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【精選】 - 郵局◆英文難度:(76~100)
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30. The typhoon that hit southern Taiwan _______ several houses. 
(A) destroyed 
(B) exhausted 
(C) increased 
(D) prevented


A: This is a very tricky problem. B: 
(A) Yes, that’ll be fine. 
(B) That’s very kind of you. 
(C) Let me see how I can help you. 
(D) Here you are.


1.It’s too cold for me to take a cold shower. Please turn on the _____ for me. 


5.It was very kind of him to _____ my mistake. I’d never forget his kindness. 


10._____ a new language is interesting.
(A) I learn
(B) I learning 
(C) Learn
(D) Learning


I tried to________ my son who had just failed an examination, but in vain. 
(A)encourage ‚
(B)occur ƒ
(C)participate „


Kids who live in northern U. S. states are used to having class canceled every now and then because of snow. But on Monday, a number of schools across the Northeast closed their doors _____16_____ a different reason: dangerously cold outdoor temperatures. Throughout the region, temperatures _____17_____ below zero. Schools canceled classes or delayed openings to protect students from the _____18_____ . The wind chill made it feel _____19_____ cold as 25 to 30 degrees below zero. The weathermen issued warnings about the _____20_____ of staying outside in the cold for too long. The cold was expected to last until Thursday.
(A) benefit
(B) danger
(C) fun
(D) truth


Employers and employees have responsibilities to each other; they should also expect their rights to be upheld. These rights and responsibilities relate to areas such as Health and Safety, the provision of Terms and Conditions of Employment, Equal Opportunities and the right to be paid a Minimum Wage. The Health and Safety at Work Acts set out responsibilities and rights for both employees and employers. Employees are expected to carry out their work in a way that has regard to the safety of others. Employers are expected to abide by a range of requirements governing such aspects as providing safe machinery and equipment, carrying out regular health and safety checks, ensuring the training of employees in health and safety issues, and carrying out a risk assessment to assess the dangers of particular work activities. There are also specific regulations about the way in which potentially harmful substances should be used and stored. There are a number of requirements about the minimum temperature at work, and other aspects of working conditions. Employers and employees are expected to meet minimum legal requirements for such areas as Health and Safety at Work, and minimum standards and conditions related to hours, and the treatment of people in the workplace. Along with rights for employees there are corresponding responsibilities such as the expectation to work in a safe way and to have regard for the safety of work colleagues.
【題組】Along with rights for employees, which of the following is also their responsibility?
(A)The expectation to work safely. 
(B)The expectation to eat well.
(C)The expectation to earn much. 
(D)The expectation to talk freely.


     Pawn shops are businesses where people bring their possessions to sell or to get a short-term loan. The United States has about ten thousand of them. In the 
past few years, pawn shops have been doing business with more people than 
ever before. That is because many lenders now do business only with individuals having good credit ratings or a high-paying job. Often, the individuals most in 
need of a loan have poor credit ratings. But they do not need a good job or 
credit rating to get a loan from a pawnbroker. They only need something of value.
When a traditional lender approves a loan, it may be days or weeks before an individual receives the money. But pawnbrokers will give a loan in just a few 
minutes based on the resale value of an object and without asking about the 
person’s job or credit history.
     Many pawn shops specialize in jewelry. But most shops accept almost anything of value, including computers, musical instruments, guns, old coins and other antiques. The item itself acts as the security, or collateral, for the loan. If the loan is not repaid, the object can be sold. Customers can get the object 
back -- called redeeming it -- at any time by repaying the loan plus the interest 
and fees they agreed to pay. Or they can pay the interest and leave the item at 
the pawn shop for a while longer.

47. According to the article, what kind of people become pawn shops’ clients?
(A) People who have very good jobs.
(B) People who are in need of money.
(C) People who work for banks.
(D) People who own two shops.


