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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1801~1825)
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The act of removing a woman’s veil in public is condemned as _____ in Saudi Arabia.
(A) relentless
(B) auspicious
(C) sporadic
(D) blasphemous


I didn’t plan the trip in advance. Actually, I came to Australia _____ . It was never on my itinerary.
(A) in a tangle
(B) on the spur of the moment
(C) with one accord
(D) in captivity


Everyone was enthusiastic about the graduation trip when John _____ our plan by saying that the weather report predicted a typhoon approaching.
(A) slept on
(B) paid through the nose
(C) made himself scarce
(D) put a damper on


13.According to the stringent discipline, the shelter officer determined the family should be evicted because they violated the center’s rules.
(A) thrown out
(B) put in the prison
(C) protected
(D) compensated


Although he had spent many hours at the computer trying to solve the problem, he was the first to admit that the final solution was _____ and not the result of his labor.
(A) schematic
(B) reminiscent
(C) fortuitous
(D) peripheral


1. When Nancy realized she had dropped her gloves, she decided to her steps.
(A) resume
(B) return
(C) retrace
(D) regress


Inspired to save?   I hope so.   But maybe you’re wondering where the money will come from.   I put my head together 
with Jeff Yeager, author of The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches, to suggest five places to start. 
Limit trips to the supermarket.  Every time you walk through those automatic doors, you’re bombarded with 
opportunities for an impulsive buy, and you may walk out with at least one or two things not on your list.   Try to make one big 
trip a week.   Savings:If you make four trips a week and spend $10 extra each time, cut three to save $120 a month. 
Coupons aren’t just for groceries anymore.  You can find coupons for movies, restaurants, andeven clothing stores.  
Savings:If your family dines out twice a month at $75 a meal, you’ll save $180 a year with ten-percent-off coupons. 
Audit your bills.  Call your wireless provider once a year to make sure you’re on the best plan.   Do the same with your
cable, internet, and long-distance providers.   Bundling all three usually nets a discount.   Savings:Several hundred dollars a 
Use public transportation or carpool.  You’ll save on petrol, maintenance and even parking.   Savings:If you 
commute 25 kilometers round-trip each day, save about $100 a month by alternating driving each week with a friend. 
Consolidate your plugs.  Between five and fifteen percent of the power used by electronics is consumed when they’re 
turned off.   Plug your TV, DVD player, cable box, and home entertainment system into a power strip or surge protector, then 
unplug it at night and when you’re not home.   Savings:If your electric bill runs $120 a month, you’ll save up to $216 a year. 

【題組】36. Which of the following is NOT suggested by thispassage as a way of saving money?
(A) When one eats out with family or friends, one should use coupons.
(B) When one shops for groceries, one should go to the supermarket closest to one’s house.
(C) When one is not home, one should plug off electrical appliances not in use.
(D) When one goes to work, one should carpool with friends instead of driving alone.


1. t is difficult to _____ UFO sightings, although independent witnesses simultaneously see many.
(A) abduct
(B) verify
(C) prompt
(D) culminate


Genocide occurs when one group of people want to exterminate another group of people because their race, religion, culture, or political views differ from their own. The extermination of the Tutsis by the Hutus in the East-African country of Rwanda in 1994 is just one recent horrific example of genocide, where almost a million people were killed in a three-month period. It is widely-believed that the origin of the genocide came from the fact that Hutu-president Habyarimana’s plane was shot down by the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front, but the actual derivation of the Hutu-Tutsi conflict is based on centuries of racial hatred. The Tutsis had ruled over Rwanda since the fifteenth century, but the Hutus had always comprised 80-85% of the population. The Hutus were generally considered peasants and were quite impoverished compared to the Tutsis. As the Tutsis continued to centralize their power and authority, they distributed land to individuals they favored—usually other Tutsis—instead of allowing it to be passed from Hutu generation to generation as had been done for centuries. This caused immense resentment amongst the Hutu, as they were forced by Tutsis to labor on their own land in exchange for the right to inhabit it. A social revolution in 1959 secured a Hutu in the presidency, though the Tutsis who had fled the country were forming resistance groups and demanding to be part of the governing body. The Hutus and Tutsis could not see eye to eye. It was agreed amongst many of the Hutus that the only way Rwanda could ever become a stable country would be if the Hutus drove out or killed all of the Tutsi people. The organization of the killings happened swiftly, as governmental forces sent radio broadcasts to Hutu citizens, urging them to slay their Tutsi neighbors. The Hutus succeeded in wiping out 75% of the Tutsi race, and thought it is unfortunate that all those lives were lost, this genocide is testament to what happens when one race represses another.

