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【精選】 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文難度:(1~25)
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8. No one could beat Paul at running. He has won the running championship _____ for three years.
(A) rapidly
(B) urgently
(C) continuously
(D) temporarily


15. Tom was very ill a week ago, but now he looks healthy. We are ______ by his quick recovery.
(A) amazed
(B) convinced
(C) advised
(D) confirmed


3. Peter stayed up late last night, so he drank a lot of coffee this morning to keep himself _____ in class.
(A) acceptable
(B) amazed
(C) accurate
(D) awake


8. Michael Phelps, an American swimmer, broke seven world records and won eight gold medals in men’s swimming _____ in the 2008 Olympics.
(A) drills
(B) techniques
(C) routines
(D) contests


8. Before John got on the stage to give the speech, he took a deep ________ to calm himself down.
(A) order
(B) rest
(C) effort
(D) breath


11. Kevin had been standing on a ladder trying to reach for a book on the top shelf when he lost his ____ and fell to the ground.
(A) volume
(B) weight
(C) balance
(D) direction


In English-speaking cultures, the choice of first names for children can be prompted by many factors: tradition, religion, nature, culture, and fashion, to name just a few. Certain people like to give a name that has been handed down in the family to show 31 for or to remember a relative whom they love or admire. Some families have a tradition of 32 the father’s first name to the first born son. In other families, a surname is included in the selection of a child’s given name to 33 a family surname going. It may be the mother’s maiden name, for instance. For a long time, 34 has also played an important role in naming children. Boys’ names such as John, Peter, and Thomas are chosen from the Bible. Girls’ names such as Faith, Patience, and Sophie (wisdom) are chosen because they symbolize Christian qualities. However, for people who are not necessarily religious but are fond of nature, names 35 things of beauty are often favored. Flower and plant names like Heather, Rosemary, and Iris 36 this category. Another factor that has had a great 37 on the choice of names is the spread of culture through the media. People may choose a name because they are strongly 38 a character in a book or a television series; they may also adopt names of famous people or their favorite actors and actresses. Sometimes, people pick foreign names for their children because those names are unusual and will thus make their children more 39 and distinctive. Finally, some people just pick a name the sound of which they like, 40 of its meaning, its origins, or its popularity. However, even these people may look at the calendar to pick a lucky day when they make their choice.
(A) passing down
(B) regardless
(C) religion
(D) respect
(E) unique


        Learning style means a person’s natural, habitual, and preferred way(s) of learning. Research about learning styles has identified __(26)__ differences. For example, one study found various differences __(27)__ boys and girls in sensory learning styles. Girls were __(28)__ more sensitive to sounds and more skillful at fine motor performance than boys. Boys, __(29)__, showed an early visual superiority to girls. They were, however, clumsier than girls. They performed poorly at a detailed activity __(30)__ arranging a row of beads. But boys excelled at other activities that required total body coordination.
(A) for
(B) within
(C) between
(D) into


1. The teacher loved to teach young students, ______those who were smart.
(A) officially
(B) especially
(C) popularly
(D) similarly


3. In Taiwan, some cable TV companies have up to 70 or 80______.
(A) channels
(B) events
(C) items
(D) patterns


3. Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things. You have to ______ some of them.
(A) remain
(B) resist
(C) remove
(D) renew


2. For your own______, please don't open the door until the train fully stops.
(A) humanity
(B) safety
(C) liberty
(D) vanity


9-10題為題組 (Tom and Jack are lost on their tour in England.) Tom: Well, it looks like we're lost. Jack: 9 . Tom: Who do you ask in a strange town? Jack: 10 . Tom: Where can we find one? Jack: See, there is one over there.
(A) Don't worry. All we have to do is ask.
(B) What should we see next?
(C) I'm scared. Let's go home.
(D) Yes, we just lost a tire.


5. All passengers riding in cars are required to fasten their seatbelts in order to reduce the risk of _____ in case of an accident.
(A) injury
(B) offense
(C) sacrifice
(D) victim


15. In line with the worldwide green movement, carmakers have been working hard to make their new models more _____ friendly to reduce pollution.
(A) liberally
(B) individually
(C) financially
(D) environmentally


1. Mangoes are a _____ fruit here in Taiwan; most of them reach their peak of sweetness in July.
(A) mature
(B) usual
(C) seasonal
(D) particular


8. While the couple were looking _____ for their missing children, the kids were actually having fun in the woods nearby.
(A) anxiously
(B) precisely
(C) evidently
(D) distinctly


第 41 至 44 題為題組 For more than two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the United States Presidency, the U.S. government, and the American people. In 1790, President George Washington declared that the federal government would reside in a district “not exceeding ten miles square … on the river Potomac.” As preparations began, a competition was held to find a builder of the “President’s House.” Nine proposals were submitted, and the Irish-born architect James Hoban won the gold medal for his practical and handsome design. Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife Abigail, moved in. American presidents can express their individual style in how they decorate the house and in how they receive the public. Thomas Jefferson held the first inaugural open house in 1805; many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol simply followed him home. President Jefferson also opened the house for public tours, and it has remained open, except during wartime, ever since. In addition, Jefferson welcomed visitors to annual receptions on New Year’s Day and on the Fourth of July. Abraham Lincoln did the same, but then the inaugural crowds became far too large for the White House to accommodate comfortably, and this also created a security issue. It was not until Grover Cleveland’s first presidency that some effective crowd control measures were implemented to address the problem caused by this practice. At various times in history, the White House has been known as the “President’s Palace,” the “President’s House,” and the “Executive Mansion.” President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901.
【題組】 41. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) The design of the White House.
(B) The location of the White House.
(C) The importance of the White House.
(D) The history of the White House.


1. Bobby cared a lot about his _____ at home and asked his parents not to go through his things without his permission.
(A) discipline
(B) facility
(C) privacy
(D) representation


3. The vacuum cleaner is not working. Let’s send it back to the _____ to have it inspected and repaired.
(A) lecturer
(B) publisher
(C) researcher
(D) manufacturer


8. This year’s East Asia Summit meetings will focus on critical _____ such as energy conservation, food shortages, and global warming.
(A) issues
(B) remarks
(C) conducts
(D) faculties


3. Amy asked her brother to turn down the ______ of the stereo so that she could hear her friend clearly on the phone.
(A) intensity
(B) volume
(C) frequency
(D) operation


1. When Jeffery doesn't feel like cooking, he often orders pizza online and has it ______ to his house.
(A) advanced
(B) delivered
(C) offered
(D) stretched


2. Jane is the best ______ I have ever had. I cannot imagine running my office without her help.
(A) assistant
(B) influence
(C) contribution
(D) politician


2. Jesse is a talented model. He can easily adopt an elegant _____ for a camera shoot.
(A) clap
(B) toss
(C) pose
(D) snap


【精選】 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
