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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 一般警察特種考試_四等_各類別:英文#114829
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1 Many experts agree that the secret to a happy life is keeping a _____ between work and play.
(A) balance
(B) deficit
(C) passage
(D) diary


2 Wines can be _____ according to their sugar content to tell if they are dry, medium or sweet.
(A) dedicated
(B) inclined
(C) emerged
(D) classified


3 When Tim witnessed the horrible traffic accident, he called 911 without _____ .
(A) hesitation
(B) obligation
(C) impression
(D) frustration


4 Tom has a lovely family _____ three children and his wife.
(A) inclusive
(B) including
(C) containing
(D) consisting


5 There is a political _____ to promote anti-discrimination courses in the school system.
(A) agony
(B) agenda
(C) schema
(D) schedule


6 Denny's parents worried that he might be led _____ by his inappropriate friends.
(A) astray
(B) asunder
(C) robustly
(D) roughly


7 In this age of knowledge explosion, we need to _____ facts from opinions.
(A) distinguish
(B) extinguish
(C) distract
(D) exterminate


8 Patricia dislikes her brother-in-law _____ ; she thinks he is inconsiderate, disrespectful, and sometimes even mean.
(A) barely
(B) tenderly
(C) naively
(D) intensely


9 It may not be a good idea to start a new business _____ during a pandemic.
(A) gesture
(B) venture
(C) texture
(D) fracture


10 Even though the driver had _____ fought the steering wheel for control, accidents still happened.
(A) inclusively
(B) desperately
(C) incidentally
(D) sufficiently


11 The husband offered his wife a sincere _____ after their fight.
(A) refusal
(B) identity
(C) apology
(D) psychology


12 It happens often that sand is _____ where the river flows into the ocean.
(A) exclaimed
(B) deposited
(C) rotated
(D) patronized


13 Due to the economic recession, the nation declared that it would _____ student loan payments until further notice.
(A) sustain
(B) submit
(C) suspend
(D) suppress


14 Free _____ between the airport and the train station are very convenient for tourists.
(A) shuffles
(B) shuttles
(C) muffles
(D) shutters


15 For diabetes sufferers, it is important to _____ food consumption, which has impacts on blood sugar level.
(A) suspend
(B) expand
(C) regulate
(D) fortify


16 The little girl is much thinner than most of her classmates due to long-term _____ .
(A) merchandise
(B) manufacturing
(C) moderation
(D) malnutrition


17 In recent weeks, hundreds of passengers go on daylong _____ to learn about the history, culture, economy and environment of this attraction.
(A) dedications
(B) devotions
(C) escalations
(D) excursions


18 The magician waved the stick and the rabbit _____ from sight before the audience.
(A) perished
(B) published
(C) vanished
(D) flourished


19 The principal awarded the two students in _____ of their brave deeds.
(A) persuasion
(B) interaction
(C) recognition
(D) suspicion


20 Bedtime procrastination is the phenomenon of deliberately _____ sleep even though there's nothing compelling you to stay awake.
(A) taking off
(B) putting off
(C) turning off
(D) getting off


21 What you have been working on is ready for the next _____ of your life.
(A) phrase
(B) lace
(C) phase
(D) face


22 Jane seems to be sad and very _____ about her future because of her illness and her father’s heavy debts.
(A) pessimistic
(B) provocative
(C) preventive
(D) permissible


23 Tofu can be used as a meat _____ in vegetarian recipes.
(A) substitute
(B) extraction
(C) repository
(D) alternation


24 Jackson's case has to wait in the court until March because there are so many other cases _____ .
(A) cogent
(B) endorsed
(C) legalized
(D) pending


25 I don’t have a ticket to the concert but my friend who works there could _____ me in.
(A) settle
(B) share
(C) sneak
(D) sweep


26 Being _____ late for school may be a sign that students are losing interest in studying.
(A) doubtfully
(B) habitually
(C) regionally
(D) punctually


27 In some countries, a “thumb-up” is a sign of _____ , but in some others, it's a sign of rudeness.
(A) presence
(B) invention
(C) approval
(D) melody


28 You should be aware that taking too much sugar or salt would _____ your health.
(A) jeopardize
(B) justify
(C) juxtapose
(D) jabber


