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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(376~400)
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17. The weather was _____ hot yesterday.
(A) pretty
(B) slowly
(C) stinky
(D) yummy


Do you    51    traveling? Many people do. There are many benefits of traveling for people of all ages. It gives people a chance to see new places   52  do new things. It also allows people to experience new cultures and meet new people. The good news for travelers is that international travel has never been easier. Not only are there many modes of transportation available, but the Internet makes bookings and reservations    53    . While     54    people have always traveled to exotic places, organized tours have now made it possible for everyone to enjoy the world around them. Tours are also designed to    55    the needs of people with very different budget requirements. With so many ways to travel, what are you waiting for?
(A) try
(B) enjoy
(C) dislike
(D) participate


25. I’d like to ___ this phone for another one, please.
(A) exchange
(B) exchanges
(C) exchanging
(D) exchanged


41. Janet is ___ so she will be on leave next month.
(A) pregnant
(B) multiple
(C) expensive
(D) financial


42. I’m ________. Let’s go get a drink in the convenience store.
(A) busy
(C) funny
(D) thirsty


64. A: (On the phone) I’d like to speak to the general manager. B: _____________
(A) Cheer up.
(B) Hold on.
(C) Back off.
(D) Slow down.


4. The long dark days and lack of a job made Mike feel_.
(A) alarmed
(B) excited
(C) satisfied
(D) depressed


23. Stop sprinkling pepper on your soup, or it may get too _____.
(A) smooth
(B) spicy
(C) superficial
(D) slippery


25. The young man was in a serious car accident, but he luckily ____ .
(A) survived
(B) escaped
(C) succeeded
(D) remained


27. There are many electronic products for customers to _______.
(A) conflict
(B) restrict
(C) purchase
(D) advise


6. The thief wore a black_so that no one could recognize him.
(A) message
(B) mask
(C) master
(D) muscle


70 A: What do you think about this jacket? B: I like the style, but I don’t like the color. A: Don’t worry.______________________
(A)It comes in black and gray, too.
(B)It’s a windbreaker.
(C)Its color won’t come off after wash.
(D)It’s on sale today.


1. Much of the waste produced by modern people can be reduced by __________.
(A) frugality
(B) dump
(C) recycling
(D) circulation


42. The general manager asked his secretary to __________ his meeting schedule with the clients.
(A) achieve
(B) hold
(C) confirm
(D) prefer


27. ___ bags belong to ___.
(A) That; they
(B) That; them
(C) Those; there
(D) Those; them


18. I hate ______ comments. I cannot stand people who always criticize.


1 • The sea food looks delicious. I would like_____it as the main course.
(A) ordering
(B) orders
(C) to order
(D) ordered


22. Taipei 101 is the most famous _____ in the city and attracts many tourists from in and outside the country each year.
(A) landmark
(B) benchmark
(C) indicator
(D) street sign


16. Alex runs 42 km on Saturday because he wants to participate in a_race next year.
(A) malady
(B) melody
(C) methodology
(D) marathon


1. Jenny left Hong Kong_Friday.
(A) in
(B) at
(C) between
(D) on


四、閱讀測驗 第一篇: Every year on October 31, millions of people around the world celebrate Halloween. In North America, children dress up in costumes to play pranks and ask their neighbors for candy – a tradition known as “trick-or-treating.” People in Mexico, Italy, and other countries visit the graves of family members and often say prayers or leave flowers on gravestones. Most historians think that Halloween started in Europe about 2,000 years ago. The Celts, who lived in and around Ireland, celebrated “Samhain” every year, which means ‘the end of summer.’ The Celts believed that the dead came back to life on the last night of October, so they would light bonfires and wear costumes to protect themselves. They also offered gifts of food to the dead and the poor. On Samhain, young Celtic women would secretly mark apples before dropping them into a tub of water. Men would then grab the apples with their mouths to find out whom they would marry. This game, known as “bobbing for apples,” is still played at Halloween parties in many countries. However, it’s no longer used for matchmaking. By the ninth century, Christianity had reached the Celts. The Catholic church already celebrated dead saints on “All Saints' Day” – also known as “All Hallows’ Day” – on November 1st. Therefore, they combined Samhain with that holiday, calling it “All Hallows' Eve.” The name was eventually shortened to “Halloween.” Soon, people in Ireland and the UK started their own Halloween traditions. The most common was “mumming and souling.” Poor families would visit their wealthier neighbors wearing costumes (“mumming”) to entertain them, or offering to pray for their dead relatives (“souling”), in exchange for treats. Another tradition involved carving scary faces into vegetables and placing them in windows or doors to scare away evil spirits. The Irish brought this practice to the US, where it’s still very popular. Most Americans don’t believe in evil spirits, but according to the US Department of Agriculture, about 148 million of them will carve a pumpkin this Halloween.
【題組】41. Which title best suits this passage?
(A)The history of the Celts.
(B) The history of Halloween.
(C) The origin of Jack-O-Lantern.
(D)The origin of Trick-or-Treating.


26. The French restaurant is very popular, so if we would like to have dinner there, we need to make a ________.
(A) reservation
(B) explanation
(C) conversation
(D) protection


41. A: Can you please mail these letters and postcards for me?
B: Sure. Did you address and stamp them?
A: ________________________
B: You're welcome.
(A) Yes. Thanks for your help.
(B) I have ten letters.
(C) Where is the post office?
(D) The mailbox is in front of the post office.


32. Wars and deaths _____ us of the importance of love and respect for each other.
(A) operate
(B) remind
(C) blame
(D) avoid


第 17 至 20 題為題組 
To: Grace Yang
Date: 6 September
Subject: Invitation to job interview

Dear Grace,

Thank you for your application for the position of sales manager.
We would like to invite you for an interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at
our office at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.

You will meet with our head of sales, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about
45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to find out more about the
position and learn more about our company.

Please bring your CV and references to the interview. You will also need to show a
form of ID at reception to receive a visitor’s pass. Please ask for me as soon as you
arrive. If you have any questions or you wish to reschedule, please call me on
555-1234 or email me by 12 September.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best Regards,

Anna Green
Human Resources Assistant

【題組】18. The job interview is arranged on _______.
(A) 21 September
(B) 12 September
(C) 6 September
(D) 30 September


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(376~400)-阿摩線上測驗
