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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2356~2360)
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21.The failure of Mexico’s inability to service foreign bank debt in 1982 led to almost a decade of financial contraction and economic recession, or even ______ .
(A) depression
(B) resources
(C) prosperity
(D) management


36 There is a debate going on right now over __________ to make mercy killing legal or not.
(A) what
(B) there
(C) either
(D) whether


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題 
 A “No Kissing” sign has been unveiled at Warrington Bank Quay railway station in northern England. The 26 is 
to stop departing passengers from pulling up at a crowded drop-off point to kiss goodbye. The spokesman of Virgin Rail, 
which runs the station, says that they have 27 the sign because the drop-off point is not a big area and drivers block 
the access to the station while saying goodbye to departing passengers. The “No Kissing” sign is necessary in order to 
make the station more 28 . Passengers are not 29 from kissing, says the spokesman. If they want to spend more 
time with their loved ones and kiss goodbye, they 30 to park in the short-stay car park nearby. 

(A) torn down
(B) put up
(C) passed on
(D) given in


第 44 題至第 46 題為題組 If Sir Henry Head had not thought of a possible connection between the nerves on the soles of the feet and the rest of the body back in the 1890s, then the principle of reflexology would never have seen the light of day. Head worked on the idea that every area of the human body is represented on the soles of the feet. He managed to prove that there is a strong connection between these areas and the internal organs. Using a special kind of thumb or finger pressure, the reflexologist slowly massages the surface nerves of the sole, bringing about a reflex response. In this way, the reflexologist can easily detect dysfunctions in the body. Unfortunately, reflexology is often mistakenly associated with foot massage, but it is in fact far more complex. Reflexology not only helps to relieve patients from stress, but it also combats a variety of ailments. Reflexology is earning its place alongside mainstream complementary medicine as more and more people turn to it.
【題組】45 As used in the passage, what does the phrase “see the light of day” mean?
(A)Awake from sleep
(B)Believe in a religion
(C)Come into existence
(D)Define the scope


3 Garlic may help lower blood pressure levels but its dragon-breath effects can last _______ 72 hours.
(A) so long
(B) up to
(C) so long to
(D) around to


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2356~2360)-阿摩線上測驗
