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2. By ______ the team, we can all make a positive difference and achieve our ideal.
(A) fixing
(B) participating
(C) attaching
(D) joining


12If they want to win this big competition, they will have to ______ each other.
(A) corporate
(B) coordinate
(C) correlate
(D) cooperate


17Be careful about revealing your personal information ______ the Internet.
(A) in
(B) by
(C) on
(D) with


20The dancers were busy ______ their moves before the big dance competition.
(A) practice
(B) to practice
(C) to practicing
(D) practicing


22M: ____________ F: Obviously it’s up to you, but it’s a good option and you get to try different types of food.
(A) Would you recommend the set menu?
(B) Would you come with me?
(C) Would you like this type?
(D) Would you like the options we offer?


27F: I heard you are going to study abroad. M: Yes, I will be moving to London next month. F: ____________ M: Friends and food, I guess.
(A) Have you been abroad?
(B) Do you like travelling?
(C) What is your dream?
(D) What do you think you will miss?


29M: I need to take my girlfriend out for dinner. Can you recommend a French restaurant? F: ____________
(A) Sure, what’s your budget?
(B) How about going to a movie?
(C) I am having dinner now.
(D) I can’t believe it.


▲閱讀下文,回答第 31 - 35 題 Both hydropower and solar power are energy sources that do not consume limited resources 31 instead take advantage of renewable ones - water for hydropower and the sun for solar power - using them to generate energy 32 eliminating them from other uses. Neither hydropower 33 solar power creates significant pollution or waste. Hydropower is much more 34 used, accounting for about 6 percent of the energy 35 in the United States in 2008.
【題組】 31.
(A) to
(B) but
(C) and
(D) or


(A) supply
(B) offer
(C) amount
(D) basis


▲閱讀下文,回答第 36 - 40 題 Credit cards are very common among American users. 36 it is very convenient to use a credit card instead of carrying cash, there are 37 behind this plastic money. America’s 78 million credit cardholders carried an 38 balance of $7,564 last year. The cost in interest and fees amounted 39 more than $1,000 for the typical budget. Most of us go on spending sprees from time to time. When power shopping creates the illusion of success, there is more danger behind. Some obvious signs that spending is out of control include making 40 , payments on your credit cards, late fees, bounced checks, lack of a budget and loss of sleep over money worries.
(A) downwards
(B) donations
(C) drawbacks
(D) downsides


(A) in
(B) on
(C) of
(D) to


▲閱讀下文,回答第 41 - 45 題 When Apple introduced the iPad in April 2010, it was doing what it likes to do best: creating a new category to dominate, as it had done with the iPod and iPhone. By the end of the year, the company had sold nearly 15 million iPads, generating about $9.5 billion in revenue; the company said that 65,000 apps had been tailored for the iPad. The market for tablet computers is far more competitive now than when Apple introduced the iPad. In 2011, companies like Samsung, Motorola and HP have brought out tablet computers. And in Spring 2011 iPad2 still keeps Apple’s lead in the market. Competitors have not been able to match Apple’s tablet on features or price.
【題組】43What does “revenue” mean?
(A) Reward.
(B) Income.
(C) Profit.
(D) Expense.


【題組】45How many applications have been designed for iPad, according to the passage?
(A) Fifteen million.
(B) More than nine billion.
(C) Sixty-five thousand.
(D) More than ten million.


▲閱讀下文,回答第 46 - 50 題 “Fast fashion” is a term fashion used to define a trend in which clothes move from idea to the market in just two weeks. When top designers display their work on fashion shows of London, New York, and Paris, hundreds of other clothing makers make detailed notes on all their latest styles and designs. Then, similar designs are quickly sent to factories and in a week or so, stylish new outfits are on sale in the streets of Europe, America, and Asia at a much lower cost of the original designer clothes. Therefore, some popular items would appear and disappear within a week.
【題組】47How long does it take to produce fast fashion?
(A) Within a week.
(B) Four months.
(C) A year.
(D) About two weeks.



Shihyuan Chen剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分