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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2271~2275)
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This evening, regular network television programming ____for a political debate.
(A)was been interrupted
(B)was interrupted
(C)had interrupting
(D)was interrupting


39 If proved to be doing illegal activities such as smuggling and stowaway, the vessel could be _______ in port and the crew subject to interrogation/prosecution by the local authorities.


請依下文回答第 18 題至第 22 題
      In the first century A.D. Pompeii was a pretty and prosperous resort town. There were some 12,000year-round inhabitants and hundreds more who came down from Rome each summer to their villas by the sea. Ona hot summer day, around noon—it was August 24, A.D. 79—the people of Pompeii saw a huge cloud formingover the mountain north of the city. This was the last noontime Pompeii would ever know, because that cloud ofvolcanic debris was the beginning of a massive eruption that blew the top off Vesuvius, burying the city beneath 12 feet of rock and ash and unleashing a blast of toxic gases. Thousands were killed—in their homes, in thestreets, in businesses and brothels. Thousands more fled madly toward the sea. Those who were running for theirlives must have been surprised to see a curious figure racing not from but toward the volcano. This was the greatRoman naturalist Pliny the Elder. Seeing the initial eruption from a safe distance at his home near Naples, therenowned scientific observer just could not stay away. He grabbed his notebook and stylus and hightailed it forPompeii to gather firsthand information on this prodigious phenomenon. Pliny’s curiosity cost him his life.

【題組】19 What does the underlined phrase “this prodigious phenomenon” in the passage refer to?
(A)The resort town of Rome
(B)The eruption of Vesuvius
(C)The sea of Naples
(D)The high tower of Pompeii


3 In this increasingly digital world, cyber-bullying has emerged as an electronic form of bullying that is difficult to _____or supervise.
(A) engender
(B) intimidate
(C) monitor
(D) patronize


6 She works in a social ____dedicated to radically increasing the scale of energy access in developing countries.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2271~2275)-阿摩線上測驗
