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        Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day of the year. People often give flowers, chocolates and they send Valentine’s cards as well. Lots of people take their loved one for a romantic meal, to the theater, or even on a special Valentine holiday! But until recently message-writing was always the most important Valentine’s tradition. Good love is always about good communication. Today, many people think that Valentine’s Day is too easy and too commercial. Card shops sell Valentine cards every year, and people spend a lot of money on chocolates and sweets! Sending a text message by mobile phone is even easier! But really romantic people can always find unusual and personal ways to say “I love you” on this special day.
【題組】49 According to this passage, _________ is more important than Valentine presents.
(A)a card shop
(B)a mobile phone
(C)a Valentine holiday
(D)good communication between lovers


  Lily was very excited on her way to school. This was the day her sixth-grade class was going on its field trip to the town historical museum. As she looked out the bus window, she noticed that the bus was stopping at her friend Susan’s house. She watched as Susan and her little sister climbed aboard the bus.
  Some children in the class were looking forward to the trip because they usually didn’t get to ride a bus to school. Others in the class had been enjoying the study of their town’s history and learning about what early life had been like for their ancestors.
  Soon they were at school and joined the rest of the sixth graders in homeroom. Obviously, by the chatter around them, their classmates were just as excited as they were. (請依據上述文章,回答36~39題)

【題組】37 How did Lily’s classmates feel about their field trip?
(A)It was a routine activity.
(B)It was very boring.
(C)It was time-consuming.
(D)It was fun and educational.


36 That cake on the table looks very delicious, ____?
(A) isn’t
(B) doesn’t it
(C) is that
(D) does that .


  The 30-Hour Famine is a program of World Vision, an international Christian relief and development organization established in the 1950s and dedicated to helping children in the world, because “when children have food, shelter and schooling and are protected, valued and loved, a community thrives.” 
  Each year, World Vision decides which countries will receive funding from the 30-Hour Famine. In 2001, for example, the money went to Rwanda, India, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Guatemala, Mali, Tanzania and the fund raising countries. In India, the money is being used to rescue children from sweatshops. In Ethiopia, where a drought has swept the land and robbed it of its vegetation, the money is being used for reforestation and soil management programs. Eighty per cent of all money raised goes to help children, with the other 20 per cent spent on staff salaries and marketing to increase awareness of world hunger.
  Now that you know about the 30-Hour Famine and the difference it can make for children around the world, what are you going to do? You can visit , learn about the campaigns in your country, register to participate in a 30-Hour Famine and plunge whole-heartedly into your hunger!

【題組】41 The 30-Hour Famine was started so that people around the world could _____ .
(A)improve children’s lives
(B)participate in more volunteering work
(C)help poor countries do soil management
(D)gain a better understanding of what hunger means


39 ___ as the two government leaders could not reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
(A) As long
(B) As much
(C) As soon
(D) As many


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
        For decades, childhood obesity rates have been on the rise. Now some U.S. cities are seeing progress in their fight against fat. New York City showed a 5.5% drop in the number of overweight children from 2007 to 2011. Philadelphia showed a 4.7% drop, and Los Angeles a 3% drop. Declining childhood obesity rates have also been reported in parts of Mississippi, the state with the highest obesity rate in the nation.
        In 2011, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began a project to combat childhood obesity. The project’s goal is to find ways to make healthy changes in a community’s schools, food stores, parks and other places. For example, Philadelphia works with an organization called the Food Trust to connect schools with local farms and bring fresh vegetables to cafeterias. New York City has required chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus. Mississippi created a program called “Fruits & Veggies: More Matters” to teach kids how to add healthy foods to their daily diets. These examples send a clear message: Any community that makes these kinds of changes over a few years will see their children get healthier.
        Now schools nationwide are doing their part. Fried food has disappeared from many cafeteria menus. Whole-wheat bread has replaced white bread. Drinks like water and low-fat milk have replaced sugary beverages, including fruit punch, sports drinks and soda. Many schools have banned junk food and require healthier snack options in vending machines.

【題組】44 Which measure was taken by Philadelphia to combat childhood obesity?
(A)Establishing chain restaurants all over the city.
(B)Providing fresh vegetables in school cafeterias.
(C)Giving calorie information on restaurant menus.
(D)Teaching children how to go on a healthy diet.


49 To stay healthy, many people are now rushing to_______ a low calorie diet.
(A) adopt
(B) admire
(C) appeal
(D) allow


45 If you did not eat your meals, you ________ enough energy to play games, stay awake, or even think.
(A) had not had
(B) did not have
(C) would not have
(D) would not have had


48 I don’t remember ever ____ a versatile person like our English teacher before.
(D)to meet


What will life be like in the future? Many people are busy making predictions about the future. Scientists and engineers find out how current technology can be further developed. Other scholars are deeply concerned about ecology and the kinds of energy we should use to protect the environment in the future. Writers put their imaginative ideas about the future into science fiction novels. One example is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, which is a story about a scientist who tried to create a new human being. Today science fiction writers write about life on other planets and how human beings can live longer. People from all walks of life are involved in thinking about the future because our survival may depend upon it.
【題組】10 According to the passage, making predictions about the future is_____ .
(A) ridiculous
(B) interesting, but not very useful
(C) very important
(D) dangerous


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Around the world, more and more women are working outside the home. In the United States, around 70 percent of women with children under 18 41 another job besides that of mother and homemaker. Most 42 in traditional fields for women, such as clerical, sales, education, and service. However, a growing number choose a career 43 necessitates spending many hours away from home. These women are engineers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and scientists, and a few have begun to occupy executive positions in business, government, and banking, 44 through the so-called glass ceiling. Nowadays, some women work full time, some part time, and some seek creative solutions 45 flex-time work schedules and job sharing. Many are single mothers raising children by themselves. But in most cases, one income in the household is simply not enough, so both parents must work to support the family.
【題組】請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Around the world, more and more women are working outside the home. In the United States, around 70 percent of women with children under 18 41 another job besides that of mother and homemaker. Most 42 in traditional fields for women, such as clerical, sales, education, and service. However, a growing number choose a career 43 necessitates spending many hours away from home. These women are engineers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and scientists, and a few have begun to occupy executive positions in business, government, and banking, 44 through the so-called glass ceiling. Nowadays, some women work full time, some part time, and some seek creative solutions 45 flex-time work schedules and job sharing. Many are single mothers raising children by themselves. But in most cases, one income in the household is simply not enough, so both parents must work to support the family.
(A)now that
(B)so that
(C)even though
(D)such as


36. Visitors love ______ the museum is so close to the shopping center and that several restaurants and cafes are within walking distance.
(A) as long as
(B) truth be told
(C) none other than
(D) the fact that


36 I would like to __________ for dropping your cell phone on the ground and I promise it won’t happen again.


38 After taking a break from his injuries, the athlete will return to practice soccer______ with his other teammates.


30 The old man was ________ at his next-door neighbor for playing loud music all night long.
(A) ill
(B) key
(C) mad
(D) shy


