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18. Over eighty percent of our products are listed in our new online ________ .
(A) account
(B) service
(C) plan
(D) catalogue.


4. Taking a test is really _______.
(A) pleasant
(B) refreshing
(C) stressful
(D) entertaining


9. Making a change is one way to get attention, but you don’t have to be _________ to stand out in a crowd.
(A) rebellious
(B) respectful
(C) traditional
(D) shy


17. Jane: I want it fairly short on the sides, please. Hairstylist: I don’t think that would suit you. Jane: _______________ Hairstylist: Why don’t you get just a little off the top? Jane: Hmm, all right!
(A) OK, what do you suggest?
(B) Do you know how to get there?
(C) It’s my turn, isn’t it?
(D) No problem. Can I do that for you? ˉ


11. Mother’s Day is a time to __________ the special bond between mother and child.
(A) eliminate
(B) appreciate
(C) manipulate
(D) calculate


16. Lewis: The heavy rain last night was horrible.
Doris: Did you get wet on your way home?
Lewis: Luckily, __________ .
Doris: That’s good
(A) the rain never stopped last night
(B) the rain poured before I arrived home
(C) I made it home just before the rain started
(D) I couldn’t find my way home because of the rain


23. Nick: Art Café is really nice. David: Yes, it is. It’s new. Nick: When did it open? David: _______________
(A) Two weeks ago.
(B) Three times a week.
(C) Every weekend.
(D) Next week. ˉ


8. The retired scientist was awarded a gold medal for his ____________ contribution to the medical research.
(A) confusing
(B) clumsy
(C) silly
(D) significant


31. Could you imagine ______ the life would be like without computers?

10( ).

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 26−30 題
      Different cultures have different rules for physical contact. In some cultures, physical contact is considered very intimate and is reserved for people who know each other well. In the United States, for example, young children    26    that it is rude to stand too close to the person in front of you while waiting in line. Americans tend to stand at about an arm’s   27   away from the person to whom they are talking.
     In   28   , other countries have more relaxed rules about physical contact. In Latin America and Southern Europe, people prefer a lot   29   physical contact during normal conversations. A common greeting is kissing on the cheek. It is common   30   friends, both men and women, to hug each other when they meet. When they talk, they generally stand closer than Americans do, and they touch each other more often. Next time when you meet people from other countries, you should try to keep these cultural differences in mind.

(A) teach
(B) are teaching
(C) taught
(D) are taught

11( ).

II. Choose the right answer to complete the passages.
Section A:
Jack: Where are you going on your next vacation?
Vera: Hawaii! I’m going next month (11)___ two weeks. It’s been my first time to go there.
Jack: Wow, (12)_____ exciting! What are you going to do there?
Vera: I’m planning to spend the whole time on the island of Kauai (可愛島).
Jack: Kauai? Isn’t it really wet there?
Vera: Yes, it (13)___. The first week, I’m going to the Na Pali Coast (納帕利海岸). The cliffs there can be as (14)_____as 1,200 meters. You can take a boat to see them. You can even get off the boat and spend time on a quiet beach. For the second week, I’m going to hike in the Waimea Canyon.(威美亞峽谷)
Jack: Well, I hope you have a good time. Don’t forget to bring me a (15)_______.

(A) is
(B) high
(C) souvenir
(D) for
(E) how

12( ).

         Quebec is a province of Canada located near the Atlantic coast. About the size of Mongolia, it is 43 times as big as Taiwan. It has vast golden corn fields, endless forested rolling hills, soaring ancient buildings, a seacoast where seals and whales can easily be seen, and 8.4 million Quebecois—its French-speaking people.
        While Quebec has many towns and villages, it has only two major cities: Quebec City and Montreal. Quebec City, the province’s capital, is situated near the mouth of the great Saint Lawrence River. Founded in 1608, it is one of the oldest cities in North America. The defensive stone walls surrounding Old Quebec, which are still there today, are the only fortified city walls remaining in the Americas north of Mexico. Therefore, the Historical District of Old Quebec was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.
       Montreal, while not the capital city, is by far the largest city in Quebec. In fact, with 1.7 million people, it is the second-largest French-speaking city in the world, just after Paris! Montreal was named after Mont Royal, a big hill in the heart of the city. It is a traditional yet cosmopolitan city, whose buildings known for their architecture range from the Notre-Dame Basilica and the Olympic Stadium to the Montreal Casino, and whose nicknames include the City of Saints and the City of Festivals! If you visit, you’ll find the province of Quebec to be a place full of history and style. You will certainly love it—even if you don’t speak any French at all.

