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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 警察特種考試_四等_消防警察人員:消防警察專業英文#120524
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1( ).

26 Firefighters must stay______ and be prepared to respond quickly during emergencies.
(A) flexible
(B) alert
(C) causal
(D) static

2( ).

27 Firefighters put on______ clothing when the temperatures are extremely high.
(A) absorbent
(B) lightweight
(C) insulating
(D) thermal

3( ).

28 Building standards in disaster-prone areas______ that buildings must be strong and resistant to damage or collapse.
(A) recommend
(B) permit
(C) require
(D) agree

4( ).

29 Emergency medical technicians are trained to provide______ care and administer the right treatment to save the victim’s life before help arrives.
(A) prolonged
(B) delayed
(C) gradual
(D) immediate

5( ).

30 ______protocols must be followed when decontaminating an area affected by a chemical spill.
(A) General
(B) Lenient
(C) Vague
(D) Strict

6( ).

31 The flood warning system needs to be______ established to save thousands of lives.
(A) minimally
(B) optimally
(C) improperly
(D) optionally

7( ).

32 Particular programs such as rescue operations in high mountains require______ navigation skills for an orderly evacuation.
(A) advanced
(B) limited
(C) basic
(D) minimal

8( ).

33 When trying to______ wildfires, firefighters will conduct controlled burns to remove the items that can catch fire.
(A) amplify
(B) prevent
(C) ignore
(D) improve

9( ).

34 In an earthquake, the building’s alarm systems can also provide the people living in it a______ to give them enough time to escape.
(A) warning
(B) distraction
(C) pause
(D) break

10( ).

35 A good communication plan must be in place for emergency management to ensure everyone knows what to do, and all team members ______their tasks.
(A) overlook
(B) underestimate
(C) coordinate
(D) mitigate

11( ).

36 Some environmental conditions such as gusty wind can enlarge a wildfire and contribute to the occurrence of extreme fire______ .
(A) behavior
(B) pattern
(C) shape
(D) state

12( ).

37 When the carbon monoxide detector triggers an alarm, you are advised to______ the monitored area and turn off fuel-burning appliances immediately.
(A) vacate
(B) light up
(C) circulate
(D) ventilate

13( ).

38 In order to prevent safety issues caused by overcrowding, the______ of public places such as shopping malls, department stores, exhibition halls should be regulated clearly.
(A) size
(B) capacity
(C) credit
(D) time

14( ).

39 Properly fitted masks can help prevent life-threatening smoke______ during firefighting operations.
(A) ring
(B) grenade
(C) inhalation
(D) signal

15( ).

40 At a fire scene, structural collapse is a potential risk that fire crew must accurately assess and attempt to ______with efficient efforts.
(A) raise
(B) weigh
(C) indicate
(D) mitigate

16( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
The fire in San Francisco following the 1906 earthquake was the largest urban fire in history up to that time, only to be __41__ by the fire following the 1923 Tokyo earthquake. The earthquake and __42__ fire caused an estimated3,000 deaths and $524 million in property loss. Fire that ignited in San Francisco soon after the __43__ of the earthquake burned for three days because of the lack of water to control it. Damage in San Francisco was __44__ , with28,000 buildings destroyed, 80 percent of which were __45__ fire rather than ground shaking. Fires also intensified the loss at Fort Bragg and Santa Rosa, California.

(A) won
(B) exceeded
(C) beaten
(D) excelled

17( ).

(A) preceding
(B) earlier
(C) additional
(D) resulting

18( ).

(A) onset
(B) release
(C) recovery
(D) end

19( ).

(A) minor
(B) devastating
(C) moderate
(D) enigmatic

20( ).

(A) resulting in
(B) leading to
(C) due to
(D) bringing about

21( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
There is no denying that advanced firefighting involves not just the direct suppression of a fire but also the general knowledge of the theoretical framework of the process. The latter includes understanding the principles and methodologies behind the management and suppression of fires. To stop a conflagration, one needs to be aware of the concept of the combustion triangle, which presupposes that a conflagration needs three distinct components. Specifically, the latter would be a source of heat, oxygen, and a physical piece of burning material. As soon as the practitioner understands these premises, he or she may use various ways to convert them into methods of further fire suppression. One should note that the behavior of fires is dynamic and includes the ignition, propagation, and combustion phases. Therefore, a firefighter has to learn how to approach each activity since fires may be continuous or smoldering, as well as vary in heat content or speed. Additionally, it is also crucial to understand that the conflagrations may belong to different kinds and have unique properties, based on their sources. They can begin from electrical wires, kitchen frying pans filled with hot oil, or even various chemical substances. Consequently, concerning the verbal categorization of firefighting tactics, firefighters may oscillate between either offensive or defensive measures. The former includes the methods that allow suppressing the flames and materials directly and quickly. At the same time, defensive tactics are performed to put a perimeter around the fire and stop its spread to other objects in the area. Finally, it is also important to mention that ventilatory tactics are critical to adjust the inflow-outflow balance of gases in a building to avoid backdrafts.

【題組】46 According to the passage, how does understanding the combustion triangle help in fire suppression?
(A) It allows firefighters to predict the weather conditions.
(B) It enables the use of appropriate extinguishing methods by removing one of the triangle’s elements.
(C) It helps in designing fire safety equipment.
(D) It provides a method for rescuing people.

22( ).

【題組】47 Which of the following descriptions best matches the term ‘dynamic behavior of fires’?
(A) The predictable pattern that all fires follow.
(B) The unchanging intensity and speed of fire spread.
(C) The varying phases of fire like ignition, propagation, and combustion.
(D) The constant temperature of all fire types.

23( ).

【題組】48 What is the primary goal of defensive firefighting tactics?
(A) To rescue animals from fires.
(B) To directly attack the fire to extinguish it.
(C) To contain the fire and prevent its spread to adjacent areas.
(D) To educate the public about fire safety.

24( ).

【題組】49 Why are ventilatory tactics critical in firefighting?
(A) They provide entertainment for onlookers.
(B) They facilitate the introduction of more oxygen to strengthen the fire.
(C) They adjust the inflow and outflow of gases to prevent backdrafts.
(D) They allow firefighters to take more breaks.


【題組】50 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “oscillate”?
(A) Swing.
(B) Persist.
(C) Stabilize.
(D) Halt.


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 警察特種考試_四等_消防警察人員:消防警察專業英文#120524-阿摩線上測驗
