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【精選】 - 學士後西醫-物理難度:(1~25)
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50. A cloud layer is 1000 m above the planet, with the area of 1x106 m2 , considered as the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor. If an electric field strength is greater than 3.0x106 N/C, it causes lightning, what is the maximum charge the cloud can hold? (εo= 8.85 x 10-12 C2 /N•m2 )
(A) 28.55 C
(B) 26.55 C
(C) 24.55 C
(D) 22.55 C
(E) 20.55 C


2.An imaginary closed surface S of radius R is centered on the origin. A positive charge is originally at the origin, and the flux through hte surface is . The positive charge is slowly moved from the origin to a point R/2 away from the origin. Now the flux is .


5.A clear sheet of polaroid is placed on top of a simmilar sheets so that their polarizing axes make an angle of 30° with each other. The ratio of the intensity of emerging light to incident unpolarized light its . (  cos30o ,sin30o     )


6.What is the intensity ratio of sound for the heavy truck at 1.5m(90dB) to normal conversation at 1m(60dB)?


11.An ideal monatomic gas undergoes a quasistatic expansion to one-third of its initial pressure. Find the ratio of the final volume to the initial volume if the process is adiabatic. (0 = Cp / Cv 5ec0c824947b1.jpg 5/3 for ideal monatomic gas, log3 5ec0c666a6c21.jpg 0.5)
(A) 5ec0c7e9e432f.jpg


12.A block with mass m 5ec0c7f843f71.jpg 250g is fastened to a spring with spring constant k 5ec0c8373836a.jpg 85N/m. The system is excited to oscillate. Assume that there is a velocity-dependent damping force Fd 5ec0c845dd8f4.jpg -bv in the system with b 5ec0c85a072f0.jpg 70g/s. How long does it take for the amplitude of the damped oscillation to drop to half its initial value? (ln2 5ec0c868c1535.jpg 0.693)


13.A thin rod whose length L is 10cm and whose mass m is 100g, suspended at its midpoint from a long wire. Its period Ta of angular SHM (Simple Harmonic Motion) is measured to be 2.50 s. An irregularly shaped object is then hung from the same wire and its period Tb is found to be 5.0s. What is the rotational inertia of the irregular object about its suspension axis? (The rotational inertia for a rod is   mL2  )


14.In high-speed motion through air, the resisting force is approximately  F = cv2 . For a human body falling through air in a spread-eagle position, c is about 0.25kg/m. An 80kg sky diver jumps out of an airplane and reaches terminal speed before opening the parachute. What is the terminal speed?


19.A phone cord is 4.00m long. The cord has a mass of 0.200kg. If a transverse wave pulse travels from the receiver to the phone box in 0.100s, what is the tension in the cord?


21.A dipole for which p m is in a uniform field E 7 104 N /C  . What is the external work needed to rotate the dipole from alignment with the field to angle 60° to the field? ( cos60 o 0.5;sin 60o 0.9   )


22.A 5A current flows in a circular loop of radius 2cm. The axis of the loop is at 30° to a uniform field 0.06T. What is the magnitude of the torque on the loop?


24.What minimum frequency of light is needed to eject electrons from a metal whose work function is 4.3 )


25.Through how many volts of potential difference must an electron be accelerated to achieve a wavelength of 0.28nm? ( ́ )


2. What is this body’s moment of inertia I about axis through disk A? 5eeade04238e1.jpg
(A) 1.8 kg · m
(B) 1.8 kg · m2
(C) 4.0 kg · m
(D) 4.0 kg · m2
(E) 5.0 kg ·m2


3. The figure shows a plot of the time-dependent force 5eeade4a8d985.jpg acting on a particle in motion along the x-axis. What is the total impulse delivered to the particle? 5eeade5f27cd1.jpg
(A) 0 kg · m/s
(B) 1 kg · m/s
(C) 2 kg · m/s
(D) 3 kg · m/s
(E) 4 kg · m/s


6. Which step is one of the Carnot cycle?
(A) Isobaric compression
(B) Isochoric compression
(C) Isothermal compression
(D) Isochoric expansion
(E) Isobaric expansion


14. Given that the wavelengths of visible light range from 400 nm to 700 nm, what is the highest frequency of visible light? (c = 3.0 × 108 m/s)
(A) 3.1 × 108 Hz
(B) 5.0 × 108 Hz
(C) 4.3 × 1014 Hz
(D) 7.5 × 1014 Hz
(E) 2.3 × 1020 Hz


31. In a baseball game, the pitcher throw a ball (150 g) at a speed of 30.0 m/s. The batter hit it straight back with a speed of 40.0 m/s. What is the average force exerted by the bat if the bat-ball contact time is 0.005 sec?
(A) 300 N
(B) 14000 N
(C) 1200 N
(D) 2100 N
(E) 900 N


34. Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless table. A horizontal force is applied to the larger block. F = 100 N, m1 /m2 = 2. The force acting on the small block from the larger one is, 5eeae39eca257.jpg
(A) 100/2 N
(B) 100/3 N
(C) 100/4 N
(D) 100/6 N
(E) 100/8 N


45. There are two parallel-plate capacitors with same plate area A. As the figure illustrated, C1 is filled with two materials of dielectric constants κ and 2κ, while C2 is filled with only one material. The capacitance ratio C1 / C2 is___________ . 5eeae67bbce03.jpg
(A) 0.5
(B) 1.0
(C) 1.5
(D) 2.0
(E) 2.5


46. What is the equivalent resistance of the circuit in the figure? 5eeae69413c9f.jpg
(A) 8.6 Ω
(B) 13.8 Ω
(C) 3.6 Ω
(D) 42.4 Ω
(E) 19.6 Ω


50. The sliding bar has a length of 1.0 m, and moves at 3.0 m/s in a magnetic field of magnitude 0.5 T. This could induced motional emf. If the resistance in the circuit is 1.0 Ω, what is the power delivered to the resistor if the current goes counterclockwise around the loop? 5eeaf80ed45da.jpg
(A) 0.85 W
(B) 1.35 W
(C) 1.80 W
(D) 2.25 W
(E) 2.55 W


52. The figure shows the energy levels for an electron in a finite potential energy well. If the electron makes a transition from the n = 3 state to the ground state, what is the wavelength of the emitted photon? 5eeaf83146adf.jpg
(A) 2.3 nm
(B) 3.0 nm
(C) 5.3 nm
(D) 5.7 nm
(E) 6.0 nm


53. Light of wavelength 500 nm is incident upon a single slit with width 2 × 10−4 m. The diffraction pattern is observed on a screen positioned 4 m from the slit. Determine the distance of the second dark fringe from the central peak.
(A) 0.01 m
(B) 0.02 m
(C) 0.03 m
(D) 0.04 m
(E) 0.05 m


60. A standing sound wave pattern on a long string is described by y 5eeaf8dd9fe4d.jpg(all in SI unit). The distance between two nodes is ____________.
(A) 0.1 m
(B) 0.2 m
(C) 0.3 m
(D) 0.4 m
(E) 0.5 m


【精選】 - 學士後西醫-物理難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