【題組】 32. To which topic is this passage clearly related?
(A) Tourism.
(B) Biography.
(C) Science.
(D) Biology.

13( ).

CouchSurfing has developed into a new craze for the travel community since it began in 1999.CouchSurfing, usually _____26_____ as CS, offers a great way for budget conscious travelers to travel theworld in a far less expensive way. CS works when travelers find people who are willing to open up theirhomes to them and have spare couches for them to sleep on. _____27_____ saving money on accommodation,CS provides travelers _____28_____ a unique opportunity to encounter local perspectives from the area inwhich they are traveling, _____29_____ various cultural, political, and religious viewpoints and lifestyles. Do you have a limited travel budget? Are you comfortable spending time with strangers? Do you want to experience different outlooks from other parts of the world? _____30_____ CouchSurfing.org, a popular socialnetworking site for both surfers and hosts, to gain a better understanding of how to find and contactpotential hosts and begin your journey today. You won’t be disappointed.
(A) excluding
(B) having
(C) consisting
(D) including

14( ).

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第26 − 29題 
       According to the statistics from the Ministry of the Interior, the aging index of Pingtung County in 2021 ranked fifth among the 22 cities and counties in Taiwan. This result shows that the planning of long-term care services for people __26__65 and above is an urgent issue. President Chain Store Corporation ( PCSC ) has been noting the rate of dementia ( 失智症 ) much
       __27__ in the elderly population since 2014. PCSC worked with Pingtung Christian Hospital to launch a public welfare fundraising program called “Dog Therapy for the Elderly.” This program
       __28__with the Professional Animal-Assisted Therapy Association offers dog therapy services for elders with dementia at 7-ELEVEN stores. The therapy dogs are trained to give comfort to elders. It is expected that this program can help__29__the progression of dementia for the elderly. In the meantime, PCSC hopes to enhance public awareness of the prevention and care of dementia.

(A) develop
(B) push
(C) slow
(D) raise

15( ).

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 46−50 題
      An illusionist is a type of magician who appears to perform surprising, spectacular, and sometimes dangerous tricks. When watching such attractive and mysterious magic shows, the audience usually asks the question, “How did they do that?” Here are several tricks for which these magicians have become famous around the world.
     Harry Houdini, noted for his magnificent escape acts, was actually an expert at handcuffs. With his hands handcuffed and chained, he would often jump into rivers long enough to create suspense in the audience. Then, to everyone’s surprise, he would spring up, waving the chains over his head, with his hands free. David Copperfield, a well-known stage magician, once performed a trick called “Walking Through the Great Wall of China” in front of a live audience. In this show, he seemed to have entered the Great Wall of China from one side and come out the other side. His other famous tricks were making New York’s Statue of Liberty disappear and flying over the Grand Canyon. Another magician, David Blaine, has done quite a few amazing endurance stunts over the course of his career. He was buried alive for a week, kept in a hollow case of ice for 60 hours, and even stayed in a clear plastic box without any food at all for 44 days.
     Are you curious about how these illusionists have achieved their illusions? Maybe you need to enter this secretive circle to find out how to do these puzzling tricks yourself.

【題組】46. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) It is about the story of how to train magicians.
(B) It is about the personal life of three magicians.
(C) It is about the achievements of three magicians.
(D) It is about the solutions to all kinds of magic tricks.

16( ).

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第30 − 33題
Nothing is more refreshing than a slice of watermelon on a hot summer day! Research has shown that watermelon has a wide range of health benefits, particularly__30__ blood pressure. In a study conducted at Florida State University in the US, a group of overweight middle-aged participants was given watermelons for six weeks, but__31__watermelon was given for another six weeks. The participants had their blood pressure checked whether they ate watermelon or not. Results showed that watermelon significantly reduced blood pressure in overweight individuals both at rest and under stress.__32__, a similar study was conducted at Reading University in the UK. The researchers’ main goal was to examine the degree to__33__L-citrulline ( 左旋瓜胺酸 ), a natural element found in watermelon, helps to lower blood pressure. Results found that L-citrulline encourages healthy blood pressure by producing nitric oxide, a gas that relaxes blood vessels and supports the flow of bloodstream.

(A) lowers
(B) is lowered
(C) lowering
(D) is lowering

17( ).

