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37 While working on the farm, Jimmy had to milk the cows twice a day as one of his______ .
(A) chores
(B) problems
(C) puzzles
(D) trials


38 Steve had a(n)______ time at the Thanksgiving feast with his family.
(A) indecisive
(B) terrific
(C) tempting
(D) insensitive


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       Scientists believe they have found help for older people suffering from poor eyesight. The solution is shining a special red light in the eyes for three minutes. Doctors say a three-minute daily __41__ of the special red light for two weeks could help improve age-related vision problems. The study was __42__ out by a team from University College London. Researchers conducted tests on 24 men and women aged between 28 and 72. They said some cells that help us__43__ light had deteriorated in the older people. Doctors say their red light improved the __44__ of these people to detect different colors, particularly blue. The vision of these older people improved by as much as 22 percent. The research team is now looking for a__45__ partner to produce the special red light with the right wavelength and reliable quality. Doctor Jeffrey, the co-author of the study, said that the populations are aging rapidly and people should get ready for this.

(A) political
(B) numerous
(C) agricultural
(D) commercial


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