ award in his university’s history.
(A) prestigious
(B) sacrilegious
(C) advantageous
(D) odorous


The relaxed ______ and the permeating aroma in the café can always provide me with respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
(A) culmination
(B) discrepancy
(C) impertinence
(D) ambience


The Louisiana Purchase was the best bargain in American ___ history. Without a threat of war, It added over eight hundred thousand square miles to the United States.
(A) coincident
(B) diplomatic
(C) incipient
(D) mendacious


Among all societies legal marriage is usually accompanied by some kind of ceremony that expresses group "approval" of the union.
(A) scansion
(B) sanction
(C) transaction
(D) transient


High-risk premature babies are ________ to severe bowel problems, including a condition called necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).
(A) consummate
(B) vulnerable
(C) congenital
(D) versatile


19. Taiwan’s birth rate has been falling rapidly over the past twenty years. This trend will most likely __________ a severe manpower shortage in Taiwan in the future.


11. The biophysicist’s lecture on molecular dynamics was too _____ for many of the students in the audience to comprehend.
(A) extraneous
(B) disparaging
(C) abstruse
(D) grandiloquent


10. Artificial-vision technology enables blind people an unparalleled opportunity for independence and _____ through a relatively simple idea.
(A) matrix
(B) mobility
(C) margin
(D) ministry


Have you ever wondered what it was like in the early days of movie making in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
Before the pioneering films of D. W. Griffith, film makers were limited by several misguided conventions of the era.  According to one, the camera was always fixed at a viewpoint corresponding to that of a spectator in a theater -- a position now known as the long shot.  It was another convention that the position of the camera never changed in the middle of a scene.
In last week's films, we saw how Griffith ignored both these limiting conventions and brought the camera closer to the actor.  This shot, now known as a full shot, was considered revolutionary at the time.  "For Love of Gold" was the name of the film in which we saw the first use of the full shot.
After progressing from the long shot to the full shot, the next logical step for Griffith was to bring in the camera still closer in what is now called the close-up.  The close-up had been used before, although only rarely, and merely as a visual stunt, as for example for in Edwin S. Porter’s “The Great Train Robbery” which was made in 1903.  But not until 1908 in Griffith’s movie called “After Many Years” was the dramatic potential of the close-up first exploited.  In the scene from “After Many Years” that we are about to see, pay special attention to the close-up of Annie Lee’s worried face as she awaits her husband’s return.  In 1908 this close-up shocked everyone in the Biograph studio.  But Griffith had no time for argument.  He had another surprise, even more radical to offer.  Immediately following the close-up of Annie, he inserted a picture of the object of her thoughts – her husband, cast away on a desert isle.  This cutting from one scene to another without finishing either of them, brought a torrent of criticism on the experimenter.

【題組】8. What kind of motion picture camera shot was generally used in early films?
(A) Close-up shots.
(B) Full shots.
(C) Long shots.
(D) Action shots.


2.By a ________ effort, our football team won the victory..
(B) protean
(C) titanic
(D) protein


Though often deemed to be ______ carnivores, this type of lizard is actually vegetarian.
(A) litigious
(B) nomadic
(C) rambling
(D) voracious


43. Dr. Wang is considered one of the most outstanding researchers and __________ academic authors in our country. He has published numerous papers on international journals.
(A) industrial
(B) prolific
(C) hideous
(D) frantic


Some people ______ illness in order to obtain insurance compensations.
(A) facilitate
(B) fabricate
(C) felicitate
(D) fascinate


11. The boy was charged with(_____________) a criminal even though he himself did not commit the robbery; he merely drove the get away car.
(A) abating
(B) abetting
(C) amending
(D) assenting


14. If I want immediate(_____________) of information, I will tell a well-known gossip who will quickly scatter the news.
(A) dissection
(B) defoliation
(C) dissemination
(D) destitution


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1576~1600)-阿摩線上測驗
