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4. The story about Hou-I shooting down nine suns is a well-known Chinese _____, but it may not be a true historical event.
(A) figure
(B) rumor
(C) miracle
(D) legend


14. The government issued a travel _____ for Taiwanese in response to the outbreak of civil war in Syria.
(A) alert
(B) monument
(C) exit
(D) circulation


11. The more one is ______the English-speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language.
(A) filled in
(B) exposed to
(C) caught on
(D) kept up


2. After spending most of her salary on rent and food, Amelia _____ had any money left for entertainment and other expenses.
(A) barely
(B) fairly
(C) merely
(D) readily


10. A mad scientist in a novel is often portrayed as a wild-eyed man with crazy hair, working ______ in a lab full of strange equipment and bubbling test tubes.
(A) contagiously
(B) distinctively
(C) frantically
(D) tremendously


10. Although electronic devices are very popular nowadays, paper ______ are still most common in major elections around the world.
(A) tokens
(B) fragments
(C) ballots
(D) warranties

7( ).

第 16 至 20 題為題組 
       Tai Chi Chuan is a type of ancient Chinese martial art. People ____16____ Tai Chi mainly for its health benefits. This centuries-old Chinese mind-body exercise is now gaining popularity in the United States. 
       The most familiar aspect of Tai Chi Chuan is the hand form, which is a series of slow-flowing movements with poetic names ____17____ “dragons stirring up the wind” and “wave hands like clouds.” These movements, forming an exercise system, ____18____ one to effortlessly experience the vital life force, or the Qi energy, in one’s body. 
       Tai Chi Chuan is not only a physical but also a ____19____ exercise. Psychologically, this exercise may increase communication between the body and the mind and enable one to deal with other people more effectively. It ____20____ stress and creates calmness and confidence. Relaxation and a feeling of joy are among the first noticeable differences in a Tai Chi student.

(A) allow
(B) allows
(C) allowed
(D) allowing

8( ).

說明︰1. 第16至20題,每題皆為未完成的句子。請逐題依文意與語法,從右欄
(A) 到(J)的選項中選出最適當者,合併成一個意思通順、用法正確的句子。 2. 請將每題所選答案之英文字母代號標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。 每題答對得1分,答錯不倒扣。 (AB) or you’ll be in big trouble. (AC) I would have gone with you. (AD) the traffic and the noise bothered him greatly. (AE) I could not help you solve the problem. (BC) until he sees Mary immediately. (BD) he’ll see John sitting by the fire. (BE) should John be allowed to do it alone. (CD) then John knew he had passed it. (CE) did John realize how easy it was. (DE) whose car was stolen.

【題組】17. Under no circumstances

9( ).

16-20題為題組 Joe: I see you’re busy right now, Sue. As soon as you (16) , I’d like to talk to you for a few minutes. Sue: It’s O.K. Come on in. Joe: Oh, no, I don’t want to interrupt you. I can wait. I’ll come back (17) . Sue: I’m afraid it’s going to be a long wait! I’m working (18) my history paper. Joe: History paper? I thought you’d finished it. (19) you turn it in on Friday? Sue: Uh-huh. But the professor just returned it to me. I (20) to add 10 more pages. Joe: Ten more pages! That’s a lot. How are you going to do it? Sue: That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Now what can I do for you?
(A) later
(B) late
(C) latter
(D) latest

10( ).

In the fall of 1973, in an effort to bring attention to the conflict between Egypt and Israel, World 
Hello Day was born. The objective is to promote peace all over the world, and to 26 barriers 
between every nationality. Since then, World Hello Day—November 21st of every year— 27 observed 
by people in 180 countries. 
Taking part couldn’t be 28 . All one has to do is say hello to 10 people on the day. However, in 
response to the 29 of this event, the concepts of fostering peace and harmony do not have to be 
confined to one day a year. We can 30 the spirit going by communicating often and consciously. It 
is a simple act that anyone can do and it reminds us that communication is more effective than conflict. 

(A) aim
(B) tone
(C) key
(D) peak

11( ).

