(2 分29 秒)

5.The ________ is the highest administrative organ of the government of Republic of China.
(A) Examination Yuan
(B)Judicial Yuan
(C) Executive Yuan
(D)Control Yuan


6.To promote the upgrading of industry and to encourage exports, the government has ________ measures which include tax rebates for exports and reductions or exemptions of other taxes.
(A) admired
(C) exposed


9.Dr. Chen ________ a speech in which he commemorated the Institute's achievements.


12.The young dancer made her very successful ________ last night.
(A) appearance
(C) announcement


14.Although the new investment plan looks lucrative, as an official from the Bureau of Economic Affairs, one still has to exam all possibilities of it being a ________ and jeopardizing national interests.
(A) sleuth
(C) shame


17.The billionaire is famed for his ________ to find gold and become rich overnight.
(A) settlement
(C) serendipity


18.In a newspaper, the space ____for news usually depends on the amount of advertising that is sold.
(A) anticipated
(C) averted


19.Recently, I suffered serious insomnia so my family doctor prescribed some medicine to help________ sleep.
(A) fall
(C) induce


20.My boss is a typical Gemini and changes his mind about every 2 minutes─sometimes it is really________ to be his subordinate.
(A) frustrating
(C) fortunate


27.Tom and Linda ________ to buy a new lamp.
(A) went to downtown yesterday
(B)went downtown during yesterday
(C) went downtown yesterday
(D)went to downtown during yesterday


30.It is just______ time. It will happen, but not today.
(A)a little of
(B)a lot of
(C) a matter of
(D)a few


31.__________saving some money for your mortgage, I think you'd better not buy that fancy dress.
(B)In addition to
(C) Away from
(D)In terms of


32.________ Taiwan's 23 million people, the former President Chen sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations to request me admission of Taiwan as a member to the United Nations.
(A) On behalf of
(B)In the face of
(C) To be fond of
(D)In favor of


34.The new secretary is proficient ______________ English and French.
(A) in


35.We must be ______________guard against our competitor's new market release.
(A) in
(C) at


36.We are all ____________about your acquisition proposition.
(C) hearts


37.The new administration's economic policies will ________ soon,
(A) come to an end
(B)come into force
(C) come into play
(D)come into words


39.What happened? You look _____________you have been in the rain.
(A) as
(B)as if
(C)such as
(D)like if


40.Almost every tourist will visit_____________ Buckingham Palace when in London.
(A)leave blank


passage one
The people of Taiwan have been proud of Taiwan's development experience, as the key to success has required the combined efforts of the entire nation. However, only rarely does one hear about me major role international assistance has played in Taiwan's economic construction and development. From the 1950s to 1980s, Taiwan received large amounts of money from donations and assistance from international organizations, as well as the United States and other wealthy nations. The total amount exceeded US$2.4 billion, not including US military assistance for safeguarding Taiwan. Most people remember the old days, when they consumed flour, drank milk and wore pants made from flour sacks, all of which came from me United States. However, they may not realize that many major infrastructures, including highways, electric railways, the Shih Men Dam and drinking water systems, were completed with preferential loans provided by international organizations and foreign countries. Even the eradication of malaria depended on assistance from the World Health Organization. Taiwan now has the ability to reciprocate as a result of the foreign aid it received in the past. In order to "give back to the international community and fulfill our responsibility as a member of the international community," Taiwan provides foreign aid to and shares our development experiences with friendly nations and diplomatic allies. This not only consolidates Taiwan's relations with them, but also lets us fulfill our obligations to the international community.

【題組】43.Why preferential loan program is helpful to build up Taiwan's infrastructures?
(A) Because we don't need to pay back to the lenders.
(B) Because the interest rate is lower than the market rate.
(C) Because we can spend it as we wish.
(D) Because the Legislative Yuan cannot supervise its use.



William Huang剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分