A computer addict uses a computer all the time — playing online games, browsing websites,e-mailing friends, and so on. He is annoyed when he has no _____36_____ to the computer. As soon as heturns it on, he feels _____37_____ again. Computer addiction is a social and physical problem. Socially, aperson with a computer addiction thinks his “Cyber friends” are important, so he spends less timewith his family and friends. Physically, a computer addict can _____38_____ symptoms such as dry eyes,headaches, and backaches after he hasn’t eaten and slept properly for some time. If you are acomputer addict, you need to help yourself. First, _____39_____ that you have a problem. Then, talk toyour family about it and limit your computer use. For example, _____40_____ an alarm clock before usinga computer. Turn the computer off when the clock rings. Take action now, or the computer will takea full control of you.
(A) track
(B) input
(C) route
(D) access

18( ).

▲閱讀下文,回答第 38-41 題
      The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), according to scientists, may be caused by a new coronavirus ( 新冠狀病毒 ) which originally came from animals. As populations grow, humans develop animal farming and disturb wildlife. They may then pick up viruses from wild animals, which sometimes has serious consequences.
       In the last fifty years, a number of diseases have spread to humans from animals like bats, birds, and pigs. In the 1970s, the Ebola virus jumped from bats in Africa and has so far killed tens of thousands of people. In 2003, the virus which caused the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was also likely to come from bats. It showed similarities with the new coronavirus. Since 1997, the spread of human infections with the bird flu virus has also been reported in various countries.
      For a long time, animals have played an important role in human life. However, health officials warn that animals can sometimes appear healthy even when they are sick. Viruses move from animals to humans in several ways. One is through direct contact, such as being bitten or scratched by an infected animal. Another way is indirect contact when people touch objects with viruses left by infected animals. A third way is from insect bites. Mosquitoes, for example, can spread diseases when they bite people after feeding on infected animals. Experts suggest that people protect themselves by building good hygiene habits. They should avoid being bitten,handle food safely, and always wash their hands after being around animals. Staying healthy is very important as the new coronavirus would not be the last virus to jump from animals to humans.

【題組】39. What does “One” in paragraph 3 refers to?
(A) animal
(B) human
(C) virus
(D) way

19( ).

▲閱讀下文,回答第 41−45 題 
      As your train follows the North Link Railway along the eastern coast of Taiwan, you will see high mountains on one side and blue sea on the other in an enchanting picture of natural wonder. Along the way you will enjoy viewing the changes of nature's handiwork. After the train rolls onto the Lanyang Plain, your eyes will be filled with bright green rice paddy and, in the distance, the Turtle Island, majestic mountains and deep blue waters.
      Besides scenic spots, you can also enjoy a vast range of tribal attractions in the Hualien and Taitung areas. It is well known that eastern Taiwan has the highest concentration of aboriginal tribes ( Amis, Puyuma, Atayal, Rukai and Bunun ). Tourists may join a variety of tribal celebrations staged in Hualien, and the Amis Harvest Festival is the best known. Each Amis village holds its own festival that lasts for an average of three days in mid-July for Taitung villages, and in August for Hualien villages. Late in the year, usually in December, Puyuma villages hold the Monkey Festival in which males of the tribe --in the past-- killed a monkey as part of young braves' initiation into manhood. 
    According to the aboriginal language, the tribal name Puyuma means “ together ” and “ united ”. The Taiwan Railway Administration introduced a new tilting train, “ Puyuma Express ” (普悠瑪), which was named after the aboriginal tribe in Taitung County. In response to public expectations, the Puyuma Express started service along the eastern coast in early 2013.

【題組】43. What tribal celebration is Hualien famous for?
(A) Puyuma Monkey Festival.
(B) Lantern Festival.
(C) Amis Harvest Festival.
(D) Ghost Festival.

20( ).

▲閱讀下文後,作答第 27-31 題 Every single day, new technology comes out and makes our lives safer and more comfortable. Products that 27 be seen only in sci-fi movies are in their development stage now. Scientists hope that those products will improve people’s lives in the near future. One example is that researchers and scientists are now working together to develop a special robot to 28 drivers. The small robot will improve almost every aspect of the driving experience. It will remind the driver that the gas tank should be filled up. The robot, moreover, will recommend the fastest route home. Technology is not only making life better 29 helping us extend our lives. What scientists are trying hard these days is to develop artificial body parts, such as the joints, teeth, and hearts, that can replace real ones but will never 30 . No one can predict what the future looks like. 31 high-tech products that are emerging, our future is definitely looking bright.
(A) repair
(B) achieve
(C) finish
(D) assist


