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32. The marketing company is hiring workers ____ have years of experience.


19. Because of unstable political and economic situations around the world, the price of gold _________ to a new height.
(A) pauses
(B) soars
(C) continues
(D) drops。


16. The night manager is_____ for overseeing the factory’s operation during night time.
(B)in charge


37. The hospital offers regular ____ services to the nearest metro stations on a daily basis.


29. [ ] The chair is not so _____. One of its legs is broken.
(B) soft
(C) weak
(D) loose


46. This house is so old now. The windows are broken and need to be _____ soon.
(A) released
(B) replaced
(C) recorded
(D) reloaded


40. Mr. Lin wanted you to call him back ______. He seemed to be very worried.


45. A: Who is responsible for the new project? B:___________ . (
(A)The new project involves helping rural communities get more access to English classes
(B)The new project will start next month
(C)The new project will be led by the chairman of the non-profit organization
(D)The new project is expected to cost more than a million dollars


43. Excuse me, can you help me?
(A) Go that way, please.
(B) Sure. What can I do for you?
(C) It is 10 o’clock.
(D) I am going home.


15. What is __________ color? __________ green.
(A) its, Its
(B) it’s, It’s
(C) its, It’s
(D) it’s, Its。


35. Since a typhoon is coming, we can’t ______that our trip will not be cancelled.


17. Pablo Picasso did not speak often about __________, but when he did,it was a form either for decoration or for contradictory.
(A) abstraction
(B) clarity
(C) explicitness
(D) ignorance。


27. The parents argued that the school’s rules are not ________ enough to discourage students from cheating on exams.
(A) severe
(B) funny
(C) weak
(D) magnificent


22. Alice was quick to ________ but slow to accept negative feedback herself.
(A) designate
(B) get into trouble
(C) get away with
(D) criticize


9. __________ of a business involves selling the assets of the firm, paying liabilities, and distributing any remaining assets.
(B) Investigation
(C) Liquidation
(D) Neutralization

16( ).

49-50 The 21st Century is the century of advanced technologies. An important influence of technological change is the revolutionizing of communication. For example, in the past, people wrote letters or talk on phones on fixed landlines, which slowed down the communication process. Now they send e-mail, text or chat using mobile devices. Instead of waiting for weeks for a letter or spending time finding a landline, we can communicate instantly in real time or seconds after a message or email has been sent. New forms of communication are cheaper or free. As a result, now people who live thousands of kilometers away from each other can communicate as much as they want and whenever they want.
【題組】50. Which of the following is NOT true about new forms of communication?
(A) faster
(B) cheaper
(C) slower
(D) free

17( ).

閱讀測驗二 (第 46-50 題)
       Nowadays, many people are trying to lead more energy-efficient lives to protect the environment. One particularly useful thing people can do is purchase an electric car. Most people are aware that electric cars are far more energy-efficient than traditional fuel-burning cars. However, what they may not realize is that once they have bought an electric car, the music they listen to while driving also affects their energy consumption.
       An experiment conducted by a South Korean car manufacturer in 2022 invited a number of drivers to drive their new electric cars. The company asked the drivers, who were all new to electric vehicles, to drive their cars over an 18-mile distance, inclusive of a traffic jam moving along at a glacial pace, country roads and expressways with dual lanes.
      Some of these drivers were instructed to listen to Beethoven while driving. Others were required to listen to a range of pop artists, such as Kanye West and Adele. The results revealed that the relaxing nature of Beethoven’s music resulted in those cars using less battery power than the cars whose drivers listened to pop music. This is because pop music tends to have a higher tempo and heavier beat.
       So, if you own an electric car but still want to make a greater environmental contribution, you can listen to your favorite piece of classical music. _____, if you don’t care about power consumption and want to drive faster, just put on some fast-paced pop tracks!

【題組】49. According to the article, why does listening to classical music while driving a car use less power consumption?
(A) Because of the nature of the music
(B) Because of its lower tempo
(C) Because of its lighter beat
(D) All of the above

18( ).

Parents’ separation can increase behavior problems for children—especially those 5 or younger. But the problem is more evident in high-income families. 
 Families with greater wealth experience a more precipitous shift in financial circumstances when parents separate or divorce than those with few economic resources, leading to more behavior problems, such as aggression and defiance. This is what researchers from Georgetown University and the University of Chicago argue in a study published in the journal Child Development. 
“The negative effects of parental divorce and separation seem to be the worst for the most advantaged. So being wealthy doesn’t seem to protect you from the disruption of divorce and separation,” said Rebecca M. Ryan, an assistant professor of psychology at Georgetown University. “In fact, it’s the opposite.” Excerpted and adapted from Newsweek

【題組】50. According to these passages, which of the following is false ?
(A) Parents’ separation can increase behavior problems for children.
(B) Being wealthy protects you from the disruption of parental divorce and separation.
(C) Aggression and defiance are examples of behavior problems.
(D) Rebecca M. Ryan is an assistant professor of psychology.

19( ).

閱讀測驗 If you hear someone say, “I…I…I…think it’s imp…imp…important t…to respect p…people,” you probably have encountered a stutterer. Sometimes, you may become a little impatient with such a person and thus will think of ways to help him or her speed up their talk. But do these efforts actually help or hinder the speaker? It turns out that what we think might be helpful is actually detrimental. Here are a few tips for conversing with someone who stutters. First, never mock or imitate a stutterer. As you can imagine, this will only make the speaker feel bad and may lead to even greater occurrence of stuttering, especially among children. Second, do not finish a sentence or even a word for the person. Although you might think this will aid the speaker, in fact it will lead to greater self-consciousness and thus eventually to more stuttering. Finally, do not look away as if you are bored. Your body language will speak volumes to the stutterer. Is there instead anything you can do to help him or her? Yes! Concentrate on the message itself rather than on the delivery of the message. Keep steady eye contact and speak in a relaxed manner. All of us want to communicate effectively. Let’s make it easier for those with special needs.
【題組】49. Which word can be substituted for detrimental in the first paragraph?
(B) strange
(C) harmful
(D) incomprehensible

20( ).

Stephen Hawking – Science’s Brightest Star Professor Stephen Hawking was born on January 8th, 1942 in Oxford, England, and died at the age of 76. As a world renowned British physicist, he sought to explain some of the most complicated questions of life while suffering from motor neuron disease from the age of 21. The focus of Hawking’s research was on explaining the creation of the universe and how it is governed. He said: “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.” But the power of his intellect contrasted cruelly with the weakness of his body. He was confined for most of his life to a wheelchair. As his physical condition worsened, he had to speak through a voice synthesizer and communicate by moving his eyebrows. But Hawking never gave up on his dreams. He became internationally famous after publishing his book called A Brief History of Time in 1988. This book was on his recent discoveries about the universe, but written in a simple and understandable manner for the general public. For the contributions he had made, Stephen Hawking will spend eternity in the company of some other famous scientists like Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin in Westminster Abbey. Stephen Hawking will forever be a great source of inspiration for many people. People will always remember him for his ability to prevail, to go beyond boundaries and to believe in himself.
【題組】48. Towards the end of Hawking’s life, he couldn’t use many parts of his body for communication except?
(A) arms
(B) legs
(C) shoulders
(D) eyebrows