51-55題為題組 New York, Nov. 17--In a swirl of confetti and shredded paper, John Glenn made his second trip through New York’s "Canyon of Heroes" in a parade Monday, saluting his return to space 36 years after he became America’s first man in orbit. Glenn’s first ticker-tape parade on March 1, 1962, after his Mercury flight, is considered the largest ever in New York. An estimated 3,474 tons of confetti and ticker-tape rained down along a seven-mile route. For his second parade, despite lunchtime crowds from Wall Street, the turnout Monday was sparse by New York standards and spectators along a route less than a mile long were surprisingly restrained. Police and Glenn’s parade was attended by 500,000 -- a figure that appeared generously inflated. The 1962 celebration "was more enthusiastic -- a lot more people," said one spectator, who as a young newlywed attended Glenn’s first parade and came from her Brooklyn home again for Glenn’s second parade. Another spectator said that too many Americans take the achievements of the space program for granted. "It’s become so everyday, so ordinary, nobody cares," he said. Glenn began the day with decorating the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. After that event, Glenn recalled the 1962 parade, saying, "It was just so enormous. I remember just a blizzard of paper. You could hardly even look up without getting something in your eye." Glenn, who retires from the U.S. Senate next month, joins a list of individuals and sports teams honored with more than one ticker-tape parade.
【題組】55. Why does the report say that the figure of Glenn’s second parade was “inflated”?
(A) Because the second parade had a larger crowd than the first parade.
(B) Because there were many people who attended both parades.
(C) Because the crowd of the second parade seemed to be far less than 500,000.
(D) Because the crowd of the second parade was far more enthusiastic.

12( ).

       Niki de Saint Phalle, one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, was a French-American born in 1930. She was brought up in a very conservative family, and yet, she rejected the staid, conservative values of her family to pursue a career in painting __31__ Fortunately, painting offered her an effective therapy and a way to develop as an artist. Her famous “Nana” series gained universal praise. It is a testimony to the glory of women. __32__ Some of these sculptures are very big, “so that men would look small next to them.” Saint Phalle used vivid colors in these works and her female subjects dance cheerfully and merrily. __33__ 
      Saint Phalle’s sculptural park, “The Tarot Garden,” inspired by Tarot cards, is situated in the Italian province of Tuscany. __34__ The park contains sculptures of the symbols found on Tarot cards. The brightly colored combinations of buildings and sculptures reflect the metaphysical qualities represented by the 22 main tarot cards. The sculptures, however, have nothing to do with fortune telling. __35__ Saint Phalle passed away on May 21, 2002, in San Diego, California, at the age of 71. Her death meant the loss of a woman of diverse creative talents. (AB) The series is mostly composed of life-size dolls of women in various roles such as brides and new mothers. (AC) Work on the garden began in 1979, and it was officially opened to the public in May 1998. (AD) Many modern women artists create sculptures that have become iconic pieces of feminist movement. (AE) Through these joyful and powerful images of Nana, the artist sends a positive message to all women. (BC) Her rebelliousness created a series of conflicts with her family, which led to a nervous breakdown at age 23. (BD) Instead, the works focus on the elements of life experience, personality, and self-knowledge that the cards refer to.


13( ).

三 、 文 意 選 填 ( 占 10 分 ) 
第 31 至 40 題為題組
        Dimples are small folds or indentations on the cheeks of one’s face. Generally, they appear on both cheeks; a single dimple on one cheek is a relatively  31  phenomenon. Some cultures are found to show preference for dimples on one’s cheeks, as the feature is claimed to be a sign of  32  .
 Though often associated with beauty, most dimples are actually a genetic  33  caused by shortened facial muscles. When a person smiles, the shorter-than-normal muscle pulls up the facial skin, which in turn creates a small indentation—or dimple—in the skin. Such dimples tend to occur in families, and are assumed to be an inherited feature. In fact, some researchers believe that the  34  of dimples from parents to children takes only one gene. If neither of the parents has dimple genes, their children will not  35  the trait.
        Not all dimples are formed by a genetic defect, though; some may appear due to the  36  of excessive fat on the face. Such dimples are not a permanent trait, for they vanish when the excessive fat goes away. Many babies, for example, have dimples on their  37  cheeks. As they grow older and lose their baby fat, the dimples may  38  with time.
        For those people who were born without  39  dimples, various methods can be applied to successfully create them. These methods  40  from a simple step like makeup to a drastic one like surgery. It all depends on whether you think it is worth the effort. 
(AB) flaw (AC) exhibit (AD) chubby (AE) attractiveness (BC) fade (BD) rare (BE) range (CD) transfer (CE) natural (DE) presence


14( ).

