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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(786~790)
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請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: The babies of women living in high air pollution neighborhoods may have lower IQs. A study 41 low-income pregnant women in the South Bronx and upper Manhattan. The women wore monitors during the last months of pregnancy. They lived in areas that had high pollution from cars, buses and trucks. Before starting school, the children took IQ tests. The children most exposed to air pollution scored lower than children with lower exposure 42 . The difference of four or five points may affect schoolwork. Experts say the differences do not mean that children will not learn to read and write. It shows that air pollution may harm children 43 lead does. The research may explain why these children do not do well in school. Earlier research showed that air pollution could increase the 44 of cancer, lower birth weight and asthma. Researchers plan to continue monitoring and testing the children. They want to know 45 school performance is affected over a long time. Experts said this research was important. They said there should be more studies.
(B) must
(C) did
(D) had


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       For hundreds of years, psychologist and ordinary people have never stopped debating this fascinating question. Some people think personality develops as a result of the environment—the combination of influences that we learn from, such as our families, our culture, our friends, and our education. The people who believe this theory believe that all babies are born without a personality and that it’s the environment that determines, or forms each child’s personality. This school of thought is called the “nurture school.”
      At the other end of the continuum we find people who believe that personality is determined by “nature,” or the characteristics we receive, or “inherit,” from our parents biologically, through their genes. These people believe that our personality is not determined by the environment, but rather by genetics, and that each baby is born with a personality. The nature-nurture controversy is very old. Experimental psychologists have tried to discover which of these two factors, genetics or the environment, is more important in forming our personality. However, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to conduct research on real people with real lives. There’s just no way to put people in a laboratory and watch them develop. For this reason, there’s no scientific way to settle the nature-nurture controversy. Recently, however, most researchers have come to believe that both the environment and the genes —nurture and nature—work together and are both important.

【題組】48 According to the perspectives of the nurture school, which of the following factors may NOT be the one that influences our personality?
(A) Our parents.
(B) Our genes.
(C) Our education.
(D) The world around us.


10 Harry Potter is a book full of ______ figures.
(A) imagine
(B) imaginary
(C) imaginatively
(D) imagination


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
        Authorities in Hawaii are proposing a ban on the popular tourist activity of swimming with dolphins off the Hawaiian coast. The dolphins have __46__ as a magnet for tourists over the past few decades. However, federal officials say the increasing tourism is __47__ to the dolphins because they are supposed to be resting and socializing. The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes to prohibit swimming with, or approaching within 50 meters of, Hawaii’s spinner dolphins. That would put an end to many tour group activities, which involve sailing alongside the __48__ in a boat and snorkeling with them. Ann Garrett, a spokeswoman for the National Marine Fisheries Service, said she didn’t think the ban would have a big impact __49__ the tourist trade in Hawaii. Tour operators __50__ with Ms. Garrett’s assessment. They warned that it would be the end of legitimate dolphin swimming in this area. Dolphins typically are most active at night and sleep and relax during the day, which is when the tourists interact with them.

(A) with
(B) at
(C) on
(D) by


36 Since the young singer graduated from high school, she has______ three albums and won two awards.
(A) appealed
(B) suspended
(C) observed
(D) released


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(786~790)-阿摩線上測驗
