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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1626~1650)
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30.Which of the following is correct with regard to learners’ errors as sources of insight into the learning processes?
(A) Learners’ errors provide evidence of the system of language at any particular point in the course of L2 development.
(B) Learners’ errors provide evidence of the strategies or procedures in their discovery of the language.
(C) Learners’ errors provide evidence of testing their hypothesis about the nature of the language.
(D) All of the above.


The Maya were an agricultural people who had to contend with a _____ climate in the extremely diverse geographical environments.
(A) capricious
(B) colossus
(C) conspicuous
(D) contagious


Charities such as World vision are always trying to _____ volunteers to help in their work.


Calamities always come of a moment’s intolerance.


Tina managed to _____ her colleague Bob into doing all the work for her by using her charm.
(A) gibber
(B) resist
(C) beguile
(D) molest


11. We didn’t go out last night. We _________ to the movies, but we decided to stay at home.
(A) could go
(B) couldn’t have gone
(C) could have gone
(D) couldn’t go


15.Which is not an authentic text?
(A) specially written classroom texts to exemplify particular grammatical points or teaching core vocabulary items
(B) TV or radio broadcasts
(C) magazines
(D) hotel brochures


32He believes that he will get away from the punishment if nobody ___ the truth.
(A) told
(B) is telling
(C) had told
(D) tells


2. ______ findings show that the drug could help patients with breast cancer.
(A) Infelicitous
(B) Preliminary
(C) Negligible
(D) Pervasive


Ⅲ.Blank-filling (每格 1 分) 
An outlet based in Teesside, North England, offers its selection of faceless black coverings pressingly under the somewhat overstated slogan “effortlessly elegant”. (16)E such prudishness, leading Muslim designers recently took part in London Fashion Week, a global (17) of threads, to prove that what they called “Modest Fashion” could be as (18) as a bedtime story from a Thousand and One Nights. The organizers avoided the word sexy, since that would be un-Islamic, explained one. But their models wore make-up, nail-polish, and figure-hugging costumes. Some had veils, though these tended to slip from their heads as they (19) to techno beats. Nearby, cosmetics companies (20) alcohol-free perfume and lipsticks free of animal fat, which made the products (21) , though still viewed by some clerics (22) not sharia-compliant for being flirtatious. Islamic fashion could be big business. Worldwide, Muslims spend close to $300bn a year on clothes and shoes, only a bit (23) than America does, though only a fraction goes on fashion. In Western countries, at least, observant Muslim, Jewish or Christian women who want to cover their flesh often mix-and-match from collections which care (24) for modesty. That could change. Earlier this year, Debenhams, a British department store, began (25) an Islamic line. And some more fashion companies have launched collections for Middle Eastern customers. Thus, design has mushroomed.

(A) sleek
(B) running
(C) as
(D) for
(E) defying (AB) halal (AC) strutted (AD) plied (AE) less (BC) little (BD) showcase



Ⅴ. Reading Comprehension(每題 2 分) 
When people imagine robots, they likely think of them as stiff and angular, made of metal and other rigid substances. But for years now, researchers have been trying to come up with a robot that’s softer. 
Scientists wanted robots that could do well on rough terrain, variable conditions, and interact more safely for humans. But because of the rigid materials robots are generally made of, it was difficult for the robots to adjust the force used when interacting with humans. Nor could they be manipulated well when trying to explore or conduct search and rescue missions. 
But now, a team from Harvard is paving the way in this field with their introduction of the octobot. It’s inspired by the octopus, hence its name, and moves using a pneumatic system of inflatable chambers. Different chemicals work and react together to inflate the actuators that allow the octobot to move. The movement control board is really a fluid-filled version of a circuit board that uses logic gates. The entire system is very complex and involves a variety of methods to create, including soft-lithography and a special type of 3-D printing. 
The researchers are now working to add sensors to the robot, which would allow it to detect objects in its environment and navigate toward or away from them. The basic design can be scaled up or down, increasing or decreasing fuel capacity depending on the robot’s job. As the field of soft robotics advances, the scientists envision these robots being used for marine search and rescue, oceanic temperature sensing, and military surveillance.

【題組】32. Why is the octobot so unique?
(A) It’s the first robot to have its own name.
(B) It’s the only robot in the world to go under water.
(C) It’s the first of its kind in the robotic world.
(D) It’s the only robot in the world designed by Harvard researchers.


