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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1851~1875)
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41.This report shows that even for American college graduates who are able to find work, there is little guarantee that they will earn a wage _____ with their skills or adequate to pay back their debts.
(A) contingent
(B) contiguous
(C) commensurate
(D) corroborative


In an age without radio or recordings, an age _____ by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy.
(A) decimated
(B) denigrated
(C) dominated
(D) resurrect


While students are doing group work, the teacher may tell them she/he is available for help and then grade papers at the desk.


Whatever view I decide to take, I will be indicating in a clear and ______ way.
(A) ambivalent
(B) superfluous
(C) unequivocal
(D) ambiguous


14. The author’s works had fallen into a state of _________; no one bothered to read them any longer.
(A) vivacity
(B) fervor
(C) ardor
(D) oblivion


15. Some people tend to __________ themselves with too much luggage when they go travelling.
(A) hallucinate
(B) ingratiate
(C) encumber
(D) infringe


9. A silent period is a time when learners _________.
(A) process the language.
(B) study the language.
(C) do written work.
(D) read and write more.


17. Most of the earthquakes are off-shore tremors that did _____ little damage.
(A) roughly
(B) regrettably
(C) retrospectively
(D) relatively


By picking on someone who is weak, shy, or insecure, _______ show that they are in control, and can actually draw the approval of more popular peers who dislike the victim.
(A) leaders
(B) cheaters
(C) protestors
(D) bullies


Family members of 9/11 victims gathered with American officials at the Pentagon this week for a gronndbreaking ceremony, marking the beginning of construction on 9/11 _______.


13. The term _______ in assessment refers to the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure.
(A) reliability
(B) validity
(C) question
(D) meaning


Being “intelligent” or “smart” doesn’t make anyone ________ to making a bad decision.
(A) dismal
(B) immune
(C) personified
(D) fabled


6. Sugar, salt and oil are usually _____ before they are used.
(A) refined
(B) mellowed
(C) overcome
(D) polished


8. Schools of _____, like Yale and Oxford, have always enjoyed a long-enduring reputation among students.
(A) canker
(B) prestige
(C) diadem
(D) lineage


Ramsay tried to stay alert and listen to the teacher in class but the stuffy room made him ____ . He felt as if he was about to nod off.
(A) subliminal
(B) voracious
(C) remorseful
(D) lethargic


Most victims of internet _____ are slow to respond to the crime, even though they are aware of being cheated.
(A) access
(B) explorer
(C) security
(D) fraud


When the steamship Sully sailed from France for New York on 1 October 1832, one of the passengers on board was Samuel F. B. Morse. He was an artist. He had just spent three weeks in Europe visiting art galleries and painting pictures. Now he was returning to New York. He planned to paint a great historical picture. On the trip , Morse heard one of the passengers, Charles T. Jackson, talk about an electromagnet he had with him. Electromagnets were very new then. At university , Morse had been interested in electricity and magnetism. It is not surprising that he was interested in the new kind of magnet. One day someone onboard asked Jackson how long it took electricity to flow through his magnet. Jackson answered that electricity went so fast that it took almost no time at all. Morse then suggested that so fast a traveler might be used to carry messages. He set to work at once on this idea. By the time he landed in New York, Morse had the plan for the telegraph well worked out. As he left the boat , he turned to the captain and said, “Well, Captain, should you hear of the telegraph one of these days as the wonder of the world, remember that the discovery was made on the good ship Sully.” Morse spent all his spare time on his new idea. The work was not easy because he had to do everything by hand. It was hard to buy even bare copper wire. But at last, in 1835, he finished the first telegraph set. It worked well.
【題組】What did Jackson have that caused Morse’s interest?
(A) painting
(B) steamship
(C) electricity
(D) electromagnet


【題組】In the 2nd paragraph, what does the word “traveler” (in bold letters) refer to?
(A) Morse
(B) Jackson
(C) electricity
(D) magnet


Doctors have been told not to _____ children with an anesthetic that may be linked to five deaths.
(A) paraphrase
(B) sedate
(C) swerve
(D) transcend


A gaseous hydrogen leak on the space shuttle Endeavour forced NASA to cancel Saturday's planned launch. The leak is similar to_________ that happened during the first launch attempt of space shuttle Discovery in March.
(A) the moment
(B) the reason
(C) the way
(D) the one