【題組】31、( ) What do you think is the opinion of the writer?
(A) The Hutus are horrible people.
(B) The Tutsis are horrible people.
(C) What happened was unexpected.
(D) What happened was horrible, but it could have been expected under the circumstances.


10. Juvenile court proceedings enable court workers to recognize and respond _____ to the special needs of juveniles.
(A) apprehensively
(B) appropriately
(C) approximately
(D) appreciatively


D. Scientists have cleared a major barrier to transplanting organs from pigs into humans after removing threatening viruses from the animals’ DNA. The new research opens up the possibility of breeding animals to harvest their organs to meet the demand for new tissue. Some challenges, including major ethical objections still remain, but experts said the breakthrough is a significant step towards pig-to-man transplants, also known as xenotransplantation. The shortage of organs for transplants is one of the biggest challenges to modern medicine, and the current supply of tissue meets only a tiny amount of the total demand, the authors said. But the ability to breed pigs specifically for that purpose would allow that to be easily addressed, since they have similar organs to ours and can be bred in large numbers.
   Until now, the use of pig organs in humans has been held back in large part by fears about retroviruses that are found in pigs and could prove fatal to humans, if they made their way into the body, and could then cause an epidemic as they spread from human to human. Porcine endogenous retroviruses, known as Pervs, are a permanent part of the gene and so appeared to be impossible to remove. But the researchers have now successfully removed those Pervs from the pig genome, using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technique that allowed them to produce Perv-free, living pigs. That, __________, removes one of the biggest barriers to organ transplantation from pigs to man.
   “This represents a significant step forward towards the possibility of making xenotransplantation a reality,” said Darren Griffin, a professor of genetics at the University of Kent. “The chance of transmitting PERV from the pig organ to the human cells was a significant barrier and the study shows yet another application of the CRISPR-Cas9 system. By comprehensively demonstrating that PERV is the problem that we suspected that it may be, then providing a solution, the authors present a very elegant study. However, there are so many variables including ethical issues to resolve before xenotransplantation can take place.”
   Those ethical worries are significant, and include a consideration of the harm and benefit brought to the person receiving the heart. Though scientists have eliminated the biggest barrier to safety in putting a pig’s heart into a human, there remain risks–and those risks would have to be balanced by ethical committees. It would also be difficult to ensure that people could give proper consent to the procedure, which could be used in the most dire of circumstances.
   But those objections may fade if it becomes clear that the transplants will be useful. When human organ transplantation was beginning, in the 1960s and 1970s, many opposed the idea – but those objections were put aside when it became clear how effectively transplants could keep people alive.

【題組】48. How do scientists solve the problem of retroviruses found in pigs?
(A) They develop antibiotics to remove the retroviruses from the organs.
(B) They administer vaccines to patients undergoing organ transplantation.
(C) They improve the environment of breeding farms to lower the rate of viral infections.
(D) They use gene editing technique to produce virus-free living pigs.


9. The quiet old library was not merely a place for people to do some readings; it was also a(n) ______ from the hateful noise and pressure of the world outside.
(A) epitome
(B) sanctuary
(C) pandemonium
(D) denouement


I. Vocabulary: 20% (AB) adulterated (AC) aspersions (AD) wizened (AE) cogent (BC) corroborate (BD) diaphanous (BE) expiate (ACD) evanescent (CE) fastidious (DC) instigated (DE) maverick (ABC) mollified (ABD) nascent (ABE) occluded (BCD) oscillated (BCE) panacea (BDE) permeated (CDE) rescinded (ABCD) soporific (ABCE) taciturn

【題組】6. Doctors wish there were a single ______ for every disease, but sadly there is not.


