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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2146~2150)
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The philosophy of life of the younger generation nowadays is to party more and work less ______ Alice’s is the opposite.
(A) when
(B) while
(C) since
(D) and


In the summer, many people often decide to get fit. But 41 their motivation is correct, the methods sometimes are not. Over the years, statements like “eat less to lose weight” have been passed around as good advice. In fact, 42 fitness strategies are unhealthy— and even dangerous. Unfortunately, many people want to lose weight so badly that they will believe any advice—good or bad. Here are two of the most 43 myths about getting fit. “If I just eat less, I will lose weight.” Many people only focus on the amount of food they consume each day. They neglect to pay attention to what they’re eating. So they may be eating less, but they’re not eating healthily. Be sure to eat a good balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats. You need all three food groups to 44 a healthy body. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. “If I build muscle, I will gain weight.” This statement is actually true. Muscle is more dense than fat, so the same amount weighs more. But muscle also takes up less space. When you 45 muscle, you will be thinner and your clothes will feel looser.
【題組】 41.
(A)when 
(B)unless 
(C)while 


The Saisiyat people—one of Taiwan’s officially recognized aboriginal groups—have a unique ritual ceremony called Pas-ta’al. That ceremony is said to have been carried out for as many as 400 years. Today, it takes place every two years. And every ten years, it is larger and takes on added significance. The most recent ten-year ceremony was held in 2006 at two complementary and overlapping sites in northern Taiwan during the full moon of the 10th lunar month. <br>     Thousands gathered for the first day of the ceremony in Wufeng, Hsinchu County. Tourists from all over the island joined the local villagers in the elaborate ceremony in an open field. Men and women were dancing and singing, arms crossed, hand-in-hand, and moving in and out of a huge circle. Native Saisiyat people all wore bright red and white traditional costumes with intricate weaving and beading. Some had ornate decorations at the back, from which hung mirrors, beads, and bells that rang and clanged as the dancers moved. Tourists were welcome but were asked to stay away from particular areas where secret rituals were performed by village elders. They were also advised to tie Japanese silver grass around their arms, cameras, and recorders.
【題組】What is Pas-ta’al?

(A)It is an annual ritual ceremony of the Saisiyat people.

(B)It is a Saisiyat wedding ceremony in which people sing and dance.

(C)It is a Saisiyat ceremony in which Japanese silver grass is used as sacrifice.

(D)It is a Saisiyat ceremony that has a history as long as four hundred years.


43 The historical sites and delicious cuisine of France attract an _______ of visitors every year.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       This month Cupid takes flight because love is in the air. And this year it smells like grease and salt. A perfume thatsmells like French fries has proven to be as irresistible as the fast-food staple after selling out almost instantly. The IdahoPotato Commission (IPC) released the limited-edition fragrance – "Frites by Idaho" – just in time for Valentine's Day,and fans couldn't wait to get their hands on a bottle. Frites by Idaho is manufactured using distilled homegrown potatoesand essential oils. Whether you and your valentine are planning to have a quiet dinner at home or will be heading outfor a fancy meal on that most romantic of days, you can make sure you crave fast food the entire time with Frites byIdaho.
       Sure this sounds silly, but think of all the words and feelings you associate with both perfume and French fries:desire, alluring, intoxicating, irresistible, tasty. Okay, maybe not that last one, but you get the idea. The great state ofIdaho isn't taking its novelty fragrance too seriously, either. The 1.7 fluid ounce bottle was available for the same priceas a side of fries, just US$1.89. Unfortunately, that's also why it sold out immediately on the IPC website. But don't giveup hope just yet, French fry romantics. You can enter a contest to win one of 10 bottles the state is giving away for free.Just head to the Idaho Potato Instagram page for how to enter.
      Even if you don't end up nabbing one, we have an idea. Just rub some French fries on your neck before your lovedone shows up. Just remember to make sure you let your fries cool down before you do that. Things are heating up thismonth, but hopefully not because of second degree burns.

【題組】46 What is this new product just in time for Valentine's Day?
(A) French fries made with Idaho Potato.
(B) A perfume that smells like French fries.
(C) Idaho potato with a 90 percent discount.
(D) A meal at a fast food restaurant in Idaho.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2146~2150)-阿摩線上測驗
