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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2371~2375)
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請依下文回答第 13 題至第 17 題 
       Tono, a city of nearly 32,000 in rural northern Japan, lost its last obstetrician five years ago. It has been desperately seeking for a replacement, but up to now there has been no success. In the meantime, the city has adopted a high-tech measure that may portend the future of child delivery in Japan: pregnant women are examined remotely by obstetricians using real-time data transmitted to the doctors’ cellphones. When the doctors judge that a patient is about to go into labor, the woman heads for the nearest city with a maternity ward—usually Kamaishi,which can be reached by a 40-minute drive on a winding, mountainous, one-lane road to the east. 
       Yukie Kikuchi, the city’s sole practicing midwife, said she was pleased and relieved now that obstetricians could remotely examine pregnant women here. Pregnancy examinations are usually done at the patient’s home or at a local clinic. During the examination, a machine hooked to the patient’s stomach records the baby’s heartbeatand sends the information over a cellular network to the cellphone of Dr. Toshihiro Ogasawara at Kamaishi Hospital. 
        Besides Tono, three other cities adopted the system last fall, said Mr. Kikuchi, the city’s health official.

【題組】14 How are pregnant women in Tono examined during their pregnancy?
(A)They are examined remotely by the midwife Ms. Yukie Kikuchi through cellphones.
(B)They are examined remotely by Dr. Toshihiro Ogasawara through cellphones.
(C)They are examined personally by Mr. Kikuchi, the city’s health official.
(D)They are examined personally by Dr. Toshihiro Ogasawara at a Tono hospital.


1 Economists attribute the rising income______ to the shift in favor of the most skilled workers; they have the highest pay, while those who are not competent enough are paid low.


37 Doctors are___________ to keep their patients’ records secret.
(A) offended
(B) obtained
(C) obliged
(D) obscured


581. Although numerous sopranos have played the role Norma, I regard Maria Callas as the eternal and _______ Casta Diva. She can never be taken the place of in my mind.
(A) partial
(B) radical
(C) irreparable
(D) irreplaceable


644. Owing to the limited number of seats, each class will be _____ only three.
(A) unable
(B) obsessive
(C) allotted
(D) consistent


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2371~2375)-阿摩線上測驗