21-25題為題組 Climbing the most difficult mountains requires a very special mental condition. ( 21) the climber is doing something very difficult, everything that he or she sees, hears, or (22) must come together to help in the work of climbing. All of the parts of the body work together smoothly and quietly (23) each part feels what is happening in the other parts. There is no room for thinking about what time it is, or about how one looks. (24) thinking must focus on what is happening at that moment, and the mind and the body become one. Only by entering this quiet mental state ( 25) a climber really do his or her best.
(A) or
(B) if
(C) as
(D) but

15( ).

第45 至 48 題為題組 
Capoeira is a martial art that combines elements of fight, acrobatics, drumming, singing, dance, and rituals. It involves a variety of techniques that make use of the hands, feet, legs, arms, and head. Although Capoeira appears dancelike, many of its basic techniques are similar to those in other martial arts. Capoeira was created nearly 500 years ago in Brazil by African slaves. It is believed that the martial art was connected with tribal fighting in Africa, in which people fought body to body, without weapons, in order to acquire a bride or desired woman. In the sixteenth century, when the Africans were taken from their homes to Brazil against their will and kept in slavery, Capoeira began to take form among the community of slaves for self-defense. But it soon became a strong weapon in the life-or-death struggle against their oppressors. When the slave owners realized the power of Capoeira, they began to punish those who practiced it. Capoeiristas learned to camouflage the forbidden fights with singing, clapping, and dancing as though it were simply entertainment. 
At first, Capoeira was considered illegal in Brazil. However, a man known as Mestre Bimba devoted a great deal of time and effort to convincing the Brazilian authorities that Capoeira has great cultural value and should become an official fighting style. He succeeded in his endeavor and transformed the martial art into Brazil’s national sport. He and Mestre Pastinha were the first to open schools, and the Capoeira tree grew, spreading its branches across the world. Nowadays, it is performed in movies and music clips. Capoeira is also believed to have influenced several dancing styles like breaking and hip-hop.

【題組】46. Which of the following will probably NOT be found in the performance of Capoeira?
(A) Singing with drums.
(B) Sweeping with the legs.
(C) Stabbing with swords.
(D) Striking with the hands.

16( ).

第 31 至 35 題為題組
        All advertising includes an attempt to persuade. __31__ Even if an advertisement claims to be purely informational, it still has persuasion at its core. The ad informs the consumers with one purpose: to get the consumer to like the brand and, on that basis, to eventually buy the brand. Without this persuasive intent, communication about a product might be news, but it would not be advertising.
        Advertising can be persuasive communication not only about a product but also an idea or a person. __32__ Although political ads are supposed to be concerned with the public welfare, they are paid for and they all have a persuasive intent. __33__ A Bush campaign ad, for instance, did not ask anyone to buy anything, yet it attempted to persuade American citizens to view George Bush favorably. __34__ Critics of President Clinton’s health care plan used advertising to influence lawmakers and defeat the government’s plan.
        __35__ For instance, the international organization Greenpeace uses advertising to get their message out. In the ads, they warn people about serious pollution problems and the urgency of protecting the environment. They, too, are selling something and trying to make a point.
 (AB) Political advertising is one example. (AC) To put it another way, ads are communication designed to get someone to do something. (AD) Advertising can be the most important source of income for the media through which it is conducted. (AE) They differ from commercial ads in that political ads “sell” candidates rather than commercial goods. (BC) Aside from campaign advertising, political advertising is also used to persuade people to support or oppose proposals. (BD) In addition to political parties, environmental groups and human rights organizations also buy advertising to persuade people to accept their way of thinking.


17( ).

第 40 至 43 題為題組 
   An ancient skull unearthed recently indicates that big cats originated in central Asia—not Africa as widely thought, paleontologists reported on Wednesday. 
   Dated at between 4.1 and 5.95 million years old, the fossil is the oldest remains ever found of a pantherine felid, as big cats are called. The previous felid record holder—tooth fragments found in Tanzania—is estimated to be around 3.8 million years old. 
   The evolution of big cats has been hotly discussed, and the issue is complicated by a lack of fossil evidence to settle the debate. 
   “This find suggests that big cats have a deeper evolutionary origin than previously suspected,” said Jack Tseng, a paleontologist of the University of Southern California who led the probe. 
   Tseng and his team made the find in 2010 in a remote border region in Tibet. The fossil was found stuck among more than 100 bones that were probably deposited by a river that exited a cliff. After three years of careful comparisons with other fossils, using DNA data to build a family tree, the team is convinced the creature was a pantherine felid. 
   The weight of evidence suggests that central or northern Asia is where big cats originated some 16 million years ago. They may have lived in a vast mountain refuge, formed by the uplifting Himalayas, feeding on equally remarkable species such as the Tibetan blue sheep. They then dispersed into Southeast Asia, evolving into the clouded leopard, tiger and snow leopard lineages, and later movements across continents saw them evolve into jaguars and lions. 
   The newly discovered felid has been called Panthera Blytheae, after Blythe Haaga, daughter of a couple who support a museum in Los Angeles, the university said in a news release.

