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28. John: Ben hasn’t handed in his assignment yet. It is one week overdue. Alice: I know. He keeps putting it off. John: Do you know why? Alice: ____________________
(A) It strikes me.
(B) It beats me.
(C) It hits me.
(D) It shocks me.


▲閱讀下文,回答第 31-35 題 According to scientists, frogs are disappearing from the earth. Since 1997, the frog population has dropped ( 31 ) 2 percent every year. Some frog species have completely ( 32 ). No one can be sure why this is happening, but a number of scientists are looking into it. Joe Pechmann, a professor at the University of New Orleans, has been studying frogs for 18 years. He believes there are several stresses on our planet that are killing off frogs. These problems ( 33 ) pollution, global warming and loss of the frog habitat due to human population growth. Pechmann warns the loss of frogs should be ( 34 ) seriously. “It makes sense in theory that what happens to frogs will happen to us,” he said. Even if we aren’t at ( 35 ), we may have to take responsibility for the extinction of frog species that have managed to survive for millions of years.
(A) including
(B) includes
(C) inclusive
(D) include


(A) made
(B) brought
(C) taken
(D) got


▲閱讀下文,回答第 46-50 題 A clerk of a boutique shop in Thailand gave a piece of fruit to a seemingly approachable monkey sitting outside the shop door. However, shortly after, the primate pushed the door, entered the store, and made itself at home. It sat in an office chair, then suddenly opened a drawer and took out a bundle of notes. Seeing the robbery unfold, the desperate clerk tried to offer the monkey some bananas in exchange for the money, but the thief obviously had its sights set high and rejected the offer. It ran away and escaped into the street with about 10,000 Baht, which is about 300 US dollars. Shop staff said that they had spotted the monkey hanging around before, and no doubt they will be more careful if it comes back again. The security camera of the animal robbery became viral.
【題組】48. Which of the following animal is NOT a primate?
(A) The chimpanzee
(B) The monkey
(C) The orangutan
(D) The ostrich


【題組】50. What happened to the monkey at the end of the last paragraph?
(A) It was fed with bananas.
(B) It was hanged for robbery.
(C) It came back with jewelry.
(D) It became popular on the Net.



Shihyuan Chen剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分