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31 The only reasons for the old man to leave the house were to run important _____ or visit the doctor.
(A) errands
(B) debris
(C) utensils
(D) summons


She criticized my writing but in a way that was very ___ and I learned a lot from her.
(A) constructive
(B) attentive
(C) conscious
(D) continuous


For thousands of years, people _______ that no two people have the same fingerprints.
(A) knew
(B) had known
(C) know
(D) have known


40 As a leading ______of human rights, the lawyer is strongly opposed to the death penalty.


We ___ believe that with your intelligence and hard work, you will pass the exam without any difficulty.
(A) firmly
(B) extremely
(C) strictly
(D) inquiringly


32 The new prime minister tried to stimulate economic growth in this region by offering ____to foreign investors.
(A) incentives
(B) impacts
(C) instruments
(D) intrusions


10 John's report is______with 100 full-color photographs that depict the grandeur of the landscape in this national park.
(A) illustrated
(B) contained
(C) connotated
(D) enlightened


147. The young man _______ of theft strongly argued that he was not guilty.
(A) accused
(B) was accused
(C) accusing
(D) who accused

9( ).

35 Building new casinos induces the less affluent to gamble more.
(A) Casinos generate wealth to the general public.
(B) The poor feel more enticed to gambling.
(C) Government should introduce gambling to the rich.
(D) Casino buildings appeal to the less optimistic.

10( ).

       The Mayo researchers reported a striking difference in activity levels between lean persons and overweight ones. Their study did not involve deliberate exercise; it measured—with the sensors—how much people moved about naturally and spontaneously. 
      The heavier ones tended to sit, while the lean ones were more restless and spent two more hours a day on their feet—standing or walking. The difference translated into 350 calories a day, enough for the heavy people to take off about 14 to 18 kilograms a year, if they would get moving. 
       The researchers believe the tendency to sit still or move around is biological, governed by genetically determined levels of brain chemicals. And that tendency influences weight—not the other way around, they say. 
        Plenty of experts have been advising people to find small, relatively painless ways to burn extra calories, like taking the stairs instead of the elevators and parking at the far end of the lot to make themselves walk a bit. As to why the usual weight loss remedies frequently fail, Dr. Levine said, it is because people have a hard time sticking with exercise programs and diets. He argues that the very number of diet books and weight-loss plans is proof that none of them work.

【題組】29 According to the passage, what is the most effective way to burn calories?
(A) Following the guidelines in the diet book.
(B) Sticking to your diet plan.
(C) Taking the elevators when possible.
(D) Walking as often as you can.

11( ).

The term Black English is a relatively “new” word in American English. During the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the adjective “black” became popular. It replaced “Negro,” which recalled the memories of slavery. Black was considered a more dignified word. Americans began speaking about Black English, Black studies, Black Power, Black History, and so forth. The origins of Black English really go back to West Africa. The English slave traders were often unfamiliar with the various African languages. They needed a common language to deal with the slaves. The slaves, who came from many different tribes, needed a common language to communicate. This mixture of English and the various African languages was the foundation of Black English. During the long trip to the New World, the slaves spoke this “new” language. They built new friendships through this common bond. More important still, they kept some of their African traditions and customs alive in this “new” language. Some of the slaves went to the West Indies. Today Caribbean English has its own grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Despite the common origins, there are differences between the English of a Caribbean Black and an American Black.
【題組】 18 According to this passage, why did people start using “black” to replace Negro?
(A) Because “black” was a relatively popular word.
(B) Because people wanted to remember the history of slavery.
(C) Because in the 1960s, people wanted to use a word that could show respect to the black people.
(D) Because the word “Negro” reminded people of the Civil Rights Movement.

12( ).