【題組】40. According to the passage, why is the origin of big cats a hot issue?
(A) Because not many fossils have been found.
(B) Because they moved across continents.
(C) Because no equipment was available for accurate analysis.
(D) Because they have evolved into many different species of felid.

18( ).

   Stress has become a favorite subject of everyday conversation. It is not __(31)__ to hear friends and family members talk about the difficulty they have in __(32)__ the stress of everyday life and the efforts they make to control the events __(33)__ cause stress.
   Most of us understand the results of not controlling our reactions __(34)__ stress. Forty-three percent of all adults suffer terrible health effects __(35)__ stress. Most physician office visits are for stress-related illnesses and complaints. Stress is linked to the six __(36)__ causes of death— heart disease, cancer, lung disease, accidents, liver disease, and suicide. Currently, health care costs account for __(37)__ twelve percent of the gross domestic product. 
   Yet, while stress may damage our health, it is sometimes necessary, __(38)__ desirable. Exciting or challenging events __(39)__ the birth of a child, completion of a major project at work, or moving to a new city generate __(40)__ much stress as does tragedy or disaster. And without stress, life would be dull. 
(AB) about (AC) from (AD) even (AE) as (BC) managing (BD) like (BE) to (CD) that (CE) unusual (DE) leading


19( ).

第 31 至 40 題為題組 
   Fortune cookies, commonly served after meals at Chinese restaurants in the U.S., are characterized by a fortune, which is written on a small piece of paper tucked inside the cookie. There are several 31 stories about the origin of the fortune cookie. None of them, however, has been proven to be entirely true. 
   One of these stories 32 the cookie’s origin back to 13 th - and 14th -century China, which was then occupied by the Mongols. According to the legend, notes of 33 plans for a revolution to overthrow the Mongols were hidden in mooncakes that would ordinarily have been stuffed with sweet bean paste. The revolution turned out to be 34 and eventually led to the formation of the Ming Dynasty. This story may sound highly credible, but there seems to be no solid evidence that it inspired the creation of the 35 we know of today as fortune cookies.
    Another 36 claims that David Jung, a Chinese immigrant living in Los Angeles, created the fortune cookie in 1918. Concerned about the poor people he saw wandering near his shop, he made cookies and passed them out free on the streets. Each cookie 37 a strip of paper inside with an inspirational Bible quotation on it. 
   However, the more generally accepted story is that the fortune cookie first 38 in either 1907 or 1914 in San Francisco, created by a Japanese immigrant, Makoto Hagiwara. The fortune cookie was based on a Japanese snack, but Hagiwara sweetened the recipe to appeal to American 39 . He enclosed thankyou notes in the cookies and served them to his guests with tea. Within a few years, Chinese restaurant owners in San Francisco had copied the recipe and 40 the thank-you notes with fortune notes. Such fortune cookies became common in Chinese restaurants in the U.S. after World War II. 
(AB) account (AC) appeared (AD) competing (AE) contained (BC) replaced (BD) secret (BE) successful (CD) tastes ( CE ) traces (DE) treats


20( ).

第 31 至 35 題為題組 One of the most difficult things for a human to face is the loss of a limb. If a person loses an arm or a leg, he/she must be fitted with an artificial limb. The situation is very different for a starfish. If a starfish loses an arm, it can grow a new one. 31 Snails can even regrow their heads—imagine what the world would be like if humans could do that. But we can’t. Nor can we grow new limbs or even fingers. That’s why scientists are studying animals that can regrow body parts, that is, regenerate. 32 Many different kinds of animals show some form of regeneration. Most of them are, however, limited to the sort a lizard is capable of, like regrowing a lost tail. A cockroach can grow back a missing limb, but the limb itself can’t generate a new cockroach. 33 Bidirectional regeneration, on the other hand, refers to a situation in which splitting of an animal will result in separate fully functional animals. 34 Cut a hydra in half, and you’ll get two hydras. Cut it into four pieces, and you’ll get four. 35 A single one can be cut into hundreds of pieces and each will grow back into a whole in a week or so. Because of this remarkable ability, one planarian can be created over and over, giving it a sort of immortality. Whether this phenomenon can be achieved in humans will likely require years of research. 

