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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2151~2155)
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40 There was an ________ moment at the meeting when no one said anything about the problem.
(A) awkward
(B) academic
(C) artistic
(D) arrogant


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
        It is believed that the color choices you make reflect a deeper meaning about your personality traits. For example, introverts and extroverts are likely to choose different colors – blue and red respectively. The colors you choose to wear might also say something about how you are feeling that day. Some days you may feel like wearing something lighter, something red, or something blue. These choices are often a reflection of how you are feeling at the moment. Additionally, wearing certain colors may cause you to react differently to certain situations. 
        The research also shows there may be a link between car color and serious injuries as a result of car accidents. From a safe perspective, it is recommended to choose expansive color with bright colors rather than contractive color with dark colors. Cars in light colors make lighter and cleaner impression than those in other colors. The study in Australia identified a clear statistically significant relationship between vehicle color and crash risk. Compared to white vehicles, a number of colors, generally those lower on the visibility index, were associated with higher crash risk. The association between vehicle color and crash risk was strongest during daylight hours. The analysis results also suggested that vehicle color has an association with crash severity with lower visibility colors having higher risks of more severe crashes, although environmental factors can also modify the relationship between vehicle color and crash risk. Further work is required to quantify this.

【題組】43 Which of the following might be the safest vehicle color according to the study?


31 The government is considering the creation of a dedicated immigration law to _____ manpower shortage in the country.
(A) tickle
(B) tackle
(C) trickle
(D) twinkle


25 My sources insist on remaining anonymous because they fear for being punished if they were to be ____.
(A) satisfied
(B) classified
(C) identified
(D) modified


37 By regulation, it is ________ for all workers to wear protective clothing when they are operating the machine.
(A) diligent
(B) overwhelming
(C) industrious
(D) obligatory


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2151~2155)-阿摩線上測驗
