(1 分58 秒)

27. _____________ one wait for too long to say something nice to their beloved ones. 
(A) Not can
(B) Either can
(C) If not one can
(D) Never can


When traveling around the world, a person must -----eating different types of food.
(A)have to use
(B)get used to
(C)to use
(D)used to


30. It took me several hours to _____ the parts into a model airplane.
(A) inspect
(B) expand
(C) assemble
(D) download


5.Tom's parents are too______ of their son's bad behavior. They let him do whatever he likes.
(A) suspicious
(B) aggressive
(C) pampered
(D) tolerant


10. The only fruit on the market now ________ apples.
(A) are
(B) be
(C) being
(D) is


四、閱讀測驗 第一篇: 2,000 years ago, the Celts lived in the area which is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. They used to grow their own food, and they considered harvest time to be the end of the year. Every year, they celebrated New Year’s Eve on October 31st with a festival called “Samhain”. The Celts dressed in animal heads and skins for this festival, and their priests, the Druids, built huge bonfires which the Celts gathered around to burn crops as sacrifices to their ancient gods. October 31st marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter, and the Celts believed that on that night, the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth. The Celts thought the ghosts helped the Druids to predict the future. In about 43 AD, after the Romans conquered the Celts, two Roman festivals, Feralia (when the Romans remembered their dead) and Pomona Day (when the Romans honored their goddess of fruits and gardens) were combined with the Celtic Samhain festival. Later, in the 7th century, when Christianity reached the land of the Celts, the Pope made November 1st All Saints’ Day. This was a time for people to honor saints and martyrs. This celebration was also called All Hallows or Hallowmas. The night before it became known as All Hallows’ Eve, which later changed to Halloween. Today, people celebrate Halloween with black cats and magic from Samhain, apples and harvest from Pamona Day, and ghosts and skeletons from All Saints’ Day. It’s a thrilling mixture of fun and fear.
【題組】45. What are Druids?
(A) Bonfires.
(B) Ghosts.
(C) Priests.
(D) Goddesses.


35. David didnˊt finish college. He ____ after his second year.
(A) gave in
(B) stopped by
(C) dropped out
(D) called off


     One of the most difficult tasks for ESL teachers is to teach students to converse meaningfully in English. ESL students have been speaking foreign languages for many years, and it may be 36 for them to make the necessary adjustments to speak English comprehensibly and fluently. ESL teachers can help their students communicate effectively in English by encouraging them to take part in English conversations as 37 as possible.
    Since ESL students are not able to speak English proficiently, many of them tend to 38 from taking part in English conversations. 39 , once they are able to overcome their apprehension, they may find that they can actually communicate considerably well in English. By encouraging them to converse more often in English, teachers are actually helping them gain the 40 they need to improve their spoken English. During the course of a conversation, students will learn to pronounce words correctly, gain a better understanding of basic sentence structure, and improve their ability to express their thoughts. With enough conversation practice, they will soon be able to engage in conversations with native speakers.

(A) difficult
(B) funny
(C) general
(D) witty


21. Mary’s mother __________her to turn off the TV.


7.____exposure to sunlight is one of the most common causes of skin cancer.
(B) Excessive
(C) Inclusive
(D) Endemic


37. To avoid cheating, students are not allowed to bring any electronic devices into the exam rooms under any __________.
(A) circumstances
(B) ingredients
(C) relationships
(D) imaginations


11. After ________ 15 pounds, John learned that he can’t eat everything he wanted just because he’s in marathon training.
(A) gains
(B) being gained
(C) having gained
(D) he was gaining


2. Many major news stations have been _____ the presidential debates live on the evening news.
(A) televising
(B) condensing
(C) commemorating
(D) persuading


(二) Workers at three BMW plants in Bavaria often put in 40-hour weeks, despite a national union contract mandating 35. They work an extra one or two when asked, as happened three dozen times last year at the Dingoling plant outside Munich. If one factory is busy, buses will haul workers over from the slower sites. When sales are brisk, the employees work on Saturdays. 
  BMW was changing the way Germans work long before it was cool. BMW reforms go back to the 1950s, when workers helped persuade a big shareholder to save the company from being sold to outsiders. In return, the employees made wage and work-rule concessions to save jobs. The enduring legacy is feted inside the company as the “BMW Formula for Work,” based on flexible schedules that apply to blue and white collar alike, while offering the security that Germans crave. 
  The difference between BMW and the latecomers to reform is striking. At BMW, there is no overtime pay, but job security is guaranteed. Labor relations are so good that BMW is opening a €1 billion plant in Leipzig next year, while rivals look for cheaper labor to the east. 
  There’s sweet revenge in this tale. The outsider from whom BMW saved itself was Daimler. A series of blunders had nearly bankrupted BMW. Horrified, workers persuaded shareholders that BMW could survive on its own. Together they scrapped a cheap “bubble car,” refocusing on sporty cars and revamping labor rules. 
  The way of work is evolving. In 1986 BMW introduced flexible shifts to its Regensburg plant. Now workers put in overtime as needed and place extra hours in a time bank, to be withdrawn as time off during slow periods. The result is more paid time off: one worker recently tapped his account for an eight-month holiday in South Africa. The 1950s crisis reshaped BMW’s DNA and its culture makes it possible to keep work in Germany.

【題組】48. What can BMW workers get when they work overtime?
(A) A big bonus.
(B) Double-pay for each day.
(C) A promotion. 
(D) More paid time off.


7. Tom and Jerry are identical twins and it’s hard to _______ between them.
(A) tell the difference
(B) separate
(C) know who
(D) confirm the identity


14. John's shoes are______ than yours.
(A) more dirty
(B) dirtiest
(C) dirtier
(D) dirty