46. Scientists are warning that we should not _________ on climate action because climate change is threatening our lives in many ways.
(A) reconcile
(B) abrogate
(C) galvanize
(D) procrastinate


6. The landlord refused to carry out repairs to a _____ house inhabited by a bedridden old lady of 90 and insisted on tearing down the old-fashioned building.
(A) legible
(B) decrepit
(C) garrulous
(D) diffident


11. The politician could never speak simply; he was always _____ by using high-sounding language.
(A) timorous
(B) virulent
(C) precarious
(D) grandiloquent


7. Oil markets often  _____________,in accord with the political as well as the financial situations globally, especially on what happened in the western countries.
(A) exploit
(B) absolve
(C) oscillate
(D) desolate


7. David's mother always_______ his schoolwork and it constantly frustrates him.
(A) animates
(B) trickles
(C) nitpicks
(D) ascribes


34. Ms. Jacobs models the sentence by saying: She gets up at six o’clock… get..sss… gets… she gets up at six o’clock. Ms. Jacobs gets the students to repeat the new sentence using choral repetition. Finally, Ms. Jacobs asks students to make their own sentences about what they themselves do every day. What type of teaching procedure does Ms. Jacobs use?
(A) TPR (total physical response)
(B) IRF (initiation response feedback)
(C) KWL (know, want to know, learned)
(D) PPP (presentation, practice, production)


5. ( ) The venture is _______ to increase revenue by 30% by the end of the season.
(A) endeavoring
(B) duplicating
(C) composing
(D) duplicating


10. Higher rates of mask-wearing are strongly ______ with lower transmission rates, and especially as the country faces extraordinarily high case counts, it’s more important than ever to mask up properly.
(A) impregnated
(B) enshrined
(C) legitimated
(D) correlated


       Ongoing conflicts across the Middle East have prevented more than 13 million children from attending school, according to a report published by the United Nations Children’s Fund.
        The report states that 40% of all children across the region are currently not receiving an education, which is a result of two consequences of violence: structural damage to schools and the displacement of populations, also called “forced migration.” Both issues result from the tide of violence that has crossed the region in recent years. The report examines nine countries where a state of war has become the norm. Across these countries, violence has made 8,500 schools unusable. In certain cases, communities have relied on school buildings to function as shelters for the displaced, with up to nine families living in a single classroom in former schools across Iraq.
         The report pays particularly close attention to Syria, where a bloody civil war has displaced at least nine million people since the war began in 2011. The basic public services, including education, inside Syria have been stretched to breaking point. Within the country, the quality and availability of education depends on whether a particular region is suffering violence.
         The report concludes with an earnest request to international policymakers to distribute financial and other resources to ease the regional crisis. With more than 13 million children already driven from classrooms by conflict, it is no exaggeration to say that the educational prospects of a generation of children are in the balance. The forces that are crushing individual lives and futures are also destroying the prospects for an entire region.

【題組】27.Why is “Iraq” mentioned in the second paragraph?
(A) To convince people that temporary housing can be easily found.
(B) To prove that classrooms there are big enough to host many families.
(C) To give an example of why schools are not usable for children’s learning.
(D) To show how structural damages of school can affect the quality of education.


14. Despite the subtle changes in the design, differences between the two generations of the smartphone was immediately _______ to even the most casual observer, as the newer model boasted a larger screen, slimmer profile, and upgraded camera system.
(A) discernible
(B) infallible
(C) accessible
(D) illegible


3. The detective found that an _____ situation had arisen as the fingerprints on the weapon identified at the scene of the murder did not match the suspect.
(A) autonomous
(B) effervescent
(C) intriguing
(D) unkempt


8. Some politicians like to _____ their accomplishments and successes, emphasizing their achievements and minimizing their failures.
(A) sully
(B) tout
(C) abate
(D) defy


13. Not only _________ the concert tickets, but she also bought merchandise.
(A)she bought
(B) she has bought
(C) did she buy
(D) had she bought


7. The hotel burned to the ground following the disastrous ________.
(A) consolidation
(B) conciliation
(C) concomitancy
(D) conflagration


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1626~1650)-阿摩線上測驗