29 The paparazzi _____ the actress’ privacy by taking long distance shots of her at home.
(A) invoked
(B) invited
(C) invaded
(D) involved


30 Kevin, a doctor in a _____ agency, travels to Africa at his own expense to help people there.
(A) volcanic
(B) victorious
(C) voluntary
(D) vulnerable


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
Sociologists have long marveled at the degree to which the norms of the modern nation-state is imprinted upon the humanpsyche by its pre-existing ideology, which has permeated individual’s thoughts, muscles, and morality. These norms arethen deconstructed and reconstructed into the optimal form   31   by the modern age. In this way individuals gothrough their day with the expectation that everyone will   32   their generalized assumptions about how a “normal”person will respond and behave. And so children habitually obey, anticipating the wishes of a parent or teacher, as wellas the   33   of the police officer, professor, shop-keeper, workplace supervisor, and tax collector. This generalizedanticipation becomes the shared common sense around   34   people are expected to orient their thoughts, behaviors,and world views. Such common sense is often bounded by the modern nation-state;   35   in recent years, it has attimes gone global. In the process, the unique characters of smaller polities, economies, and societies slowly but surelydisappear under the weight of modernity.

(A) deluged
(B) demanded
(C) demoted
(D) deceived


(A) blur
(B) deny
(C) leak
(D) meet


(A) authority
(B) breakdown
(C) deference
(D) extortion


(A) which
(B) that
(C) what
(D) where


(A) similarly
(B) however
(C) therefore
(D) namely


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
The World Health Organization says that depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide, affecting 350 million people. The National Institute of Mental Health reports seven percent of Americans   36   depression ina year. Therefore, depression is   37   as we can find depressed people everywhere. A depressed person can ask for extra syrup in their latte without explaining that they need it because they're   38   the infinite darkness of their soul and they've lost all hope of escape. Depression doesn't diminish a person's desire to connect with other people, just their ability. In spite of what you might think, talking to friends and family living   39   depression can be really easy and maybe even fun--the kind of fun   40   people enjoy each other's company effortlessly. Nobody feels awkward, and no one accuses the sad person of ruining the holidays.

(A) to experience
(B) experienced
(C) experiences
(D) experiencing


(A) desirable
(B) popular
(C) prevalent
(D) doubtful


(A) trapped in
(B) released from
(C) dependent on
(D) fond of


(A) with
(B) for
(C) on
(D) by


(A) which
(B) where
(C) whether
(D) what


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
How do you lose weight in the first place?—Mostly, through breathing. While the concept of “burning” fat is not altogether wrong, losing fat involves plenty of carbon dioxide leaving your body. As the Washington Post explains:Researchers found that to burn a pound of fat, a human needs to inhale about three pounds of oxygen and drink about a pound of water. Water can exit the body in plenty of ways—poop, pee, sweat, saliva and any number of bodily fluids—but your lungs handle the brunt of the weight loss.
Your fat “goes” into the atmosphere. (And no, it doesn’t contribute to global warming.) When it does go, you’re also releasing the extra storage of vitamins and toxins along with it. That might not sound like a good thing, but in the long run it’s far better to be rid of them. As Popular Science states, a kind of pesticides, among other pollutants, are known to get bound up in fat—they leak into our food supply: Bodies don’t seem to store enough of these to become toxic, but the constant build-up leaves you vulnerable to exposure. And they do start to re-emerge when you lose weight.
By losing weight at a healthy pace (1-2 pounds a week), the limited number of pollutants released will not overload your bloodstream. Your urine will make quick work of them. Extreme dieting is a different story. The more weight you lose, the more of these toxins enter your bloodstream.
Since we no longer face the same problem as our ancestors—most of us don’t have to worry about whether or not we’ll eat tonight, or tomorrow—fat storage plays a different role in our bodies than previously. Many avoidable health problems are due to this excessive storage of energy, hormones and toxins. Some researchers claim 70 percent of our medical problems can be addressed through a healthier lifestyle, which includes eating better and moving more.

【題組】 41 According to the passage, how do human beings lose weight primarily?
(A) Through dieting.
(B) Through burning fat.
(C) Through exercising.
(D) Through inhalation and exhalation.


