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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2281~2285)
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請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
    These satellite images show the ebb and flow of plant life on earth over three years, taken by a NASA satellite called SeaWiFS. The blue areas are void of plants, the red spots indicate an overabundance, and the green areas show where plants are thriving. This is the earth breathing. The plants are taking up CO2, and they’re breathing out oxygen. As suggested by oceanographers, almost half of that activity is going on underwater. The oceans are teeming with tiny microscopic plants called phytoplankton. They are at the bottom of the food chain, and they basically feed all sea life. Like all plants, phytoplankton absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. 
    These images show that phytoplankton boomed over the last three years. That’s one of the key benefits of these satellite images. Over time, scientists will use them to help predict how plants might respond as we burn more fossil fuels, and as global CO2 levels rise. Many scientists think such greenhouse gasses will cause global warming. They suggest that it is related to recent climate change. However, what they don’t know is how life in the ocean will respond over the long haul if CO2 levels keep rising.

【題組】47 What do the green areas of the satellite images indicate?
(A) The areas do not have any plants.
(B) The areas are filled with plants.
(C) The areas are filled with lakes.
(D) The areas are filled with overabundant plants.


請依下文回答第 6 題至第 9 題 
        Hong Kong has lost its sky. The city is frequently 6 in a noxious smog, and many days the only place you can see a clear shot of the famously picturesque skyline is in ads for luxury apartments. Urban esthetics    7   , the damage to Hong Kong residents’ lungs may be worse. “The only safe conclusion is that air pollution is having a very serious   8   effect on the health of people of all ages,” says Dr. Anthony Hedley, chairman of the Department of Community Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. The only good news is that air pollution has become so severe that Hong Kongers are finally ready to force their leaders to act. And the city’s business community is pushing for solutions. The answers are out there: the government’s Council for Sustainable Development in early May 2006 released a number of smart anti-pollution   9   , such as restricting vehicle use on high-pollution days, and asking electricity producers to use only clean coal or low-polluting natural gas by 2010. 
        In the meantime, many experts doubt whether Hong Kong’s bureaucracy has the imagination or the will to implement those ideas. Christine Loh, CEO of the local think tank Civic Exchange, says that they just do not have the kind of political leadership now.



37.Traveling by train from Britain to Greece takes around three and a half days, and fares turn out much more _____ than flights.


21. Grandfathers are usually _____to their grandchildren even when they make mistake.
(C) ambitious


ack moved to America with his family last month. On the first day of school, he was —57— nervous that his heart was pounding fast. A lot of students walked past him in the hall, but no one stopped to talk to him. Later, a boy —58— locker was next to Jack’s greeted Jack. He told Jack his name was Ken, and told Jack something about the school —59— he should first know. Ken also told Jack that there is no need to be worried because he has —60— time to fit in. Jack felt —61— at the beginning of his school day because of Ken’s warm words. He really looked forward to this unique high school life and hoped that he could help other newcomers next year.
(A) which
(B) whose
(C) who
(D) that


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2281~2285)-阿摩線上測驗