III. Discourse(每格1.25分)
     Brain conditions such as schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder have long been known to have an inherited component.    (20)   Now, some of the first findings from the most comprehensive genomic analysis of the human brain ever undertaken are shedding light on the roots of these disorders.   (21)    Researchers have also uncovered previously unidentified networks of genes and the buried elements, which might contribute to the chances of developing such disorders. “We’re not claiming in the remotest way to have figured out the underlying mechanism of these diseases, or how you would go about designing drugs, but we are highlighting genes, pathways and also cell types that are associated with these diseases,” says Mark Gerstein, a molecular biophysicist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.    (22)    Unlike disorders caused by mutations in a single gene — such as cystic fibrosis or some types of muscular dystrophy — neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia involve hundreds of genes that interact with environmental factors.    (23)    Over the past decade, scientists have identified numerous genetic variants that are associated with such disorders. But in many cases, it is not clear how the sequence changes alter gene function — if at all. “Typically, when we do a genetic study, we might find 50 associated genetic variants all clustered in the same region of the genome, and maybe only one of them is directly influencing the risk of disease,” says Michael O’Donovan, a psychiatric geneticist at Cardiff University, UK. Further complicating matters, some of these variants fall in regions of DNA that do not code for proteins.    (24)    But buried within them are the codes for elements that regulate gene expression, such as transcription factors and microRNAs, which can also have a powerful influence on a person’s disease risk. 

(A)Among the discoveries are elements buried in the genome’s ‘dark matter’ that seem to regulate gene expression.
(B) Each gene contributes only a small amount to the overall disease risk.
(C) Until the past few years, scientists presumed these areas to be wastelands.
(D)Pinpointing how gene variants contribute to disease, however, has been a major challenge.
(E) He was involved in a number of the project’s studies, selection of which were published this week in Science.


三、文意選填(20 題,共 20 分) 
(1) 5d09a9b8816f9.jpg     New method of detecting forgeries uses minuscule canvas fibers and paint samples to expose purportedly historic works of art as modern creations. The technique, catalogued in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, dates would-be masterpieces by measuring traces of carbon-14 isotopes released into the atmosphere by mid-20th century nuclear bomb testing. Objects made after 1963 hold significantly higher levels of the unstable isotope, allowing researchers to 31 between pre- and post-World War II paintings. 
    This isn’t the first time scientists have turned to radiocarbon dating in an attempt to 32 forgers. The idea of dating art by assessing the organic matter used to bind paint pigments was first floated as early as 1972; previous case studies include a 2015 investigation that 33 the provenance of a supposed Fernand Léger canvas owned by American art collector Peggy Guggenheim.
   Still, the approach has its drawbacks. According to artnet News’ Taylor Dafoe, 34 forgers recycle antique canvases and even paint, making it difficult to determine if a painting is original or simply artfully doctored. At the same time, the Economist notes, radiocarbon testing is so destructive that a sample can rarely be analyzed twice. Typically, the process also requires a “sufficiently” sized sample: Given the possibility that a suspected forgery may actually be a 35 masterpiece, investigators are often reluctant to remove significant amounts of paint. Fragments of a wooden frame or pieces 36 from the edge of a canvas, on the other hand, “might be considered an acceptable loss.”
   The new research, led by Laura Hendriks of Switzerland’s ETH Zurich, draws on the latest technological advances to reduce the size of samples needed for testing. Working with a known forgery dating to the 1980s, the team 37 hairlike strands of canvas fiber measuring just a few millimeters long and a paint particle weighing less than 200 micrograms.
   Although the painting—titled Village Scene with Horse and Honn & Company Factory— mimics the American primitive folk art style and is signed “Sarah Honn May 5, 1866 A.D,” it’s actually the work of convicted forger Robert Trotter. As Treasures on Trial, an online 38 run by Delaware’s Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library, notes, Trotter stripped, repainted and artificially aged worthless old paintings, as well as created lengthy 39 reports that seemingly testified to the works’ authenticity. Ultimately, he admitted to selling 52 falsified paintings and served 10 months in prison. Following Trotter’s conviction, Buffalo State College’s Art Conservation Department acquired the “Sarah Honn” canvas, which has been studied to better understand forgery methods.
   Crucially, carbon-14 isotopes, spurred by ocean absorption and 40 by fossil fuel emissions, are on track to return to pre-war levels. This could lead to inconclusive results further down the road, making it essential to use radiocarbon dating in conjunction with other techniques.



5. The man was consistently _________  and concise, choosing to speak with fewer words than his colleagues.
(A) laconic
(B) obsolete
(C) tenuous
(D) verbose


6. Flying in the air was once regarded as a ____ and crazy idea before the invention of airplanes.
(A) xenophobic
(B) acephalous
(C) blithe
(D) whimsical


43. While reading over the elegy written by the poet on his deceased family, readers experience the ________ grief from the bottom of the heart.
(A) parable
(B) expendable
(C) inconsolable
(D) dispensable


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1851~1875)-阿摩線上測驗