(AB) Scientists call this unidirectional regeneration.
(AC) Humans aren’t completely without regenerative talents.
(AD) The same thing happens for lobsters, salamanders, and many other animals.
(AE) When it comes to regeneration, few animals can equal the magic of the planarian.
(BC) This type of regeneration is demonstrated in a few animals, such as hydras and sea stars.
(BD) They hope that this line of research will make regeneration possible in humans someday.

(A) Scientists call this unidirectional regeneration.
(B) Humans aren’t completely without regenerative talents.
(C) The same thing happens for lobsters, salamanders, and many other animals.
(D) When it comes to regeneration, few animals can equal the magic of the planarian.
(E) This type of regeneration is demonstrated in a few animals, such as hydras and sea stars. (BD) They hope that this line of research will make regeneration possible in humans someday.

21( ).

說明︰第21至30題,每題一個空格,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得1分,答錯不倒扣。 Now that you are planning to go to college, how can you select an ideal college for yourself? (21) its reputation or the test scores it requires for admission? In fact, it is not (22) simple as that. College education is far more complicated than (23) the reputation of a college or the test scores it requires. In addition to these two factors, you should also have (24) important information. Finding out which college suits you involves time and energy, but (25) more than those you might spend on buying a motorcycle or a computer. Here are some tips (26) choosing an ideal one from a number of colleges. 1. Visit the websites of these colleges and find out which college has departments (27) courses that interest you or will help you prepare for your future career. 2. Are the professors in the departments you plan to (28) into experts in their own fields? 3. Do the colleges allow you to participate in activities (29) will help you develop yourself intellectually and emotionally? I hope the (30) advice is helpful to you in selecting the right college.
(A) what
(B) they
(C) that
(D) those

22( ).

第 11 至 15 題為題組
     In certain forests, when you look up you will see a network of cracks formed by gaps between the outermost edges of tree branches. It looks like a precisely engineered jigsaw puzzle, each branch growing just perfectly so it almost,  11  , touches the neighboring tree. This beautiful phenomenon is called crown shyness.
     Scientists have been discussing crown shyness since the 1920s, proposing  12  explanations for the phenomenon. Some researchers point out that as trees often grow close together, treetops can easily collide and break when swayed by the wind. In order to protect their branches from breakage, trees maintain “shyness gaps”—spaces large enough to prevent them from touching their neighbors.
     Other scientists suggest that plants, like animals,  13  resources—nutrients, water, space, and light. In forested areas with thick tree crowns, there is intense struggle for these resources. Gaps in the treetops resulting from crown shyness may allow trees to increase their  14  light and enhance photosynthesis. Additionally, by having branches that do not touch those of their neighbors, trees may be able to limit the spread of leaf-eating insects, and potentially also the transmission of diseases from tree to tree.  15  decades of investigation, there is no consensus on exactly what causes the beautiful and mysterious phenomenon of crown shyness.

(A) For
(B) Besides
(C) Despite
(D) Concerning

23( ).

第 21 至 30 題為題組 
        The practice of burning paper money or paper model offerings at funerals in Chinese society can be traced back to the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). Chinese people believe that when someone passes away, there is a death of the body, but the  21  continues to live in the next world. This “next world” is a mirror of the human world, where the “residents” need places to live, money to spend, daily necessities, and entertainment just like when they were  22  . Some of these necessities are buried with the deceased, while most others are “shipped” to them by burning paper models. As the ashes fly high, the offerings are  23  by the residents in the next world. Relatives of the deceased want to see their beloved family members live comfortably in the next world, so the paper houses are big and the cars are very  24  , mostly Mercedes-Benzes. A complete package of paper offerings may include a couple of servants, cash, and credit cards so that the deceased will have all their  25  satisfied. 
        These traditional paper offerings were sold only at specialty stores in the past. The style and variety of the products were  26  . For example, “houses” looked all the same and were built by pasting paper around a bamboo frame, with  27  of a door, windows, and a roof printed on it. There were no trendy, modern supplies to choose from. Now, the  28  can be made on the Internet. And with the incorporation of new materials and designs, paper offerings come in many more varieties. The old one-style-fits-all houses have been  29  by buildings that are fully equipped with decorations, furniture, and household appliances. Digital cameras, iPhones, and even skin care products are also  30  . It seems that, with the help of a simple click, this old Chinese tradition has been given a face-lift. 

