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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 臺北自來水事業處及所屬工程總隊_新進職員(工)甄試試題_共同科目:英文#122425
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1. Since I am too tired to reach it, can you please __________ me a favor?
(A) take
(B) keep
(C) make
(D) do


2. Digital transformation remains the only __________ to stay relevant and competitive in the near future.
(A) meanings
(B) means
(C) meaning
(D) mean


3. Tap water is treated to ensure it __________ safety standards before consumption.
(A) fares
(B) meets
(C) satisfies
(D) matches


4. Expecting her employees to draft a contract correctly, the boss asked them to __________ to the template.
(A) relate
(B) apply
(C) refer
(D) decline

5( ).

5. English experts see whether ChatGPT will be able to write a poem like a real poet does as a __________ in the coal mine – a thermometer indicating that AI outperforms humans.
(A) cobra
(B) crocodile
(C) canine
(D) canary


6. Jessica is __________ than I am, even though she is my elder sister.
(A) shortest
(B) shorter
(C) more shorter
(D) more short


7. These office workers __________ every day between their workplaces and where they live.
(A) commuted
(B) are commuting
(C) commute
(D) have commuted


8. The reconstruction after the earthquake is a priority __________ to survivors.
(A) those matters
(B) that matters
(C) whose matter
(D) the matter


9. He has been __________ English for five years and will continue with this language learning journey.
(A) study
(B) studied
(C) studying
(D) studies


10. I __________ that mistake if I had double-checked the instructions.
(A) will not make
(B) won’t have made
(C) wouldn’t make
(D) wouldn't have made

11( ).

          In a revelation published in Current Biology, researchers unveiled a fascinating discovery concerning a particular species of daddy longlegs. Contrary to the typical expectation of these arachnids having a maximum of two eyes, this particular group was found to harbor an additional four eyes. Although these extra ocular organs never reach full maturity, their presence indicates a much older lineage for this arachnid group — approximately 50 million years more ancient than previously theorized. This finding challenges conventional understanding and prompts a reevaluation of the evolutionary timeline of daddy longlegs.
         Unlike spiders, which can boast up to eight eyes, daddy longlegs, comprising around 6,500 species, typically possess only two eyes. However, a study in 2014 documented a fossilized specimen of daddy longlegs featuring four eyes. This prompted developmental biologist Guilherme Gainett and colleagues from Boston Children’s Hospital to embark on an investigation. Through meticulous examination of Phalangium opilio embryos, they discovered not only the standard pair of front-facing eyes but also hints of two additional sets of eyes — one front-facing and one set on the side.
         Further exploration into the evolutionary history of these side-set eyes revealed intriguing insights. The researchers proposed that the fossilized four-eyed arachnid predates previous estimations of their lineage's age. According to their analysis, the last common ancestor of daddy longlegs roamed the Earth approximately 537 million years ago, a staggering 49 million years earlier than previously believed. This reshapes our understanding of the evolutionary journey of these fascinating creatures and highlights the importance of ongoing research in uncovering hidden biological mysteries.
          Meanwhile, in a separate endeavor, scientists unveiled eight newfound species of masked bees, one of which was named Hylaeus navai in honor of the residents of Navai village in Fiji, who aided in their collection. This discovery traces back to 1965 when renowned bee biologist Charles Michener stumbled upon a new species of masked bee in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia, far from its nearest relatives in New Zealand. The mystery of how these bees traversed the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean might lie in the bees' propensity for nesting in wood. It is conceivable that these bees hitched rides on drifting wood across thousands of kilometers, eventually settling in habitable spots on remote islands.

【題組】11. Besides the standard pair of front-facing eyes, what additional sets of eyes were hinted at in the Phalangium opilio embryos?
(A) Front-facing and rear-facing
(B) Front-facing and side-set
(C) Rear-facing and side-set
(D) Top-facing and bottom-facing

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【題組】12. What is suggested as a possible means for bees to spread across remote islands?
(A) Flying long distances
(B) Hitching rides on ships
(C) Nesting in wood and drifting across oceans
(D) Following migratory bird routes

13( ).

【題組】13. How does the proposed age of the last common ancestor of daddy longlegs compare to previous estimates?
(A) It is about 49 million years older.
(B) It is approximately 50 million years younger.
(C) It remains unchanged.
(D) It is impossible to determine.

14( ).

【題組】14. What prompted the naming of one of the newfound masked bee species as Hylaeus navai?
(A) Its unique coloration
(B) Its size
(C) Assistance from residents of Navai village
(D) Its discovery in French Polynesia

15( ).

【題組】15. Which headline best describes the main theme of the text?
(A) Summing Up: The Evolutionary Journey of Arachnids and Bees
(B) Digging Deeper: The Surprising Anatomy of Daddy Longlegs
(C) New Bee Species Found: Investigating Biodiversity in Remote Pacific Islands
(D) From Fossils to Fiji: Tracing the Origins of Arthropod Diversity


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 臺北自來水事業處及所屬工程總隊_新進職員(工)甄試試題_共同科目:英文#122425-阿摩線上測驗