31. Most young people now cannot ________ to buy a house with their current salaries. 



26. I want to be a soldier when I grow up so that I can ________ my country.  


32. The bag is on sale. We could have a ________.  


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意 【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案】 Widow Sheila Young wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea of online dating. But she took the courage and met a man who changed her life. Sheila, 73, had lost her husband to bowel cancer 18 months earlier. After more than 40 years of marriage, she missed the companionship, conversation and comfort of having someone to share her life. “A niece had tried online dating,” says Sheila. “It didn’t work for her, but one evening I had a couple of glasses of red wine and thought, ‘go for it girl.’ I didn’t tell anyone in case it didn’t work out. I said in my profile simply, ‘I want someone to make me laugh again.’ ” Over a period of three weeks, her inbox was filled with inappropriate messages. Sheila despaired. Then she found Roy Millard, 75. Or rather, he found her. Roy, whose wife Jenny died of ovarian cancer seven years ago, signed up to the dating site without telling a soul. Like Sheila, Roy was looking for a companion, someone to giggle with, to laugh at his jokes. Living 32 miles apart, yet they were perfect for each other. When Sheila’s photograph popped up, he stopped short. He was smitten. Luckily, Sheila liked the look of him too. “It was his eyes, I think,” she says. “Such a twinkle in them.” After three weeks of messaging and talking on the phone, the pair arranged to meet halfway at a garden centre in October 2012. When Sheila pulled in, Roy was already waiting by his car. “We were both nervous,” admits Sheila. “But once we sat down for a coffee, it just felt natural.” Roy adds: “Neither of us wanted the date to end, so we drove to a pub for lunch.” Soon they met each other’s families who got on well right away. They both have lots of great friends and family, and now they are combined. With visits from friends and family and eating out regularly, the couple are rarely at home. “I can’t believe that my life has changed so much,” she says. “When I think of people in my situation being lonely, I feel so lucky.” Roy adds, “We plucked up the courage to do something, and it worked out. Look at the life we have now.”
【題組】48. What did Sheila and Roy have when they went out the first time?
(A) Afternoon tea.
(C)Coffee and lunch. 
(D)Tea and dinner.


19. My house is neither luxurious ______ expensive. In fact, it’s very small and over 30 years old.
(B) and
(D) also


12. Claire has a lot of ________ for playing the piano and needs very little instruction.


15. Because Ivan didn’t have any ________ shoes for the wedding, I lent him one pair.
(A) suitable
(B) organized
(C) involved
(D) simple


17. If you see an ________ person on a bus or on the MRT, you should offer him or her your seat.
(A) ideal
(B) elderly
(C) exotic
(D) empty


24. Nick: I need to go to the drugstore and buy some vitamins.
Mandy: ________
Nick: That’s not true. Vitamins can provide most of the nutrients we need.
(A) I’m in need of them, too.
(B) They’re too good for you.
(C) I cannot agree with you more.
(D) I don’t think those pills would really work.


35. Tom: Hurry! I am afraid we may be late for the show.
Sandy: When will it start?
Tom: ________
Sandy: Then we should rush to the show.
(A) For two hours.
(B) In thirty minutes.
(C) Forty minutes ago.
(D) Until night.


11. I became _____ after a week’s stay in the U.S. I really miss my family.
(A) frighten
(B) fantastic
(C) diligent
(D) homesick


27. Eating moon cakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival is an old _____.
(A) tradition
(B) spirit
(C) rumor
(D) generation


33. After you read my composition, please give me some _____ so that I can improve it.
(A) charity
(B) delight
(C) feedback
(D) crisis


12. _____, Christmas Eve dinner is a gathering time for the entire family.
(A) Previously
(B) Continuously
(C) Traditionally
(D) Execrably


30. The hotel is so popular that it doesn’t have any room _____ this weekend.
(A) original
(B) familiar
(C) available
(D) similar


        Nola Ochs was born in Kansas in 1911. Her life was not extraordinary by most measures. She grew and married, had children and grandchildren, taught in rural schools, and lived the quiet Midwest life. But she was different in one notable way: After her husband died in 1972, Nola began taking classes and eventually earned her associate degree at age 77.
       “I still wanted to go to school. It was fun to go to classes. And if I had an assignment to do in the evening, that occupied my time in a pleasant way,” she recalled. After some years went by, Nola again got the bug to learn.
       Learning takes time, and moving through courses must be done on your own time, at your own pace. When Nola had 30 hours of school left to complete, she moved 100 miles away from her farm, got an apartment and attended classes in person. She graduated with her granddaughter in 2007.
      Nola could have been finished then with her long life of learning. She was, after all, 95 years young. Nola decided to keep going. She lived in the student dorms and got her master’s degree in liberal studies with an emphasis on history three years later, at age 98.
       A hundred years yields a lot of wisdom. But it’s the process that can teach us all. Learn everything you can. Share your crops with the neighbors. And never, never give up on yourself. At 105, Nola finished her memoir.

【題組】48. What did Nola do when she had 30 hours of school left?
(A) She took a break from studying.
(B) She moved 100 miles away and attended classes in person.
(C) She decided to study online.
(D) She dropped out of school.


【精選】 - 郵局◆英文難度:(76~100)-阿摩線上測驗
