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▲閱讀下文,回答第 31-35 題 Imagine that you work for an international corporation. Your boss has decided to send you abroad (31) an important deal. You arrive for the meeting on time, and the CEO and top corporate officers are waiting there. What do you do? Do you shake hands? Make eye contact? That may depend (32) what country you are in. Nowadays, business is becoming more international. How do you learn to make a good impression on foreign colleagues, greet them, get to know them, and negotiate with them? In your own country, you learn business manners bit by bit over the years, just as a child learns his or her first language. (33), when you travel overseas, you must often learn business etiquette quickly. Experts suggest that you spend at least thirty hours (34) the target country. Probably the best way is to take "Business Culture 100" courses (35) by experienced consultants. In addition, there are books, videos, and Internet sites that introduce you to specific cultures. You can also talk to colleagues who have worked in the country you plan to visit.
(A) research
(B) to research
(C) for research
(D) researching


▲閱讀下文,回答第 36-40 題 For a long time, garlic is considered to be one of the strongest flavors that cooks can add to any dish. Many people believe it is good for one's health. But its smell makes people stay away from it. There is no doubt that garlic would (36) far more widely if it didn't smell so bad. So, is there any way to get rid (37) that terrible smell? The answer is yes. One of the most interesting solutions is to use stainless steel. Thanks to its chemical structure, stainless steel can absorb the chemicals within garlic. (38), doing this actually improves the quality of the steel. Try it yourself ! If you have a garlic smell on your hands, rub them (39) with something made of stainless steel, such as a pot, colander, utensil, or other metal object in the kitchen, and you would find the garlic smell being taken away. Of course, this doesn't solve the bad breath problem. (40) parsley is said to help with garlic breath. Therefore, parsley is often cooked with garlic.
(A) Eat
(B) Being eaten
(C) Eating
(D) Has eaten


▲閱讀下文,回答第 46-50 題
  Some people scream when they see a five-centimeter-long cockroach. Imagine seeing a flying insect with wings 70 centimeters wide! That was the size of the largest known insect, a dragonfly that lived some 200 million years ago. Today's dragonflies are much smaller, but they may still have a wingspan of 18 centimeters. Though most are not that large, they are all highly-attractive insects. Actually, the common name dragonfly refers to two major kinds of insects-dragonflies and damselflies. The former are longer and thicker, resting with their wings outstretched; the smaller damselflies close their glasslike wings above their backs when resting.
  Although excellent fliers, dragonflies and damselflies spend most of their life cycle in water. The young hatch from eggs and spend from one to three years at the bottom of streams or ponds. There, they consume nearly anything smaller than themselves, helping to reduce insect pests. In their adult phase, these insects leave the water in late spring and spend summer flying near their homes, eating large numbers of harmful insects. Dragonflies bear a fearful name because legend used to have it that they could sting people with their tails. The truth is that they can neither bite nor sting. Because of their colorful and shiny appearance, dragonflies are a delightful gift of nature.

【題組】47. According to the passage, what difference is described between dragonflies and damselflies?
(A) Their size.
(B) Their diet.
(C) Their life cycle.
(D) Their habitat.


16. Thomas recently received a promotion at work, but he is _______ working in his old position until the end of this month.
(A) annually
(B) currently
(C) originally
(D) previously


▲閱讀下文,回答第 46-50 題
         Urban areas offer numerous opportunities for career growth, education, healthcare, entertainment, and cultural experiences. The concentration of resources in cities can foster personal and professional development. Moreover, individuals from diverse backgrounds create a rich mix of traditions, languages, and food. Exposure to varied cultures can broaden one’s perspectives, promote tolerance, and facilitate cross-cultural interactions. However, urban living does come with its fair share of drawbacks. The cost of living in cities is notably higher than in rural areas. Heavy traffic often results in lengthy commutes and heightened stress levels. Additionally, the associated air pollution poses health risks. Urban living may also bring safety concerns due to higher crime rates in certain areas. In conclusion, urban living offers a dynamic mix of advantages and disadvantages that shape the lives of those who choose to call the city their home.

【題組】49. According to the passage, what can urban living promote?
(A) Isolation and prejudice.
(B) Environmental conservation.
(C) Acceptance to diverse cultures.
(D) Limited networking opportunities.



Shihyuan Chen剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分