Every April, music fans in Taiwan head to Kenting, in southern Taiwan. They go there to experience Taiwan’s biggest and longest-running music festival, Spring Scream. It __82_ in 1995 by two Americans, Jimi Moe and Wade Davis. When it began, they just wanted to have a small festival for their friends’ bands. But it quickly began to grow. Since 2007, over 200 bands from Taiwan and around the world have __83__ it. To grow along with the crowd, the festival has changed locations many times. It has also changed slightly, and now __84_ not only bands, but also art exhibitions, DJs, and film screenings. The festival lasts for about four days, and tickets are __85_ online as early as February. If you’ve never gone before, don’t miss out on the next Spring Scream!
(A) started
(B) has started
(C) was starting
(D) was started

13( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
      Cheerleading is an organized sports activity combining dance, gymnastics, and stunt elements to cheer on teams. It originated in Britain in the 1860s when students began to cheer in unison for their favorite athletes at sports events.A decade later cheerleading crossed overseas to the United States,   41   it remains the most common.
       42   women currently dominate the field, cheerleading was begun by men. In the 1920s women became involved in cheerleading, but it was not until 1940s that they joined in large numbers, since so many college-aged men went off to fight in World War II. In 1948, Lawrence Herkimer, the father of modern cheerleading, founded the National Cheerleaders Association and held the first cheerleading camp. He established the first cheer uniform company and invented the iconic cheer accessory, pom poms.   43   Herkimer, cheerleading would not be the sport that we know and love today.
      The history of competitive cheerleading dates back to the late 1960s, when the International Cheerleading Foundation began   44   the top ten college cheerleading squads as well as handing out Cheerleader All America awards. As the popularity of cheerleading grew, so   45   the stunts, tumbling and skill level of the cheerleaders participating. Today competitive cheerleading is one of the most popular sports in the United States and it has become a multi-million-dollar industry that shows no signs of slowing down.

(A)Because of
(B)Apart from

14( ).

請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
       The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan announced that new immigrant mothers who aredivorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose thecustody of their children. The NIA’s decision to amend the law is invariably linked with the protection of thechildren’s rights and interests. The NIA restated that Article 31 of the Immigration Act in 2007 was modifiedto safeguard the rights and interests of foreign spouses after a divorce. The amendment contains enabling themto have the custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are victimsof domestic violence.
      In the past, new immigrant mothers who are divorced without the custody of their children are usuallycompelled to leave the country. Yet, their right to have visitation of their children will still be granted dependingon the NIA’s evaluation of each case concerning to what extent the mothers are involved in bearing and rearingtheir Taiwan-born children before they are deported finally. With this adjustment in law, the court will decidewhether a mother can obtain the custody of her child/children according to paragraph 4 of Article 31 of theImmigration Act. Once granted, a new immigrant mother in such a circumstance will be authorized to continuedwelling in this country. In the case of a new immigrant mother who has already gone back to her country oforigin after a divorce, the NIA claimed that she can still come back to Taiwan with a visitor visa provided thatshe used to be a legal resident in Taiwan who was the primary caretaker of her child/children or kept in fullcontact with them.

【題組】21 Which interest group in Taiwan is most likely to welcome this new amendment in law?
(A) The Consumers’ Foundation.
(B) The Society of Wilderness.
(C) The Child Welfare League Foundation.
(D) The Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Services.

15( ).

Traffic in most American cities is a problem, especially during the rush hours when many people are going to or returning from work. Consequently, there are traffic reports on the radio throughout the day, and there are many articles about traffic issues and traffic accidents in the newspaper. Traffic issues, road building, repairs, and the quality of public transportation are so important to the general public that they are often brought up during political campaigns. Expanding public transportation and encouraging car pools are two methods often discussed to improve traffic congestion. Many major cities are beginning to designate one lane of their major highways for only car pool traffic during rush hours, and special car pool parking lots are being built outside major cities. In addition, people are being encouraged to use public transportation, such as buses and underground trains whenever possible. Many cities offer special discount tickets on public transportation for commuters who use this form of transportation regularly.
【題組】Cities are facing growing transportation problems during ______.
(A) road building
(B) political campaigns
(C) rush hours
(D) repairs