(AB) replaced (AC) mortal (AD) spirit (AE) available (BC) journey (BD) luxurious (BE) collected (CD) purchase (CE) alive (DE) needs (ABC) limited (ABD) images


24( ).

       Tempeh (or tempe), a traditional soy product from Indonesia, is hailed as the country’s “gift to the world,” like kimchi from Korea or miso from Japan. 
       A stable, cheap source of protein in Indonesia for centuries, tempeh is a fermented food originating from the island of Java. It was discovered during tofu production when discarded soybean residue caught microbial spores from the air and grew certain whitish fungi around it. When this fermented residue was found to be edible and tasty, people began producing it at home for daily consumption across the country. This has given rise to many variations in its flavor and texture throughout different Indonesian regions. 
       Tempeh is high in protein and low in fat, and contains a host of vitamins. In fact, it is the only reported plant-based source of vitamin B12. Apart from being able to help reduce cholesterol, increase bone density, and promote muscle recovery, tempeh has a lot of polyphenols that protect skin cells and slow down the aging process. Best of all, with the same protein quality as meat and the ability to take on many flavors and textures, tempeh is a great meat substitute—something the vegetarian and vegan communities have been quick in adopting. 
       In addition to its highly nutritional makeup, tempeh has diverse preparation possibilities. It can be served as a main course (usually in curries) or a side dish to be eaten with rice, as a deep-fried snack, or even blended into smoothies and healthy juices. Though not yet a popular food among international diners, you may find tempeh-substituted BLTs (bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwiches) in San Francisco as easily as you can find vegetarian burgers with tempeh patties in Bali. 
       For the people of Indonesia, tempeh is not just food but also has cultural value. With the Indonesian traditional fabric batik being recognized by UNESCO as “Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity,” tempeh has great potential for this honor as well.

【題組】37. According to the passage, which of the following is true about tempeh?
(A) It is mainly served as a side dish.
(B) It is discarded when fungi grow around it.
(C) It is formed from fermented soybeans.
(D) It has the same nutritional benefits as kimchi.

25( ).

五、閱讀測驗(占 3 2分 ) 說明︰第36題至第51題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記 在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得2分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一 個選項者,該題以零分計算。 第 36 至 39題為題組 All pop artists like to say that they owe their success to their fans. In the case of British band SVM, it’s indeed true. The band is currently recording songs because 358 fans contributed the £100,000 needed for the project. The arrangement came via MMC, an online record label that uses Web-based, social-network-style “crowd-funding” to finance its acts. Here’s how it works: MMC posts demos and videos of 10 artists on its website, and users are invited to invest from £10 to £1,000 in the ones they most enjoy or think are most likely to become popular. Once an act reaches £100,000, the financing process is completed, and the money is used to pay for recording and possibly a concert tour. Profits from resulting music sales, concerts, and merchandise are split three ways: investors get to divide 40%; another 40% goes to MMC; the artist pockets 20%. The payoff for investors can be big. One fan in France who contributed £4,250 got his money back 22 times over. Crowd-funding musical acts is not new. But MMC takes the concept to another level. First of all, investors can get cash rather than just goodies like free downloads or tickets. Also, MMC is a record label. It has the means to get its music distributed around the world and to market artists effectively. “Artists need professional support,” says the CEO of MMC’s international division. While digital technology and the Net have created a do-it-yourself boom among musicians, success is still a long shot. Out of the 20,000 records released in the U.S. in 2009, only 14 DIY acts made it to the Top 200. Also, with less revenue from recorded music, music companies have become less likely to take risks, which has led to fewer artists receiving funding. The crowd-funding model, however, allows for more records to be made by spreading risk among hundreds of backers. And the social-network aspect of the site helps expand fan bases; that is, investors become a promotional army.
【題組】36. Which of the following titles best expresses the main idea of the passage?
(A) Web-based Music Production
(B) Fundraising for Music Companies
(C) Music Fans Profiting from Investments
(D) Crowd-funding in the Music Industry


