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17 Regarding the Open Door Policy in China advocated by US Secretary of State John Hay in 1899, which of the following statement is incorrect?
(A) US national power was strengthened after its victory in a war against Spain and gained the Philippines in 1898.
(B) The United States had increasing commercial interests in China.
(C) It was a diplomatic tradition for the United States in advocating Open Door Policy of every country.
(D) The United States respected the special interests of major powers gained in China in exchange of their supporting the US policy.


18 In terms of cooperation among the Allies during World War II, which of the following is correct?
(A) After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident (the Lugou Bridge Incident) broke out in 1937, the U.S. and the U.K. swiftly abolished the unequal treaties in order to strengthen their friendship with China.
(B) In November 1943, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill invited Chiang Kai-shek, Chairman of the Chinese Nationalist Government, to Cairo and issued the Cairo Declaration agreeing the independence of Korea after the war.
(C) The Republic of China, the U.S., the U.K. and France jointly declared the Proposal for the United Nations in October 1944, and became the founding members of the United Nations.
(D) Before Adolf Hitler was completely defeated in the War, China, the U.S. and the U.K. issued the Potsdam Declaration in 1945, demanding the unconditional surrender of Germany.


19 Which of the following description is correct in connection with the development of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after World War II?
(A) On 5th March 1946, US President Harry S. Truman delivered a speech and firstly used the term “Iron Curtain”.
(B) The Marshall Plan enacted in July 1947 covered the regions across contemporary geographical scope of the European Union.
(C) The Containment Policy was suggested by George F. Kennan, and was supported by US President Harry S. Truman.
(D) The remaining collective defense mechanism under the Containment Policy includes the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO).


20 Regarding the outbreak of World War I, which of the following statement is incorrect?
(A) Germany failed to manage its alliance system made by Chancellor Otto Bismarck, and it finally dragged the concerned countries into war.
(B) Under the opposition of Russia, the Reassurance Treaty between Russia and Germany failed to be renewed. The bilateral relations between Germany and Russia further worsened.
(C) Germany carried out the “Great Navy” plan, threatening Great Britain’s vital interest.
(D) Germany was isolated diplomatically due to the emergence of Franco-Russian alliance, Anglo-French, and Anglo-Russian Coalitions.


1 我國在南美洲唯一的邦交國是下列何國?


2 本年度東南亞國家協會(ASEAN)輪值主席國為下列何國?


3 下列何國於本年 7 月主動召開相關高峰會,期解決蘇丹嚴重的內戰問題?


4 下列那一項關於跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定(CPTPP)的敘述錯誤?
(B)臺海兩岸政府於 2021 年先後遞出申請書函
(D)於 2023 年 7 月第七次執委會,除了確定英國加入,開始成立有關中國大陸的申請案談判工作小組


5 下列那一項關於「美日同盟」的敘述最不適當?
(A)相關官方文件簽署、生效於 1950 年代初期


6 下列那一項關於中東區域的敘述錯誤?
(B)俄羅斯於 2023 年中期與波斯灣合作委員會(GCC)的會商中承諾將加大對後者的糧食出口
(C)波斯灣合作委員會已與日本達成協議,預計於 2024 年重啟自由貿易的談判


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