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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2316~2320)
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請依下文回答第 32 題至第 36 題  To the Wappo Indians who first inhabited the valley, “Napa” meant a land of plenty. Spawning salmon filledthe waterways, clouds of migrating waterfowl darkened the skies, and the valley floor served as home to wildcats,black bears, and grizzlies. Wild grapes also grew in abundance, but it took a while for early settlers such asGeorge Yount to recognize the valley’s potential for cultivating wine grapes. Establishing the first localhomestead in what is now Yountville in 1836, Yount was the first to plant vineyards in the valley. Other pioneersincluded John Patchett, who planted the first commercial vineyard; Dr. George Crane, who promoted the plantingof grapevines through a series of newspaper articles; and Hamilton Crabb, who experimented with more than 400grape varieties. However, a huge threat to Napa Valley’s wine business arrived in 1920, with the enactment of Prohibition.Vineyards were abandoned, and many winemakers found other trades during the next 14 years. Only a handful ofwineries continued to operate by producing sacramental wines. With the end of Prohibition in 1933, NapaValley’s wine industry began its renaissance period. Particularly in the early 1940s, a group of vintners cametogether to share ideas on grape growing and winemaking amidst a cheerful atmosphere. This group laid thefoundation for the Napa Valley Vintners, a dynamic trade organization dedicated to advancing Napa Valley’swines both domestically and abroad. Today, Napa Valley is home to almost 400 wineries. Its growers andvintners combine cutting-edge science with traditional techniques, and its reputation for producing world-classwines is firmly established in the global market.
【題組】34 If you had been in Napa Valley in the 1920s, what would you have probably seen?
(A)A group of winemakers organized a foundation to promote the wine business.
(B)Few people were running the wine industry because of the restriction of the law.
(C)Growers and vintners adopted highly-technological skills to produce superb wine.
(D)Wild grapes were seen here and there while the wine business was still in its infancy.


123. Tens of thousands of people _______ in the square to protest against the unfair legal system.
(A) summoned
(B) assembled
(C) glanced
(D) gambled


134. Ben is a _______; he has been convicted of both robbery and murder.
(A) creamer
(B) creeper
(C) criminal
(D) crime


341. The heavy rain kept me _______ going to the mountain, so I stayed home last Sunday.
(A) from
(B) for
(C) with
(D) on


14. Inexperienced workers cannot _____ such a difficult project, which requires more than academic training at school.
(A)read into
(B)take on
(C)go by
(D)act on


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2316~2320)-阿摩線上測驗