IV. Reading comprehension 20% Read the passage and decide if the statement is true (T) or false (F). 
        For people in Taiwan, sometimes it’s difficult to imagine what a life without enough food would be like. However, as a matter of fact, a great number of people around the world are suffering from hunger. According to a new report just released by the United Nations, almost one in eight people worldwide doesn’t have enough food. The report mentions that around 842 million people, about 12 percent of the world population, suffer from very serious hunger. Though the figure seems dismal, in fact it has gone down from 17 percent in 1992. The U. N. states that lots of countries still fail to find effective ways to feed their people, and Africa is the region with the highest number of undernourished people. To be more precise, in about 19 African nations, more than a quarter of the population goes hungry. Moreover, about 98 percent of the world’s starving people live in developing countries. 
        The term “undernourishment” is defined by the World Food Programme (WFP) as “not having enough food for an active and healthy life” and an inability to “meet dietary energy requirement.” The WFP even claimed that currently hunger is the biggest risk to people’s health around the world. It’s a more severe problem than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.One of the main reasons why so many people are hungry is war, which is evidenced by the fact that the developing countries having experienced war in the past 20 years have much greater difficulty feeding their people. What’s worse, many scientists are worried that the situation may deteriorate due to climate change. In other words, hotter climate in more countries will result in less harvest, which will give rise to more hunger in turn.


26. Food for Taiwanese is something they seldom pay attention to.


20. Every effort by the bank to determine the origin of the funds met with frustration resulting from the web of____ created by the account holder.
(A) exuberance
(B) audacity
(C) hubris
(D) deceit


12. The WHO’s Maria Van Kerkhove said, “Between 10 and 15 percent of people under 50 have moderate to severe infections. Young people are not _______.” She noted that more information is needed about the disease in all age groups.
(A) subservient
(B) mundane
(C) invincible
(D) paradoxical


For most of us, summer is a season to enjoy outdoor activities. But for people who live in tropical regions,
 summer can bring huge storms capable of damaging buildings with wind and floods. This is because hurricanes
 occur when the water temperatures in the ocean rise above normal levels. What may start out as a minor 
storm can quickly be whipped up in to a devastating hurricane after gathering strength from warm water. A hurricane is an enormous circular vortex of clouds and wind. In order to develop, a hurricane requires water temperatures of at least twenty-six degrees Celsius. When a tropical storm occurs, the energy of the 
warm water and the moisture in the air can turn the storm into a hurricane. The location and size of hurricanes are observed by meteorologists using satellite equipment and radar. The media get the information and are able to warn the public about when and where the hurricane will strike. Hurricanes are given names by meteorologists to help people identify them. Although hurricanes are easily located by using sophisticated equipment, they are difficult to be judged because of their unpredictable movement and speed. Most hurricanes last for about ten days. When they cross onto land, they frictional drag from the ground causes their winds to slow and weaken. The most dangerous hurricanes, therefore, are the ones that move along a coastline and inflict damage on land while keeping their energy source of warm water. Every year the south-eastern coast of the United States becomes exposed to hurricanes that form thousands of kilometers away in the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricanes are most likely to occur in August and September because at this time the water temperature is high due to several months’ direct sunlight and humidity. In September 1999, a tropical storm gathered strength in the Atlantic. It was named Hurricane Floyd after four days of growth. American meteorologists used satellite equipment to track Hurricane Floyd and issued severe weather warnings for the states of Georgia and South Carolina. As Hurricane Floyd approached the coast, more than two million people were forced to evacuate the coast under government instructions. Fortunately, only a small number of people were killed by the hurricane and once it crossed the coast, its strength died down. Another area prone to hurricanes is the Bay of Bengal, between India and Bangladesh. In November 1970,
 the worst damage in modern times occurred when approximately three hundred thousand people died in 
Bangladesh as a result of the tidal waves and flooding caused by a slow-moving hurricane. East Asia is also
 frequently affected by hurricanes. Countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines and China are threatened every year by an average of five hurricanes that occur between August and October. In recent years, Hurricane
 Nicole traveled along the coastline of China and caused flooding which broke the banks of the Yangtze River. As a result, two million Chinese people were left homeless and the flooding was the worst seen in this region for fifty years.
 Damage will always occur if a hurricane passes over land. People exposed to a hurricane must therefore take the following precautions. All objects outside the house must be securely fastened so they won’t be blown away. Shutters must be placed over house windows to prevent them being smashed. People must remain inside during a hurricane as flying debris and lightning can be deadly. It is also important to have candles and flashlights handy in case of electricity failure.
 Every year about fifty hurricanes occur around the world. All we can do is to try to restrict the damage by making sure people are well prepared in regions where hurricanes most often occur. Experts, however, are predicting that in the future we will experience more hurricanes per year than we currently do. Because of the greenhouse effect and global warming, the warmer water temperatures are expected. With warmer water on our planet, hurricanes will occur more often and with greater force than they do today.

