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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2301~2305)
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37 My bookshelves were destroyed in the flood. I need to find a ________ to fix them.
(A) burglar
(B) carpenter
(C) plumber
(D) physician


38 I______by when I noticed a suspicious looking stranger near your car.
(A) am driving
(B) was driven
(C) was driving
(D) had been driven


3 We often feel____ from doing anything when we are not at our best health-wise and emotion-wise.


40 We generally_______ language tests because we want to use the results to enhance teaching efficacy.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
        An old proverb says that “Necessity is the mother of invention.” But if you look at real-life stories of technology,you’ll see that not all inventions were planned. Some of them were accidents! In the 1940s, a scientist named Percy Spencer was working to develop radar systems for the U.S. military. Oneday, in his laboratory, he noticed that a chocolate bar in his pocket had gotten very soft and melted even though itwasn’t hot in the room. He was standing next to a machine called a magnetron. Quickly, he did an experiment, puttingsome kernels of corn next to the magnetron. In a minute, he had popcorn. And that was how the microwave oven wasinvented. 

        “Accidental inventions” have been happening for a long time. In 1839, a salesman was experimenting with a newproduct from Brazil called rubber. It could be used to make erasers, but it melted at high temperatures, and broke whenit was cold. The inventor tried mixing it with different chemicals, but nothing worked until he accidentally dropped iton a hot stove. Heat made the rubber strong and flexible. Thanks to Charles Goodyear’s accident, we now have rubbertires for our cars, and rubber soles for our shoes.

【題組】 46 Originally, what did Percy Spencer intend to build up?
(A)Hot stoves.
(C)Radar systems.
(D)Microwave ovens.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2301~2305)-阿摩線上測驗
