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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(151~175)
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37.I always take a ____________ after a game of basketball. I don’t want to smell bad.
(A) picture
(B) note
(C) shower
(D) temperature.


Much of what we say to others is communicated not only through words, but also through body language, including our facial expressions and gestures. It’s important to know what your body is telling others because body language plays an important role in communication. You should also know how to interpret other people’s body language. Here are some typical examples of one’s body language: A smile is usually a sign of friendliness and interest; however, some people smile out of politeness. So you have to decide if she or he is friendly or not by getting other clues. Also, be aware that when someone keeps pointing at you while talking, it could mean the person is angry or feels superior in some way.
【題組】47 A smile can show friendliness, interest, and ________.
(A)sometimes politeness
(B)often attention
(D)being scared


42 Karen: How often do you go grocery shopping? 
Diana: ____. 
Karen: I wish I could go as often as you do.
(A)John does the shopping
(B)Twice a week
(C)Only when I have time
(D)Hardly ever


Annie: I’m so happy you can come over for lunch. Tina: _____ We enjoy the meal very much.
(A)Forget it.
(B)I beg your pardon.
(C)Never mind.
(D)Thanks for inviting us.


38 When Mary called me at that time, I was ______ a shower. I did not hear the telephone ringing.


36. I need to go to the _____ to exchange my new basketball shoes.
(C)coffee shop


31 Alex: When’s a good time to visit Hualien? Terry: ______ .
(A) I had a good time in Hualien
(B) You have to take a train
(C) You should go in spring
(D) You should wear heavy clothes


40 ______ are a lovely and friendly kind of animal that can be found in the sea around Taiwan.


15 Mary: Do you want to try this on? I think it suits you. Jane: ________. Mary: The dressing room is over there.
(A) Sure, I like this color.
(B) Yes, please. I can use another cup.
(C) No, thank you. I’ve eaten already.
(D) No way. It is not a good idea.


33 Mr. Johnson wore a suit and tie_____________________ .
(A) an important meeting was waiting for him
(B) because he had an important meeting to attend
(C) he had an important meeting to attend
(D) so was an important meeting to attend


41 We just mopped the floor. The floor is still _______ ,so please watch your step as you enter the room.
(A) wet
(B) wide
(C) wire
(D) wild


10 The tourists were not able to______ the hotel because it was booked up.
(A) check into
(B) get out of
(C) soak into
(D) come out of


35 Michelle: I got my first job when I was a teenager. Rita:______ Michelle: I was a waitress at a Japanese restaurant.
(A) Really? What did you do?
(B) Wow! Why did you do that?
(C) Amazing! When did you get the idea?
(D) Oh, how did you get the job?


(題組)I like to go to the mountains in March or April. That is the best time of year to enjoy nature. In the mountains there are many beautiful sights during these months when the fresh green color comes out on the trees. Also the birds begin to sing cheerfully because of the warmer weather. Last year, I traveled with my friends to Mount Ali in Taiwan. We found a good place to stay in the late afternoon. When the sun went down, we made a fire to cook the yams that we had brought with us. It was very cold during the night, but at dawn we got up to go out and enjoy the beautiful sight of the sea of clouds floating through the air. As the sun’s rays shone through the clouds, they changed color right before our eyes. The rose color turned quickly to gold, and then the clouds disappeared in the warm sun. It was a perfect day for a hike.
【題組】48. According to the passage, the season of the year when the traveler likes to go to the mountains is _________.
(A) spring
(B) summer
(C) fall
(D) winter


36 Bill: Hey, Peter. How’s it going? Peter:________ I’m really tired. Bill: All you need now is a good rest.
(A) Great.
(B) Fine, how are you?
(C) Not too great.
(D) It’s going to be all right.


37 I was surprised to find out that all of my friends had been invited to the Halloween _______ at Jane’s house last weekend.
(A) costume
(B) party
(C) day
(D) trick


37 Penny: Will you visit me during Chinese New Year? 
Paul: ________. 
Penny: OK. I’ll pick you up at the train station.
(A)I am flying from the south
(B)I plan to arrive on New Year’s Eve
(C)I prefer cheesecake
(D)I will find my cousin


16 We should ____________trash at all times to keep our school clean.
(A)give in
(B)pick up
(C)figure out
(D)turn up


36 I need to lose weight, but I hate eating low-fat foods because they do not ___________ like the real foods.


41 Working ________ the computer all day long makes my eyes really tired.


39 Jean’s mother thinks that it is dangerous to swim in the sea, so she keeps telling Jean to ________ it.
(A) avoid
(B) delay
(C) govern
(D) operate


41 You should mark the date on your________ so you won't forget about our appointment next month.
(A) post office
(B) newspaper
(C) calendar
(D) householder


14 I tried to make friends________my new neighbor, but I failed.
(A) with
(B) at
(C) on
(D) in


19 John: Excuse me, I want two________for tomorrow’s concert.
Clerk: There are 2 kinds-- NT$500 and NT$800. Which kind do you want?
(A) books
(B) bills
(C) notes
(D) tickets


24 The children were all very ________ and started to cry when the lights went out.
(A) scared
(B) actual
(C) cloudy
(D) narrow


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(151~175)-阿摩線上測驗
