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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2256~2260)
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32 Every act of abortion _____ the death of a baby.
(A) adapts to
(B) intends to
(C) relies on
(D) results in


請依下文回答第 22 題至第 25 題 
        How tall are you? Are you a skateboarder? Do you like to knit? Whoever you are, whatever you do, there is a scholarship for you! 
        Sure, there are scholarships for good athletes or for good students in need. But, what about the rest of us? In fact,there are some very surprising scholarships for everyone else. Believe it or not, there is a scholarship for skateboarders with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. These student skateboarders can receive $5,000 or $1,000 awards. There is also a scholarship for tall people. Women 5'10" or taller and men 6'2" or taller can apply. These tall students are eligible for$1,000 awards. Don’t worry, short people, there is a scholarship for you if you are 4'10" or shorter. You can get$1,000, too. A milk mustache scholarship goes to 25 students who are excellent students and athletes. They each get$7,500 and their pictures taken with a milk mustache! Finally, a wool competition awards $1,000 and $2,000 to students who knit wool clothes with excellent design and creativity. 
        So you don’t have to be a straight A student to get a scholarship. One counselor in our Financial Aid Office says,“It takes time and effort to apply for scholarships, but it is worth it!”

【題組】24 What does “eligible” in the second paragraph mean?
(A) Legal.
(B) Qualified.
(C) Competent.
(D) Surprising.


      A newly discovered feature of dog body language may surprise pet owners and dog experts. When dogs feel positive about something or someone, their tails wag more to the right side. When they have negative feelings, their tail wagging is more to the left. 
      Research has shown that in most animals, including birds, fish, and frogs, the left brain specializes in behaviors involving what scientists call attachment and energy enhancement. In humans, the left brain is associated with positive feelings like love, a sense of attachment, a feeling of safety and calm. It is also associated with physiological markers like a slow heart rate. In contrast, the right brain specializes in behaviors involving withdrawal and energy expenditure. In humans, these behaviors, like fleeing, are associated with feelings like fear and depression. Physiological signals include a rapid heart rate and the shutdown of the digestive system. 
    Because the left brain controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls the left side of the body, such asymmetries are usually manifested in opposite sides of the body. Thus many birds seek food with their right eyes (nourishment) and watch for predators with their left eyes (danger).

【題組】50 According to the article, what do birds, fish, frogs, and dogs have in common?
(A) Their brains are relatively small for their body sizes.
(B) Their left brains specialize in attachment and energy enhancement.
(C) Their right brains are associated with positive feelings.
(D) They all seek food with their right eyes only.


32 Because the couple could not have children of their own, they planned to__________ an orphan.
(A) adapt
(B) admit
(C) adopt
(D) adept


2 Trying to do everything perfectly may______ your failure to complete your assignment on time.
(A) result in
(B) take to
(C) make out
(D) fall upon


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2256~2260)-阿摩線上測驗