【題組】46. Hurricanes are usually more dangerous __________.
(A) when they remain over the ocean than when they cross over land
(B) for larger countries than smaller countries
(C) when they cross onto land
(D) than any other natural disaster because they cause frictional drag


        The tax law has been changed to allow for another two-week exemption from North Carolina State’s 3% sales and use taxes for certain garments. However, the latest amendment differs considerably from the same type of sales exemption that took place at the beginning of the year. This exemption does NOT apply to footwear. The new two-week exemption only applies to purchases of garments. Additionally, this latest exemption is limited to purchases with a cost of less than $100 per item, whereas the previous exemption had a cost limitation of $500.
          Although a suit could sell for $200, it could be broken down into $100 for the jacket and $100 for the pants, thus enabling the buyer to meet the $100 requirement. This will be the last exemption of this kind this year. The exemption applies to most clothing, assuming it is to be worn by human beings. Fabric, yarn, buttons, zippers, etch., are also covered, provided that these notions are actually part of the clothing itself. Although jewelry, watches, hats, etc., are worn on the body, they will remain taxable as under the previous exemption rules.

【題組】40. What could be bought under exemption at the beginning of the year but no longer?
(A) Hats
(B) Shoes
(C) Jewelry
(D) Watches


9. The music was _______ and beautifully delivered—and it was full of the compassion for the poor of all races and creeds which we know the composer has had all his life.
(A) malleable
(B) nascent
(C) inordinate
(D) mellifluous


2.( ) Sales-training courses recommend various______ devices as a way of remembering people's names or faces.
(A) crescent
(B) bariatric
(C) mnemonic
(D) sapphic


3. The men were lined up in a long_______. , making their way to the recruiting office.
(A) queue
(B) repatriation
(C) query
(D) representative


9. The Native Americans treated those European immigrants with every consideration and insisted upon their remaining in the camp until they had fully _____ from their hardships.
(A) estimated
(B) recuperated
(C) assimilated
(D) tambourinated


10. Upon arriving in a new place, I always _____ myself first by using the Google map.
(A) consent
(B) orient
(C) relent
(D) unbend


       AI, AR, and VR are increasingly hot topics in language learning—with new tools and technologies being touted as silver bullets that will fundamentally change the way we learn languages.
      Undoubtedly, technology will have a massive impact on the way we learn, the way we live and the way we work. Some believe they will even eradicate the need to learn it at all—like Joshua Cooper Ramo, author of The Seventh Sense, who makes a case that more data means less need for human intervention. With advancements like real-time translation apps, the claim would render language learning nearly obsolete.
       The counter view is that with massive acceleration in technology, there is still a place for human-centric skills. Some insist that the human and cultural elements of language are irreplaceable. I personally believe that cultural subtleties, connotations, and idiomatic usage simply cannot be fully conveyed without real human interaction. After all, language is fundamentally not based on the memorization of vocabulary items or grammar systems, but rather on the comprehension of the rich, authentic social context, and the corresponding ability to produce the spoken language for personally meaningful interactions.
     I believe that the best way to learn a language still remains going to that country and being fully immersed, but VR provides access to a simulated environment for those who do not have the privilege of travel. Thus, a blended learning model, driven by customized content created by expert speakers and supplemented by tech, is a viable solution. That is why we use a mixed model; other companies like 2U, Middlebury Interactive and goFluent also offer a mixture of face-to-face and online learning in order to create a more effective learning experience.

【題組】23. Silver bullet in the first paragraph means _____.
(B) magical weapon
(C) money
(D) fantasy


1. He is in a _____ about whether to spend three million on business school or just to start his own business and learn from experience.
(A) debacle
(B) bonanza
(C) quandary
(D) panache


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1801~1825)-阿摩線上測驗