【題組】 42 Why did the author mention such things as “poop, pee, sweat, saliva, and any number of bodily fluids”?
(A) To illustrate how water goes out of human body.
(B) To explain how water is consumed by human body.
(C) To demonstrate what water does to help humans exercise.
(D) To indicate what bodily organs are related to the intake of water.


【題組】 43 According to the passage, which of the followings can be considered an example of the "toxins"?
(A) Fat.
(B) Vitamins.
(C) Pesticides.
(D) Atmosphere.


【題組】 44 According to the passage, why is it NOT a good idea to lose weight extremely?
(A) One may feel light-headed easily.
(B) The bloodstream will be full of fat.
(C) The bloodstream may become overloaded with pollutants.
(D) One may instead intake much more food than one really needs.


【題組】 45 According to the passage, how are we different from our old ancestors?
(A) We store fats in different ways.
(B) We need not worry about food supply.
(C) We are exposed to much more pollutants.
(D) We usually eat better and move more daily.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Two of the wealthiest African-American men in America live in Chicago, with its large African-American middle-class community. Because both men are named Johnson, their names and businesses are sometimes each confused with the other, aggravating both men. Each is justifiably proud of the business he has created for himself and the position it gives him in African-American cultural, social, and business life.
       George Johnson is the founder of Johnson Products Company, which manufactures cosmetics. The JohnsonProducts Company is one of the largest African-American owned companies in the United States, and it is also one of the most successful. Its founders and its corporate officers are proud of the company’s position. They also feel a certain pride because the Johnson Products Company was among the first companies to realize that African-Americans inAmerica were a distinct market group, with distinct needs, and with the affluence to buy and support products aimed at meeting their needs. The Johnson Products cosmetics are all designed for the needs of African-Americans.
       John Johnson is the founder of Johnson Publishing Company, the largest African-American owned publishing company in the nation. As an office boy at Supreme Life Insurance, Johnson was assigned to maintain a file of news clippings about the achievements of African-Americans, and he noticed that there was no national newspaper or magazine devoted to coverage of African-American news. He borrowed the printing equipment at the life insurance offices, and he raised money for advertisements by mortgaging his mother’s furniture. He knew he was going to make it when $6,000 worth of subscriptions poured in for his first issue. His monthly Negro Digest made him wealthy enough to launch a second publication, Ebony, which was even more successful than his first. Ebony has one and a third million subscribers. In fact, the company had been worth more than $60 million because the company has branched into real estate, banking, and insurance. The officers and owners are proud that this success has come from serving the African-American community, once again proving its power as a market. Life magazine, which Ebony followed in its use of large photographs, has ceased publication, but Ebony keeps rolling off the presses every week. In a word, Johnson Publishing Company is an iconic part of American and African American history .

【題組】 46 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) To provide a short biography of two of the richest African-American men in America.
(B) To discuss how John Johnson manages Johnson Publishing Company well.
(C) To describe how George Johnson runs Johnson Product Company successfully.
(D) To compare why George Johnson runs business better than John Johnson does.


【題組】 47 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The Johnson Products Co. is one of the largest African-American companies in the U.S.
(B) Ebony magazine provided John Johnson with the initial capital to start Negro Digest.
(C) John Johnson started out as an office boy.
(D) Ebony magazine has over a million subscribers.


【題組】 48 What can be inferred from this passage?
(A) Ebony imitated Life magazine in an attempt to appeal to White-American audiences.
(B) The African-American population is not big enough to support a product aimed at them only.
(C) Life magazine began to imitate Ebony in order to increase the number of its subscribers.
(D) Both Johnsons believed there was a product market in the African-American community.


【題組】 49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Johnson Publishing Company publishes only books written by African-American authors.
(B) The African-American market was mostly ignored prior to the Johnson's success.
(C) Johnson Publishing Company is the third largest publishing house in the United States.
(D) Johnson Publishing Company took over Life to dominate American magazine business.


【題組】 50 What does the word “affluence” mean in the passage?
(A) Knowledge
(B) Rationale
(C) Wealth
(D) Credit


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 一般警察特種考試_四等_各類別:英文#114829-阿摩線上測驗
