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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 關務特種考試_三等_關稅法務(選試日文):外國文(日文兼試基礎英文)#119520
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1 She has _______ over the decision for a long time before making up her mind.
(A) smoothed
(B) shoved
(C) deliberated
(D) discharged


2 Money from the sale of the house was _______ evenly to each of my children, but they still complained about my being partial.
(A) contributed
(B) auctioned
(C) purchased
(D) allocated


3 Although this task is challenging, it is the best opportunity for you to _______ skills and seek more job options.
(A) translate
(B) sharpen
(C) tolerate
(D) scramble


4 In an attempt to _______ their actions, the activist group presented a series of plausible arguments, thinking of reasons to justify their behavior.
(A) neutralize
(B) privatize
(C) rationalize
(D) minimize


5 Recent medical studies have confirmed the _______ of a healthy lifestyle and a good diet.
(A) efficacy
(B) fluency
(C) literacy
(D) pharmacy


請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題
           Sarah had always been fascinated by the stars. Every night, she would lie on her back in the backyard, __6__ up at the twinkling lights above. Enraptured by the enigmatic allure of the cosmos, she harbored __7__ of traversing its boundless expanse as an intrepid astronaut. Within the confines of her room, magnificent posters depicting distant galaxies adorned the walls, serving as sources of enlightenment in herquest for astronomical understanding. Immersed in the profound wisdom of astronomical writings, she devoted __8__ hours to the study of cosmic phenomena. Then, as if ordained by the cosmos itself, Sarah’s profound passion for the celestial realm received validation when her knowledgeable science mentorannounced an upcoming expedition for stargazing enthusiasts. Sarah, __9__ with a potent mixture ofanticipation and eagerness, could barely contain her growing excitement. Amidst nightly meeting __10__ thestarry wonders, as the group converged around the remarkable marvel of the telescope, Sarah gazed in awe atthe brilliant spectacle of Saturn’s magnificent rings. It was an awesome sight that made her feel that she reallywanted to learn more about space.

【題組】 6
(A) blowing
(B) gazing
(C) warming
(D) brightening


(A) limits
(B) margins
(C) objections
(D) aspirations


(A) careless
(B) countless
(C) negligent
(D) obedient


【題組】 9
(A) filled
(B) parted
(C) leveled
(D) competed


(A) after
(B) upon
(C) beneath
(D) during


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
         Human nature, the essence of what it means to be human, is a labyrinth of complexity and contradiction.At its core lies a perpetual dance between instinct and intellect, desire and restraint, altruism and self-interest.Rooted in the depths of evolutionary history, it reflects a delicate balance between the primal urges inheritedfrom our ancestors and the cognitive faculties that distinguish us as rational beings. Fundamentally socialcreatures, humans crave connection and belonging, seeking validation and companionship within communities.Yet, paradoxically, they also harbor an innate drive for autonomy and individual expression, asserting theiruniqueness amidst the collective tapestry of humanity. This duality manifests in the intricate interplay ofcooperation and competition that shapes social dynamics, driving progress and innovation while fuelingconflicts and power struggles.
        Moreover, human nature is imbued with a propensity for both creativity and destruction, as evidenced bythe breadth of artistic masterpieces and technological advancements juxtaposed with the specter of violenceand environmental degradation. It is this capacity for both construction and devastation that underscores theintricate tapestry of human experience, reflecting the interplay of light and shadow within the human psyche.Despite its complexity, human nature is not immutable; it is shaped by culture, upbringing, and personalexperiences, evolving over time in response to changing social, political, and environmental contexts. Thus,while it may be fraught with contradictions and ambiguities, human nature remains a testament to the resilienceand adaptability of the human spirit, forever striving to reconcile its myriad facets in the ongoing quest formeaning and fulfillment.

【題組】11 Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
(A) Human nature is simple and straightforward.
(B) Human nature is a complex and contradictory maze.
(C) Human nature is pessimistic in its own right.
(D) Human nature is predominantly determined by genetic factors.


【題組】12 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Humans have a tendency to cause harm such as environmental degradation.
(B) Our surroundings and what happens to us cause negligible influence on our nature.
(C) Humans naturally seek connection with others by ignoring the whole society.
(D) Human nature has little to do with our past as creatures evolving over time.


【題組】13 What aspect of human nature does the passage suggest is a factor leading to both progress and conflict?
(A) Autonomy.
(B) Individual expression.
(C) Creativity.
(D) Competition.


【題組】14 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “immutable” in the passage?
(A) Cynical.
(B) Fixed.
(C) Colorful.
(D) Monotonous.


【題組】15 Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
(A) Defensive.
(B) Melodramatic.
(C) Philosophical.
(D) Offensive.

 (一)社会福祉制度の一つである「障害者福祉法」では、身体・知的・精 神・発達に障がいを持つ人を対象とした援助を行っている。しかし、 日本の社会福祉制度は手厚い反面、大きな課題も抱えている。それ は、社会福祉支援をまかなう費用の問題である。制度を手厚くすれ ばするほど、支援を行うための費用が必要になる。現在、日本では 高齢化が進み、年金や医療費補助、生活保護費を必要とする人が増 加している。それらの費用は全て税金でまかなわれているのであ る。

(二) 23 市場のうち 12 市場(韓国、台湾、香港、シンガポール、インド ネシア、ベトナム、インド、豪州、米国、カナダ、メキシコ、中東 地域)において 12 月として過去最高の訪日外客数を記録したほか、 香港、シンガポール、インドネシア、豪州では単月過去最高を更新 した。特に、東アジアでは韓国や台湾、欧米豪・中東地域において は米国などで訪日外客数が増加したことが、今月の押し上げ要因と なった。

(一) 2023 年訪日外國遊客人數為 2,500 萬人次。自 4 月取消防疫邊境措施以來,訪日外國遊客數量不斷上升,迅速恢復,以單月份計算,10 月份首次超過 2019 年同月的100%,全年累計,較 2019 年增長 78.6%, 亦即 80%已經恢復。

(二)貨幣緊縮是指,為抑制景氣過熱與物價上漲而採取的貨幣緊縮措施。 貨幣緊縮是提高政策利率,減少資金供給的政策。金融緊縮會導致借貸困難並抑制經濟活動。


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 關務特種考試_三等_關稅法務(選試日文):外國文(日文兼試基礎英文)#119520-阿摩線上測驗
